I've done it. I kept saying 'No. No. No. Definitely not. I won't do it. I don't care how many people wanted a sequel. I gave them deleted scenes.' And, in October 2011, literally right after Merlin season 4 aired, I wrote Grief and then I read The Sword in the Stone and the reviews to it and I went 'Oh Dammit,' let my head hit my desk, and started writing. The writing has been in no way continuous. I kept leaving this for other things, for months at a time. But here it is.
A big thank you to DLanaDHZ for being a fantastic beta. Also shout outs to PeanutMeg and LunarFlare14 for further edits before this was posted.
I realized that in The Sword in the Stone, I used details revealed up into 3x07. I also know that everyone loves Gwaine…So, for the purposes of this fic, I'm saying that all the stuff with Gwaine happened previous to The Sword in the Stone. So…everything up until 3x08 happened, except Arthur's solo mission in 3x08 wasn't related to the Fisher King and was something else…like…I don't know, he went and retrieved the Crown of Nine Diamonds or something, and it was in the Perilous Lands, or whatever. So Gwaine is Gwaine and is capable of being included, but Morgana didn't try to kill Gwen or take over the kingdom…and Gwen didn't find out Morgana was evil?
It takes a bit of twisting, I know. Please work with me.
Note that I began writing this the day after 4x01 aired, so any similarities of events that occur is amazing happenstance, but was not planned. Though I did steal the Cup of Life from 3x12 and 3x13 for my own purposes. That idea does come from the BBC.
Lastly, you have NO IDEA how happy I am to FINALLY be posting this! It's been quite a journey. I feel like I've gone around the planet, mastered the four elements, defeated the Fire Lord, saved the world, and now I can actually breathe again.
Anyways, here it is. Presented in 14 parts.
The Once and Future King
Summary: Sequel to "The Sword in the Stone". Arthur knows of Merlin's magic, but their destiny has only begun. The journey to uniting the lands of Albion is long and filled with danger. Presented in 14 parts.
Chapter Summary: It's Arthur's birthday and lords arrive in greater numbers than ever before. Among the attendees is Cenred, the king of Merlin's homeland. Everyone has grand gifts for the destined prince, but one person's wishes are not quite so kind, and Morgause hasn't forgiven Merlin and Arthur for taking back her sister.
Part I - Worst Wishes
Every man around the fire pit was sleeping and even the fire had gone out. Stars sparkled high in the sky and the night was silent as the grave. Not even crickets were chirping. The only tent was for the king to sleep in, except the king wasn't sleeping at all that night. A spot of candle light on the cloth walls of his tent hinted at movement.
Inside, the King sat in an ornate chair at a simple desk. He had his men assemble the desk every night and disassemble it every morning so that he would always have it no matter where he went. On the desk was a single slip of blank parchment, but the King was not looking at it. His dark eyes instead followed the movements of a beautiful blonde woman in a dark blue cloak as she strode back and forth around his sizable tent.
"The anniversary of Arthur's birth is tomorrow," she said in a rush, her tone calm. Her blue eyes flickered to the King.
He brushed his brown hair back and away from his face and gave a reassuring smile that looked a bit twisted on his lips. "Do not worry," he told her. "I've made it clear that I wish to apologize to Prince Arthur for our…unfortunate encounters all those months ago, and he has accepted. I will be in Camelot's castle before noon tomorrow."
Morgause frowned for a moment. Then she placed a gentle smile on her face and slunk closer to him in a sensual manner. "It is you who should not worry, my King," she said. "I know you will not fail me." She placed a hand on his shoulder and trailed it down his arm only slightly before pulling away. Her hand went inside her robe and when she pulled it back out there was a small vile clasped in her fingers. "Take this."
Cenred accepted the vial and inspected its blood red contents curiously. "And this will ensure our success?" he asked.
"Of course," Morgause said bitterly, upset that he doubted her. "Have your servant mix it with the wine for the King and his children," she said darkly, "and killing them will be like killing a baby bird. A simple push will do it."
An evil grin crooked Cenred's lips upward and he looked up at Morgause hovering beside him. "Thank you, my lady," he said with a short nod of his head, wrapping his fingers more securely around the bottle. He jerked his head toward the tent flap and frowned. "Now if you would please return my knights to me," he half-ordered, knowing Morgause hated being told what to do, "I have a long ride in the morning."
Morgause frowned deeply at him but let herself out of the tent anyway to wake up the knights.
Merlin scurried up the steps into the castle with blue flowers in his hands. He dodged around a servant girl carrying a basket of dirty laundry and a knight on his way to the armory and skid to a stop just outside the kitchen. He could smell the wonderful scents of breakfast, but the hint of what would be for dinner was already overtaking it.
