Parker… we must speak'

Peter, a good way-too-many-feet up in the air, stopped mid flip when the subtle hiss of the symbiote penetrated his thoughts. He didn't answer, just let himself fall, fall away. So far away.

'Enough games, Spider. We are dying. This body is-'

"Stop me, then" Peter growled, the wind whistling past his ears so loudly he could hardly make out his own voice. The symbiote gave no response. It knew Peter well at this point. Cooperation was impossible as an option. Whenever it tried to get closer, emotionally, to strengthen their bond, the man would go on sprees of erratic, self-destructing behaviour just to keep it busy.

Hence, falling to their death. It could see into Peter's mind. He had no intention of stopping himself, swinging to safety. If the symbiote didn't do something soon, they really would die.

Dark webs bubbled forth from the alien suit, prepared to shoot out tendrils of itself to stop the fall. Yet, Peter's body so weak from malnourishment, the symbiote had no strength to draw on for the task, and quite suddenly found their tumble towards the hard New York pavement was a very real threat to them. Peak strength Spiderman would shatter bones from a fall like this. Starved, angry Peter? He'd break into a thousand pieces.

'Parker! Enough of this nonsense! We are already dying, and you plan to kill us before then?'

"Oh, you stupid, self aware, cheap polyester," Spiderman laughed, a dull sound without humor, "Too busy scrambling to notice who's here?"

Before the Symbiote could begin to wonder what the hell that was supposed to mean, they found themselves tackled sideways, onto a rooftop, forcefully held down by a small figure weighing far more than it should have for its size and covered exclusively in dark hair. They heard a loud cracking of joint, followed by a louder intake of breath. A series of sniffs.

"Ya smell like shit, Bub, ya know that?"


"Would you like anything else, Sir?"

"Just keep the black coffee flowing, Lady," Logan, the Wolverine, said shortly, though not unkindly, "thanks"

The waitress nodded and left with a smile.

There he was. The Spiderman. In all his misery.

Holy shit was there work to do here.