Well everyone, I am officially leaving this site because I apparently, to my mirth, have gotten under the skin of an online harasser who has, after losing over 70 false accounts, has decided to spam this story and I'm assuming others to follow suit, with over 700 harassing spam reviews. All of them tagged by the same name so obviously they are using what they would consider to be a DDOS-style program.
Why is this important? Well, Project Mecha will be deleted from this site and those spam-reviews will be left up as a record for the Admins to see, and proof for others. Perhaps if this goes on reddit and/or 4Chan, it'll start a new meme.
To the harasser/troll/poor poor depressed soul, if you think this means you won, by all means, go ahead and do your basement-lord evil cough-laugh. As far as I am concerned, I successfully got under your skin first for you to target me this badly. Indeed, I actually pity you, as having such a thin-skin must make life so unbearable that this anonymous interaction is what you are most comfortable with.
For those of you who wish to still follow this story, well, you should know how to find it.