With a smile, Merlin stepped into the kitchen. Two dozen cooks walked to and fro, moving things from the tables to the ovens and out again, lathering something liquid on top of a bread to make it sweet, or on a meat to make it juicy. Merlin quickly tucked the flowers into his belt behind his back, like he had once when hiding flowers for Morgana from Arthur, just as the head cook caught sight of him.
"You're late!" she accused.
Merlin winced. "I know. I know. Is it ready?" he asked, ducking his head.
As expected, the sad picture he presented quelled the cook's building ire and she let out a smile. "On the far table, as usual, Merlin."
He started slinking that way, keeping the flowers out of sight. The last thing he needed was someone thinking he'd picked flowers for one of the cooks or serving girls. He'd just reached it when the cook spoke again.
"Get a move on, Merlin!" she cried from across the room. "You'll be in for it from the prince if you're late today of all days!"
Merlin jumped. "Right! Right! I know!" He took the plate and beamed at the old woman. "But it's his birthday, so maybe he'll make an exception," he joked before sneaking out the door on this side of the kitchen instead of the door he'd come in through.
He scaled the castle steps with practiced ease and swerved around passing servants without dropping even the empty goblet on the tray in his hands. Stopping outside of Arthur's chambers, Merlin checked that everything was in its place on the tray, also making sure the blue flowers were still where he'd left them. Then he pushed the door open and slunk inside as quite as a mouse.
Arthur was still buried under his covers like a mole. Merlin grinned as he moved to the table and set down the tray of breakfast. Arthur was strange. He was the bravest knight and a very arrogant sod until the candles went out and then he slept like a kitten. A lion cub, actually.
Merlin took the flowers from his belt and looked at the table where Arthur wrote his speeches. His eyes flashed gold with the oldest spell he knew and the vase there flew through the air toward him. Merlin caught it easily and set it down on the table next to the tray of food. It was empty. This vase was usually empty, unless a maid or Gwen brought Arthur flowers. There had been flowers three days ago, and Merlin hadn't removed the vase yet, which was good as he needed it now.
"Ýð," he murmured, and water filled the vase to just the perfect height. Smiling, Merlin set the blue flowers into the vase. Arthur wouldn't admit it, but Merlin was fairly certain blue was Arthur's favorite color, besides the red of Camelot of course.
Moving to the curtains, Merlin pushed them aside to let the sun shine through. The light hit the side of Arthur's face, catching in his eye and waking him. "Mrr," he groaned into his pillows.
"Good morning, sire!" Merlin greeted cheerfully, moving to the other curtains. "And happy birthday!"
Arthur lazily rolled onto his back and let out a near silent yawn. "It'd be happy if you wouldn't wake me up so early."
Merlin glanced out the window at the bright sun. "But I'm later than usual."
Arthur peeked an eye open and actually seemed to take into account the brightness of his room. "Then it would be happy if you weren't making me late," Arthur complained, slipping out of bed with the grace of a trained soldier.
Merlin rolled his eyes. Arthur would find something to complain about no matter what Merlin did. But it was familiar and he didn't mind so much anymore, unless Arthur got completely out of hand with it.
"You would think you would have some sort of magical alarm to wake you in the morning so you wouldn't be late in serving me," Arthur continued as he made his way to the table with his breakfast on it.
"I'll look into it," Merlin responded with a bit of sarcasm.
Arthur plopped down into the seat and picked up his silverware. His eyes caught sight of the flowers and he paused, staring at them with a confused little frown on his face. "Merlin," he began.
"Has Guinevere been to see me today?" he asked curiously, turning a bit to face his manservant.
Merlin shook his head and held his hands behind his back, standing in a relaxed yet at attention pose. "No. Not since I've been here," he informed the prince.
Arthur turned back to the flowers. Merlin struggled with a smile. "Another maid perhaps?"
Merlin's smile cracked his lips open to reveal his teeth. "No one's come to call this morning, Arthur. Except me."
Arthur rolled his eyes. "You didn't 'come to call,' Merlin. It's your job to-" he stopped abruptly and turned in his chair once more to almost fully face Merlin by the bed. "You brought me flowers?" he asked, baffled.
Merlin turned and began fixing Arthur's sheets. "Well, it's the anniversary of your birth and you didn't have any and I thought it was just wrong for your table to be empty on a day like today," he said in a mock serious tone. Arthur's right eyebrow lifted into his hair line. "Besides," Merlin continued with a large smile, "I do believe you once asked why only Morgana got tokens of my affection, and that you're exact words were 'Where are my flowers'." He turned his teasing smile on Arthur.
For a moment, Arthur just stared at Merlin and blinked. Then a smile crept onto his face and he laughed, turning back to his food. Merlin went back to his duties.
"I don't know what to do with you sometimes, Merlin," Arthur half-giggled out with a shake of his head before tucking into his meal.
