A/N: Thanks again to everyone for reading. This is the end of the fic. A new one will be up next week. :)

A/N2: A shout out to Cinderella1268. Thank you so much for your review. They have always made me smile. I hope you like the ending and I hope you're ready for the next story. ;)


Three weeks later, both Nick and Olivia were out of the hospital and well on their way to recovery. The rest of the blood test results came in a few days after talking with Tucker and luckily Olivia was clear. Since her release from the hospital, Elliot had been taking good care of Olivia and had helped her finish what she started with the adoption papers for Noah. Despite Barba's cautions against listing the father on the paperwork, Olivia insisted, and Elliot understood. Olivia spent most of her childhood wondering who her father was and despite the awful things he had done to her mother, she had always wanted to know. Noah would know one way or the other and he could make the decision to love his adoptive mother just as he always had or to learn about his biological parents and go from there.

"Can I ask you a question?" Elliot said as he put the finishing touches on the decorations for the party that he and Olivia were holding to celebrate the official adoption completion.

"Sure, anything," she smiled from her spot on the couch. Noah was sitting next to her playing with his new toys from Jimmy upstairs.

"Would you mind if I was put as an emergency contact for Noah? I know that technically he's a Benson but I want to be there for the little guy," Elliot said as he maneuvered and sat down on the other side of Noah on the couch.

"You think you're going somewhere Stabler?" She gave him a quizzical look.

"Never. My place is here with you and our little bundle of joy that's on the way, I just wasn't sure if you'd want to do it. You started this process before I got here and I wasn't sure how far you wanted to go," he admitted, taking her hand in his, just behind Noah.

"Noah loves you and I think the best thing we could do for him is have him change his last name, one more time," Olivia winked at him.

"I would be honored to adopt the little guy," Elliot beamed.

"Good because it's already done. I changed the paperwork before slipping into that envelope you took to Judge Linden's office," she smirked.

"You sneaky little devil," he laughed before leaning over carefully and giving her a kiss.

"I'm glad you asked. To be honest, I wanted someone to be able to take care of Noah should something happen to me. It's a scary thought that when I was a single mom that there would be no one that could make decisions and help him if I wasn't available. I couldn't let him feel abandoned, not after everything he's been through," Olivia admitted.

"You know I will love him like he's my own," he said.

"I know and that's why I did it. I know I should have asked but I can't imagine life without either of you and I hoped that we would be a family," she told him.

"When it comes to you and the things you love, you don't have to ask. Well as long as they aren't crazy, then you should always ask," Elliot pointed out.

"I'll keep that in mind," Olivia laughed. Just then the door buzzer rang and Elliot hopped up off the couch. He went over to the button and asked who was there.

"Fin, Rollins, and Nick. Carisi said he'd be swinging by separately. Something about getting something he'd forgotten," the elder detective told him.

"Come on up," Elliot said, pushing the button.

"Well it looks like we're going to get this party started Noah. We best get you off the couch," Olivia said, automatically reaching for him.

"Oh no you don't. No baby lifting until after the doctor checks those ribs of yours," Elliot came over and picked up the little tyke before setting him in his playpen and moving the toys too.

"I can't believe I have to wait another three weeks," she groaned.

"Me neither baby but we really shouldn't talk about our bedroom activities in front of the child," he teased. She would have smacked him in the arm if she wasn't trying to carefully extract herself from the couch.

"Elliot Stabler," she gave him a look.

"What?" He chuckled as there was a knock on the door. He went over and ushered the team in.

"Hey guys," he smiled.

"Thanks for having us," Rollins smiled right before she went right over to Noah.

"Don't be eyeing him now. He's off the market," Elliot joked.

"I can't help it. He is such a cutie," Rollins smiled. It was a rare sight for the blonde who had had enough family drama in her lifetime to last another lifetime.

"That he is," Fin chuckled.

"No denying that," Nick nodded as he worked his way over to the oversized armchair and hassock. Elliot helped him get into the chair and prop his leg up. The leg was encased in a knee support brace which allowed him to adjust it slightly when the wound in his thigh bothered him and it supported his damaged knee. At the time of the incident everyone had been focused on his thigh because of the damage there and the blood loss but the knee injury had been noticed by the paramedics upon further proper medical inspection.

"You good?" The elder man asked.

"Nice and comfy," Nick smirked. Elliot nodded and then buzzed off to get people drinks.

"Thanks for the beer and the wine guys," he said while he divvied out drinks. He handed Olivia an iced tea. She pouted just to tease him.

"No problem. Hope we brought enough," Amanda said. She was now sitting in one of the chairs from the kitchen table with Noah on her lap.

"Oh I'm sure you did. We've got three who can't have any," Elliot winked as he handed Noah a sippy cup of apple juice.

"Yeah he's a little young to start that," Rollins laughed as she took the wine glass in her free hand. There was a knock on the door and Elliot headed over. The buzzer hadn't rung but he figured that Carisi came in with someone else.

"Sorry I'm late," the newer detective said.

"What have you got there?" Elliot looked at him, very surprised.

"My cousin had twins and they were done with the stroller so I thought you and the Sergeant could use it," Carisi smiled.

"That's fantastic," Elliot smiled and helped him get it through the door. Olivia looked up and saw the massive two seater stroller and said,


"For us, Liv. Well more for the kids," Elliot admitted.

"Carisi, I don't know what to say…" Olivia trailed off.

"No worries. Just thought it might be helpful to bring the little tykes into the office when you needed to," he gave a wink.

"Oh I see. Everyone wants to see my kids," Olivia laughed.

"Well if the other one is half as cute as Noah…" Rollins said. To this everyone laughed.

"It's a deal," Olivia smirked. Together they enjoyed the afternoon, talking, laughing, and enjoying. Soon however, it was time to say goodbye.

A few weeks later when Nick was leaving for Los Angeles, he promised them he would stay in touch. Olivia gave him a big hug and told him that she would miss him and that she appreciated him putting up with her reluctance at the beginning of their partnership. He told her that she was glad that she'd put up with him and that he would always be grateful for his time with her and with the team. Everyone watched him walk into security at the airport, saying their final goodbyes. While it was sad to see him go, they knew he would be in good hands across the country.

They then quickly split up, everyone having to get back to work the next day. Elliot and Olivia hopped into a cab with Noah and the latter reflected on how things had so drastically changed in the last few months. She had been alone but now she had a family and she was determined to hang onto that family for as long as she could.