Maka and Soul were sitting in their apartment, staring at each other.
Just sitting on the floor, more or less glaring at each other.
Nothing happened, they just sat and looked.
It was starting to get boring.
And, thankfully, there was a knock at the door. This caused both meis- I mean cat and weapon to turn their heads towards the door. Another knock. So with a sigh, Soul got up and made his way to the door. The knocker knocked once again, and Soul opened the door to see a very pissed off Kidd.
"Where is Maka?! My father said she'd be back by now! And she told me she'd help me with a mission." The young death god grumbly told his future death scythe, his left eye twitching as he did. Then he twitched the right eye, once he realized he'd been twitching at all.
Soul blinked, lost in thought for a moment. "She's still on her mission... The one to help this cat, remember?" He said, motioning to the ash blond cat at his feet.
Maka looked up at the two boys, then pawed at Soul's foot. "Meeeew!"
Soul frowned, since he couldn't understand. While Kidd on the other hand... Well, he swooned over Maka.
"H-HOW SYMMETRICAL, THIS CREATURE IS PERFCURT, JUST LOOK AT IT'S GREEN EYES AND IT'S BLACK NOSE AND DIRTY BLOND EARS AND FUR!" He exclaimed. Grabbing and then twirling in a circle while holding Maka in his outstretched hands. The cat simply mewed her unhappiness loudly while being spun around.
Soul laughed at the sight of his meister being spun by the future god of death.
Once he calmed down, Soul put his hand on Kidd's shoulder, making his stop, then took the cat back.
"So, look, I don't know where Maka is at the moment, but she's not here. So if that's all you need, then it'd be best if you left already. I have some stuff that needs to be done." The white haired boy stated rudely.
Kidd frowned, then nodded. "Yes, there was another thing I wanted to speak with you on. May I come in?"
Maka mewed in his arms, so Soul took that as a 'yes' and nodded, then moved aside to let Kidd enter.
The boys moved to sit on the couch, and Maka joined them once she had been put down. She had started to walk towards Soul to sit near him, but Kidd had grabbed her and forced her to sit in his lap before she could.
Kidd cleared his throat, "Soul, you need to get out more. Coming to school when you don't have to isn't like you (even if it is good for your grades)," he stood up, causing Maka to crash to the floor "And you've barley left this apartment in the last few weeks. I know that Black Star's visit didn't go very well... But that's no reason to stay in here." He walked over to where Soul was sitting, now standing directly in front of him. "Just because Maka isn't here doesn't mean you can act like a moody teen! Maka would never approve if she was here!" He shouted at the weapon boy, who was wearing a look that could kill.
"You don't know that. You don't know Maka like I do, and I would like it if you would leave before something happens to you." Soul spat out, shoving Kidd before standing up and grabbing his jacket. "I can do what I want, you're not my mom, Kidd. Get out before this gets ugly."
He released the young shinigami, who then fixed the unsymmetrical rumple in his shirt. "Fine, Soul. I'll leave, but I'm not giving up on you yet." And with that, he left, leaving Maka looking up at Soul with a worried look on her small cat face.
Jake was pacing back and forth in his captors' living room. He had had enough of that things' "cuddle time", and was worried about Maka. He missed her. Jake, in all his "wisdom" couldn't figure out why he wanted to help her so much, to make sure she was safe, and to see her happy.
"B-But Ragnarok, I can't ask Soul back for Snuggles! I don't know how to deal with that! What if he doesn't want to be friends anymore? Or Maka doesn't want to be friends with me anymore, I couldn't deal with that!" Crona wailed from the other room. He was talking with it again, and again he was saying how he "couldn't deal with it!", how worried he was, ect.
"Who cares, Snuggles is my cat, and I want her back! Right now!" It yelled back at Crona, then hit him on the head. Jake didn't even have to be in the room to know that it would do that.
Jake went to sit by the door, hoping that he would get lucky and someone would open the door and he would be free. As if... No one wants to visit these two!
But, if on cue, the door opened and Tsubaki walked in.
The grey cat leaped up and dashed out the door by way of between the girl's legs and down the hall to his freedom.
And that was just what he did. He ran out of the apartment building once someone was leaving, and ran down the streets to his ally home, and a little closer to the home of Maka and Soul.
Sorry for any mistakes, I've been trying to get better at that. For anyone who was confused, the Christmas chapter didn't happen, it was just a cute thing that popped in my head. . Um... Sorry for missing last week, and I apologize that my writing isn't the best, so thank you for reading it! Yes, you, that was not a typo, I mean you, the human reading this right now on the other side of this screen, thank you so much for the support, even if you don't comment, just talking the time to read even a little of my fanfic is enough for me. I don't even get that offline, not to mention bullies, and come on, who doesn't get bullied? They're everywhere. So thank you again, and I PROMISE that I will get at least five chapters up by the end of next month. So please stay tuned or whatever you say when you're waiting for a new chapter of a book! Goodbye for now!