Only an hour later, Arthur was standing by his father on the steps of the castle, watching as carriage after carriage of lords and ladies and their servants and their guard all came to join in the festivities. Men came from Mora and ladies from Mercia, lords from Tirmaiur and kings of the Northern Plains, not to mention King Cenred. Arthur recognized every sigil, but not every name attached to them. His father tested him on each one before they were faced with the families, and he frowned whenever Arthur got one wrong.
"You need to study more," he murmured to Arthur just as King Gerren was out of earshot.
"I knew who he was," Arthur said, though in a quiet voice that also admitted he knew his father was right.
"Yes, but you did not know his son, Lord Cador, before him."
Arthur took a deep breath to calm himself and smiled as King Cenred stepped out of his carriage. The man was younger than Uther by many years and was not always the most peaceful of men. He'd kidnapped Gwen once, almost two years ago now. He'd also attacked Camelot during the days when Uther had been unwell, a few months before that. However, he'd sent a messenger to Uther with a long letter of his apologies and insistence that Morgause had bewitched him into doing it. Uther had accepted such an explanation without question. Arthur hadn't wanted to accept it, but one look at Merlin reminded him of the sword at his side and the destiny he had to fulfill. He had to unite all the lands of Albion, and he couldn't do that if Cenred was his enemy, so he kept quiet about his reservations.
"King Cenred," Uther greeted, sounding a bit cautious. He had not forgotten the attack Cenred had led against Camelot only a short time ago. He and Cenred shook hands firmly but amicably. "It was good of you to come."
Cenred nodded, his hair falling around his face in a way that matched even Gwaine's in charm. For a moment, Arthur wondered what the errant man was doing, and then Cenred turned his gaze to Arthur and Arthur focused on the visiting King once more.
"I wanted to come and show my allegiance to the heir of Albion," Cenred said in a rolling timbre, with a nod to Arthur. "And to assure you that my apologies are sincere, Prince Arthur."
Arthur shook his head slightly. "It is forgiven," Arthur said. It was….almost the truth. Maybe.
Cenred smiled. "I look forward to the celebrations tonight."
Uther nodded his head. "Yes. Performers and artisans have come from all over the kingdom this year. It promises to be an unforgettable evening."
Cenred's eyes crinkled into slits with his new smile. "I don't doubt it."
The festivities were in full swing. Acrobats had done some sort of intricate dance and stacked themselves in towers that Arthur was certain would never hold but somehow did. He'd received gifts from all the visiting nobility, including a large chest of gold from Cenred. Four courses of food had been served and mostly eaten. Minstrels were playing music and singing, as they had been all night. Fire burned brightly in the corners of the room, casting everything in an orange glow.
Cenred motioned his servant over. The man bent to pour wine into Cenred's goblet and Cenred slipped the vial Morgause had given him into the man's pocket and whispered in his ear. The servant stepped back only a moment later, no one the wiser.
Meanwhile, Merlin was going back for a new pitcher of wine. It was the fourth one he'd gone through tonight so far. He'd never noticed how much nobles drank before now. What if they ran out of wine before the night was through?
Another servant was at the table set up nearest the door that would lead to the kitchens. Kitchen servants periodically came out and placed more pitchers on this table, or bypassed it entirely to bring more food out to the guests. Merlin headed to the table and saw that there were only two pitchers there. Good. If he'd been made to stand there and wait, Uther and Arthur's cups would have run dry.
Just as Merlin got there, the servant already there - one of Cenred's, he noted - decided on which pitcher he wanted and grabbed the one directly in front of himself. He looked up when Merlin stopped next to him, nodded to him, and then walked off. Merlin smiled in return, briefly watched him go, and then grabbed the last of the pitchers.
Arthur already had his goblet out to be filled when Merlin got back, causing Merlin to roll his eyes. The prince was already past tipsy. It seemed that he was determined to get completely drunk tonight. Birthday or not, Merlin would tell him off, but he was close enough to Uther that the king might hear. Even if he didn't, Arthur was just drunk enough that he might repeat whatever Merlin said loud enough for the entire head table and their nearest neighbors to hear.
Merlin refilled Arthur's goblet and then Uther motioned for more for himself. So Merlin filled Uther's too. He looked at Morgana then. She rolled her eyes with a small smile, a flush already in her cheeks, and motioned for more in her goblet as well. Done with his immediate job, Merlin glanced around for any other lords who needed a drink. It seemed each lord had brought his own servants to pour wine for them and no one else needed any more right now, so Merlin stepped back to where the servants all waited in lines for their masters' calls.
Gwen was there and Merlin stood next to her. "It's a great feast," he said with a smile.
Gwen smiled back. "Yeah. I've never seen so many nobles in one room."
Merlin stood a bit taller with pride. "That's because they're ready to accept Arthur as their king."
Gwen's smile was replaced with a frown. "I'm not sure how Uther feels about that." She sighed as Merlin glanced at her. "He seems fine, I know…but think about it. His son is gaining more power amongst not only the people, but the nobility of neighboring kingdoms…and he's not even ill yet."
Merlin's eyes narrowed, remembering the Barghest's words. "I come with a warning. Uther Pendragon will die before the year is out." That was nine months ago...
He looked back to where Arthur sat laughing with his father and took a deep breath. "Arthur's doing his best not to undermine his father," he began. "And Uther is doing all he can to prepare Arthur for the responsibilities he'll have as king. I think…they're both accepting it in their own ways."
A goblet rolled off the table and clattered to the floor, but the sound was lost in the din of the festivities. Arthur turned in his seat and reached down lazily to snatch the goblet up. It was a clumsy motion and Merlin knew it was time to take Arthur to bed.
"Duty calls," he said playfully to Gwen, who smiled at him, and then he made his way to the table again.
"Merlin," Arthur greeted with a lopsided smile when he saw his servant. "I…need a new goblet. This one fell on the floor."
Arthur was so close to slurring that Merlin actually felt a bit of concern. Setting his pitcher on the table, he pushed Arthur's goblet away from the prince's hand. "I think you should head to bed now. Sire," he added, speaking just loud enough that Arthur could hear him.
"Nonsense," Arthur disagreed with a shake of his head, and then held it. "Actually…I'm not feeling my best."
Morgana fanned herself, but stopped when it seemed to take too much effort. "I think I will head to sleep now," she said as daintily as she had ever said anything. "With your leave, my lord," she addressed to Uther.
Uther nodded. "Of course. Sleep well."
Morgana stood. Gwen was at her side almost instantly and they walked out of the room almost side by side. Merlin watched them go before looking back to Arthur. "And you?"
Uther regarded his son. "You look about to fall asleep in your pudding, Arthur," he said warningly. "How would that look to our guests?"
Arthur looked between his father and his manservant and gave a heavy sigh. "Alright. I'll go to bed." He muttered something under his breath and Merlin thought it was something like "Being treated like a child." Standing, he bowed unsteadily to his father. "By your leave."
"I'll see you in the morning," Uther agreed.
Merlin thought the old king himself looked like he was about to fall asleep in his pudding, but he kept his thoughts to himself and instead followed Arthur out of the great hall.
By the time they reached Arthur's rooms, Arthur was barely standing up anymore. His legs weren't cooperating with his brain and he felt so tired he couldn't think straight. He'd never felt so tired in his life.
"M-merlin," he stumbled out. He was leaning heavily on his door, his eyes shut, while Merlin opened the other door.
Merlin took Arthur's right arm and looped it over his shoulder, then half dragged the prince into his room. "Wow. You're so drunk you don't care that you can't walk," Merlin noted absently.
Arthur shook his head even as Merlin let him sink into his bed. "M'not…drunk," he said slowly. "Strange…I just feel…," He huffed heavily, "so tired. Can barely move my head."
Merlin shrugged as he pulled the covers up over Arthur's shoulders. "Whatever you say, milord. It is your birthday after all."
Arthur grunted angrily. "Merlin," he ground out. He couldn't keep his eyes open long enough to glare.
But Merlin wasn't there anymore. He'd gone to the antechamber to fetch the spare chamber pot – the clean one Arthur rarely used – in case Arthur decided to retch. It was easier to clean copper than the rich quilts on Arthur's bed.
He slipped back through the antechamber door into Arthur's room with the chamber pot in hand. Looking up from the door handle as he squeezed through the half open door, Merlin froze. There was a man dressed in all black standing over Arthur in the bed. And there was a knife in his hand.
"Hey!" Merlin cried out.
The man turned his head, his eyes going wide. It was obvious he hadn't expected Merlin to be there. Merlin dropped the chamber pot and ran at the man. The guy grabbed Merlin and flipped him around the way Arthur usually did when Merlin attacked him bare handed. Thinking back, attacking the guy had probably been a really stupid idea.
"Capiende," Merlin huffed out. The man holding him gave a cry as he was flung backward and over the bed, landing on the floor on the other side. Merlin gasped when the motion also tore him backwards as well, since the man had still been holding him. He landed sprawled on Arthur's bed, his legs over Arthur's midsection.
"Urrr," Arthur groaned, but only tilted his head.
"Sorry," Merlin managed before "Ah!"
The assassin grabbed Merlin by the shoulders and tore him off the bed. Merlin hit the ground hard and grunted in pain. He saw the blade in the man's hand as it was raised up over Merlin's chest. Merlin's eyes shone gold and the knife flew out of the assassin's hand and embedded itself in the leg of Arthur's desk. The assassin looked from the knife to Merlin with wide, disbelieving eyes.
Merlin narrowed his eyes at the man. "Swebban!"
As with Hyne, the assassin's eyes rolled into the back of his head. He tipped forward and landed heavily on top of Merlin.
"Guh," Merlin let out. He wriggled out from under the man and went to Arthur. "Arthur…! Are you alright?" Merlin pat Arthur's chest, checking for a wound.
Arthur snapped his hand on top of Merlin's, halting the movement. "I'm. fine," he ground out. "The assassin?"
Merlin shook his head. "Unconscious." And suddenly a light bulb went on. "Arthur, I think they drugged you."
Arthur glared up at him. "Really? Don't think I'm" he managed.
Merlin gave a withered glare right back and then his eyes widened. "Drunk. The wine. Your father drank the wine too. And Morgana," Merlin said in horror.
Merlin jumped back when Arthur managed to sit up. The prince held the bedpost and forced himself to a standing position. "We," he said heavily, "have to go to my father."
"You're in no condition to be going anywhere," Merlin disagreed.
Arthur looked about to fall over. His grip on the bedpost was iron tight, but the rest of him was limp as a cooked noodle. When he blinked, his eyes stayed closed for much longer than they were open. Still, he glared at Merlin. The effect was somewhat lessened by the way he was leaning his head on the bedpost to keep it upright.
"I will…not stay here…when my father is in danger," he rushed out. "Must protect-"
"Right right," Merlin interrupted. "Fine." He crossed his arms over his chest and looked out the window across the bed from him. "Wouldn't want you by yourself right now anyway," he muttered. "You can barely protect yourself even when you're not fatigued."
"What was that?" Arthur asked with a hint of anger. "I…am perfectly capable…of protecting myself." As if to prove this, Arthur pushed off the bedpost and moved to grab Excalibur from where it rested against the wall. He stumbled after two steps and Merlin had to catch him before he tumbled to the ground.
"Yep," Merlin agreed. "You've proved your point, Arthur," he said sarcastically. Arthur's grip on his arm tightened, but that was the only sign of Arthur's irritation. "Come on. With you so incapacitated, it'll take us long enough to get to your father. We need to hurry."
Merlin grabbed Excalibur and half-walked half-dragged Arthur to the door. There he let Arthur simply lean against the wood while he himself poked his head out into the hall. He saw a servant girl with red hair passing just at the edge of sight.
"Silvia!" he called out.
The girl, Silvia, stopped and looked back at Merlin. Merlin waved her over and she came. In her hands was an empty tray. She'd probably just delivered something to one of the visiting nobles. "Merlin? Is something wrong?"
Merlin nodded quickly. "A man just tried to kill Arthur," he told her. She gasped and nearly dropped her tray. "Arthur's gone to see the King. They want to keep it quiet for now, so could you get the guards to collect the body lying in here, without raising the alarm?"
Silvia nodded in agreement. "O-of course." And she rushed away and out of sight.
Pulling back inside, Merlin grabbed Arthur and wrapped Arthur's arm around his shoulders. "Alright. Let's get going."
"You. Are. Such. A liar," Arthur told him in short bursts of conversation. A breath of a laugh left him. "I'll have to pay more attention in the future."
Merlin refrained from rolling his eyes. "Less talking. More walking."
By the time they reached Uther's chambers, Arthur was almost walking on his own. Amazingly, Merlin was pretty sure it was the force of Arthur's will that got him over the drug so quickly. Which meant it was likely not a drug but a magic potion that had caused this, and that made Merlin worry all the more.
Pushing open the door to Uther's room, Arthur and Merlin caught a man in black poised just as Merlin had found the assassin in Arthur's room: holding a sharp blade and ready to strike. Uther's eyes were open and piercing, but he was lying in bed as if he'd simply fallen in and he was only staring up at his masked killer. His sword lay on the ground, and Merlin would guess perhaps the old king had tried to put up a fight before they walked in.
Arthur grabbed Excalibur from Merlin's hand and then shoved his servant aside. "Back away from the king!" he ordered.
The assassin and Uther both looked to Arthur at his call. Arthur stepped forward threateningly and the assassin pulled back from Uther and returned his dagger to its small sheath at his side. Then the man grabbed Uther's sword from where Uther had dropped it on the ground. He stood battle ready to face Arthur.
Arthur took a deep breath and attacked. Their blades met in midair with a clang, but it was only a moment before the assassin had pushed Arthur back. The potion had Arthur at a severe disadvantage. The assassin swung at Arthur from the left and Arthur blocked and managed to throw the man's sword back. For a moment, the assassin just stared at Arthur. Then he raised both his arms above his head and brought the sword down in a quick and furious strike from above. Arthur lifted his sword to parry the attack, but the force of the blow knocked his sword wide. Arthur barely managed to dodge in time to avoid being cleaved in two.
Now the assassin stood between Arthur and Merlin, but Arthur was between him and the king. Merlin saw Arthur's grip on his sword shake. He remembered Freya's words and Arthur's recount of the fight with the Basilisk. If Arthur kept hold of Excalibur, even with the potion running through his body, he could still win this fight.
The man in black stepped forward and Arthur took a half step back. He wobbled briefly, his eyes shutting, and released Excalibur with one hand to reach out and grab the foot of Uther's bed for support. His eyes opened a split second later to find the assassin already charging at him. One handed, Arthur lifted Excalibur and swung to knock his father's sword from the assassin's hand. The blades met. The assassin lost his grip on Uther's sword and it clattered across the floor, but Arthur also dropped Excalibur.
Merlin's eyes widened.
Pulling his dagger once more, the assassin lunged at Arthur. Merlin threw out his right hand, his eyes flashing gold, and the assassin froze mid step. Flinging his arm to the left sent the man colliding harshly with the stone wall. The knife fell from his hands and he landed on the floor in a heap. Another flick of his wrist and the dagger flew into Merlin's outstretched hands.
The danger over, Merlin took a deep breath and turned his attention to Arthur and Uther. Both of them were staring at him with wide eyes. Merlin blushed and quickly set the dagger down on the nearby dresser. "S-sorry."
Arthur shook his head, but then held it when that made him dizzy. "Merlin…" He stopped, eyes flashing open, and stared at Merlin urgently. "Morgana."
Merlin's eyes widened. "You stay here, I'll go check on her."
For once, Arthur had no jibe to throw. It was obvious that Merlin could handle himself against these assassins. So he just watched in silence as his manservant wizard disappeared out the door again. Once they were alone, save for the unconscious-possibly-dead-from-a-head-wound assassin, Arthur focused on his father.
"Did he hurt you, father?" he asked, letting himself fall to sit on the bed. He was still so tired.
Uther shook his head. "No. But I can't move."
Arthur nodded. "Something in the wine," he informed the older man. With Arthur's help, Uther managed to sit up, propped against his many pillows. Arthur grinned. "You know, father…maybe you should get a good...manservant," he managed to tease, even with his eyelids feeling as heavy as boulders.
Uther's lips quirked downward. "Not likely," he said simply, and Arthur stopped smiling.
"Listen," Arthur began slowly. "About what Merlin just did…"
Uther shook his head. "Stop." He fixed his gaze upon Arthur with clear eyes that seemed to pierce straight through Arthur. "I've known about him for long enough…" He let himself smile then. "I was…beginning to wonder when he would tell you."
Arthur scoffed and leaned on the foot of the bed, letting his gaze wander the room. "Yes, well, I'm not thrilled he told you first."
"He didn't tell me," Uther said, sounding on the verge of sleep. Arthur's eyes flicked back to his father. Uther still had that strange smile on his face that meant he was trying to be funny. "I accused him…after the Canyon." If he meant to make that into a joke, it fell flat.
A pensive expression took over Arthur's face then. "Why didn't you kill him?" he asked quietly. He was feeling better by the moment, the effects of the potion wearing off more and more. Uther gave him a somewhat confused look and Arthur blamed it on the wine. "You hate magic so much. You've taught me all my life that it was evil. So…why didn't you kill him?"
He'd been meaning to ask this for while, but the thought of bringing the subject up with his father always seemed so dangerous. Merlin said his father knew, but what if he was wrong? What if Uther decided to kill Merlin when Arthur brought it up? It hadn't seemed worth the risk to satisfy his own curiosity.
Uther shut his eyes, thinking. After a long while, he shook his head. "When- When I told him I would kill him…he called me an idiot." Arthur laughed once, silently. Only Merlin. Uther opened his eyes and looked at Arthur again. "Then he spoke of destiny and serving you forever."
Arthur remembered just such a conversation he'd once had with his servant. Merlin had always been foolishly loyal, facing any enemy in defense of Camelot, of Arthur.
Uther managed a tired shrug. "I suppose he simply caught me off guard…and I realized he was too big a fool to be a danger."
At that, Arthur actually did laugh. "Well, I'd have to agree with you there," he chuckled.
Uther smiled as well. It was far too rare to hear his son laugh.
"Although," Arthur began in a thoughtful voice, "he's become much more useful since revealing his magic."
"A fool is still a fool," Uther said as if complaining. "Now no more talk of magic, or I may decide to kill him after all."
Arthur shut his mouth at once.
Gaius visited Uther and Arthur later that night, while Merlin stayed with Morgana in case of an attack. Uther was mostly unconscious by the time the aging doctor arrived, but he roused himself enough to tell Gaius what happened.
He had just arrived in his chambers from the banquet when a man, his face hidden, had come from the shadows and attacked him. Uther had grabbed his sword and fought the man, but it felt like all of his strength was being sucked away and in only a few blows, he'd dropped his sword and fallen to his bed. That's when Arthur came in, so Arthur told Gaius the rest.
Gaius checked them both over and then left to do some tests while the king slept.
Uther was in Gaius's chambers first thing the next morning, after the effects of the potion had worn off, demanding the answers.
"My best guess, sire," Gaius said, trying to keep Uther calm, "is that someone put something in the wine that was served to the high table."
Uther immediately looked to Merlin, who shied away - as much as a seated man could. Gaius frowned.
"I don't think it was anyone here," he clarified, drawing the King's attention back to him and not his ward. "If I had to lay blame, I would say it was one of the guests or a member of their party."
Uther's face was twisted in an angry grimace. "Who would dare to poison my family, and on such a day?"
Gaius shrugged. Arthur was standing near the table where Merlin and Gaius ate their meals, and Merlin was seated on the steps leading to his room. Neither of them said a word, simply letting the two men talk.
"I have no idea, sire," Gaius told him with a short shake of his head. "Perhaps someone who does not agree with the way you rule the kingdom. Or perhaps someone wants to take it over?" Uther scoffed like that was the stupidest idea in the world. Gaius frowned. "Are you certain you didn't notice anything suspicious last night?"
"Of course not," Uther admonished his old friend. "If I had, I would have told you already. It was a festive occasion and there were guards throughout the room. I assumed everything was in order," he said bitterly. It seemed he was as upset that someone had managed to slip past the castle's many defenses as he was about actually being attacked.
Gaius moved to one of his work benches, where six books were opened to random pages. They were the books he'd used to research last night. When Merlin had told him he thought it was the wine, Gaius had had him fetch the pitcher and had tested what was left inside.
"Then I don't know what to tell you," Gaius said, sounding mildly tired. "The effects of the," he paused briefly, "poison," he said with a nod, "only lasted the night, so you, Arthur, and Morgana should be fine now. As far as I can find, there are no lingering side effects and no permanent damage."
Uther huffed quietly, then turned to Arthur, who stood at attention immediately. "Arthur."
"Yes, father?"
"From now on, train the knights twice as hard. The guards as well. This cannot happen again. Camelot's defenses must be such that assassins cannot just walk in and kill the king." He frowned. "Regardless of who slipped us the poison, the assassins should not have made it inside to finish us off."
Arthur nodded. "Of course. First thing tomorrow."
Uther nodded, seemingly satisfied. "Now if you'll excuse me, I have guests to speak with. Hopefully I can uncover some idea as to who would dare to cross me in such a way." His frown deepening, the king walked from the room. Only when the sound of his footsteps faded from the hall outside the door did anyone speak.
"I think I made him angry," Merlin stated. Both other men in the room turned to look at him and Merlin pushed himself to a standing position. "Because I used so much magic last night."
Arthur shook his head. "Forget it, Merlin. He's not about to have you beheaded, so be grateful." He shot Merlin a pointed look and Merlin nodded in assent. "I have to go. A lot of the visiting nobles wanted to speak with me yesterday and it would be unseemly if I ignored them. Besides, I should be helping my father." Arthur let out a soft sigh and then, "Merlin, don't forget to clean up my room and brush my horse. Lord Dinadan likes to ride and I don't doubt he'll only want to talk with me once we're both on horseback."
"What about assassins?" Merlin asked, panicking only a bit.
Arthur forced himself not to roll his eyes and propped his right hand on his hip. "Really, Merlin, you've protected me from a distance before. I see no reason why you can't do it now. Besides, I kept myself alive for twenty years before you showed up. I think I can handle one day. This is for the good of the kingdom."
Merlin watched Arthur go with his jaw on the floor. Once they were alone, Merlin turned to Gaius with his flabbergasted look. "He's insane," he said with a weak arm gesture toward the door. "I can't protect him if I don't know when he's in danger," he complained.
"Merlin, we have more distressing things to worry about," Gaius chastised him.
Merlin shut his mouth and hurried over to his mentor. "What's the matter?"
Gaius shut the book before him. "About the poison from last night…"
"It was a potion. A magical one," Merlin agreed with the unspoken statement. "I know. Arthur overcame it when he feared for Uther's life."
Gaius nodded. "He's got a strong will. But that's not the problem. The problem is who made the potion." He fixed a deadly serious gaze on Merlin. "You're sure no assassins went after Morgana?"
Merlin nodded. "Positive. I asked her and she told me no one but Gwen had been to her room before me, and no one came in after. She wasn't attacked."
"So either the one behind these attacks didn't think Morgana was a target, because no one outside of this castle knows she's Uther's daughter, or…," he trailed off.
Merlin's eyes hardened. "Morgause. She wouldn't attack Morgana." He shook his head. "It had to be Cenred." Gaius lifted an eyebrow and Merlin shrugged. "He's worked with Morgause before, when he kidnapped Gwen, and when he attacked Camelot." Gaius opened his mouth but Merlin shook his head again to keep Gaius quiet. "I know he said he was under a spell, but I don't believe him. Especially not now. I can go ask Morgana if he was under a spell, but I'm telling you he wasn't. Cenred wants the Pendragons dead. That's why he came to the celebrations at all. He said he wanted to apologize, but he just wanted to get close enough to poison them for those assassins."
Gaius let out a breath. "I believe you," he assured Merlin. "But there's nothing we can do about it. There's no proof that Cenred did anything beyond enjoy the feast last night. And like it or not, you are just a servant, Merlin."
"But Arthur-"
"Is only a prince. Cenred is a king," Gaius reminded. "Accusing him of using magic to poison the king and prince would start a war."
Merlin frowned in a way that was part grimace and part pout. "He's worse than Vortigern."
Gaius scowled. "No. I think Vortigern will always be my least favorite of your past enemies."
That was understandable. Hyne had attacked Gaius and kidnapped Merlin. Not to mention how Merlin had been half dead from the wound to his arm and the revolt by the time Arthur and the others had returned to Camelot with him. Vortigern had made it personal and Gaius would probably never forgive the man, even though the warlord was long dead.
Merlin couldn't help but smile at his uncle. It soon melted into a frown though. "I'm still worried about Arthur…"
Gaius sighed. "As am I. But he has you to protect him, and Morgana. Just keep an eye on Cenred until he leaves in a few days."
Merlin nodded. "Oh," he let out, his determined expression faltering. "But first I have to ready Arthur's horse." The situation was not a good one, they both knew that, but the simplistic normalcy of Merlin's chores made Gaius smile, and soon Merlin was smiling too. At length, Merlin shook his head. "I should get going." He hurried across the room and out the door, Gaius smiling after him all the way.
The rest of the festivities passed with high spirits all around. None of the nobles were any the wiser that the king and prince had nearly been murdered. Except Cenred. For three days, Cenred frowned like his food and wine had personally offended him. Merlin saw it, as did Arthur. But when Merlin brought it up, Arthur told him the same thing Gaius had.
"He is a King, Merlin. Regardless of my destiny, he is still more powerful than I am right now. He has a large army and controls a lot of land." He sighed. "I have to at least try to make him an ally. If I have to fight him later, then so be it. But for now, all I can do is keep an eye on him and pretend I don't want to cut off his head."
"Well don't make me serve him anything," Merlin warned. "I'd probably poison his food or stab him with a fork or something without realizing it until it's too late."
Even with the seriousness of the situation, Arthur smiled. He gave a much less genuine smile as he saw Cenred off on the last day of celebrations. If Uther had picked up on Cenred's foul mood, he didn't comment on it.
And then the castle was empty of its many guests. Merlin kept an eye open for danger at every turn for days after, to the point that Arthur smacked him over the head and told him to calm down because he was making Arthur paranoid. Arthur trained the knights harder than ever, and even started Merlin's training up again.
Nothing happened. No one attacked. There wasn't even a whisper of danger or magic or any plots. Two weeks after Arthur's birthday, Merlin had to admit that Arthur appeared to be safe.
For now.
"You said that potion would ensure our victory," Cenred fumed, once again seated on his throne. His eyes trailed after Morgause as she meandered around his throne room.
She ran a hand over the armor of one of Cenred's knights absently and then looked at her fingers as she walked away from him.
"It should have," she agreed. Then she turned and locked her eyes on the king's. "Many times I have tried to kill the Pendragons, and many times I have failed. It may be time to make use of a resource I have since ignored."
Cenred frowned. "What 'resource' is that?" he asked, in a sarcastic tone.
Morgause gave a smile yet demeaning smile. "The sort that no king of men can find."
Next Time: The Greatest Truth
Faced with a terrible prophesy, Morgause sets out to change fate. Protecting Arthur places Merlin in the midst of her trap. Without his prophesized sorcerer at his side, who will protect Arthur from Morgause's next attack? And now Morgause has a new and powerful ally against Camelot. It can't be…Merlin?!
Ýð = flowing water (this translation is iffy at best, but I had trouble finding a better one)
Capiende = thrown backwards
Swebban = to put to sleep
Once again, I apologize to anyone who actually knows this language. I'm just picking the words I need to get the point of the spell across and using English rules of language and grammar to put them together into spells.
So…for the start of a new adventure…I hope you like it. I thought it fitting to start posting this one the same day that the last episode aired (24th) but I'm impatient so it's early! Also, I was shocked when there was an episode that had this same basic premise. I swear I wrote this before the episode aired.
New chapters will be posted weekly!