A bell was rung and the fight began. Almost instantly Daruka stomped his foot on the ground, a human sized boulder erupted from the earth; he sent it flying at Bipin. He was quicker than Daruka thought he was. He stepped out the way and quickly returned by firing two slab shaped stones from the wall behind him. They were fast, knowing he couldn't dodge them he took them head on, or fist on. Just as they were about to hit him he punched them into dust. He fell, the dust had blinded him for a second and Bipin took advantage of that. He had turned the earth below him into mud and Daruka was stuck. Normally in fights this would be considered rule breaking, but this was underground where there are no rules. So Daruka stood there in the mud. Noticing Bipin had already bent a large boulder from the ground; Daruka knew what would happen next and quickly summoned a column of earth and was pushed out of the mud. Not wasting anytime he jumped from the earth column and punched in Bipin's direction, sending the earth towards him. Bipin was smashed back and his large boulder fell and crushed the earth beneath it, where Molten would have been if he hadn't of been smashed back. Bipin was staggered, he had hoped this boy would be an easy fight, clearly he was wrong.

"You're good" Bipin yelled over to him.

"You two" Daruka replied.

The two stared down each other, waiting to see who would make the next move. Daruka decided to be the one to move and let out a flurry of small slabs of stones from the earth below. Punching rapidly at him the earth flew at high speeds, no rules, those stones will break bones. Bipin responded quickly. A hole opened beneath him and he dropped in, barely missing the oncoming barrage of earth. Taking advantage of the boy in the whole Daruka slammed his feet in the ground, causing a boulder to come from the ground and hover above the young earthbender. Then he threw it at the hole Bipin had made for himself, crushing the young boy hiding in there. Daruka relaxed his body. He hadn't wanted to, but there are no rules and he would have done the same. The crowd cheered loudly, well some cheered others were shocked or screamed in horror. He started to walk back to the entrance tunnel when he start to feel the ground beneath him heat up. He was confused for a second then remembered what the announcer said, who can claim to lavabend. His eyes jumped open and in a split second he produced a pillar of earth beneath him and raised him above the ground. Just as he thought, lava poured up through the dirt and quickly covered the earth arena floor. He looked down in awe as the heat from the lava hit his face. Then lava separated and in the exposed area the ground collapsed, and out raised Bipin, unharmed. Arms stretched out wide he looked up at Daruka with a smug smile. He gathered himself and Daruka motioned for his next attack when the arena started to shake. The lava solidified and everyone looked around, wondering what the source of the shacking was.

"Don't worry folks it's just a minor earthquake, this arena is designed to perfectly deal with them, there's no need to worry" the announcer said to the crowd. They all seemed pleased by his answer, but Daruka and Bipin weren't convinced. He lowered his pillar and landed on the solid lava, still confused at what the constant shacking is. No longer did they have to wait. Holes formed in the roof above them and down dropped Dai Li agents. Garbed in black robes with the earth symbol and large hats, they landed in the arena and wasted no time in attacking the two fighters. There were five agents and only two fighters, Daruka quickly dodged one of their attacks and made hast back to the locker room to get Ratna. He didn't look back and kept running as fast as his feet could take him. Down the tunnel, around the corner he got to the locker room and found Ratna in a fighting ready stance.

"Dai Li agents" Daruka said.

"DUCK" his friend yelled and Daruka did so.

Ratna quickly sent a rock from the ground and flew it just above Daruka's ducked body and heard a smash. When he turned around he saw an unconscious agent that had tried to sneak up on him. Daruka turned to his friend.

"Let's get out of here now" he said.

Daruka nodded and the two ran back down the tunnel but took a different route. Thankfully no other Dai Li agents had followed them. They must have been caught up with Bipin and his lava Daruka thought to himself. They two ran up the tunnel and eventually found themselves out in the night air. But they didn't stop; they ran for Ratna's Satomobile. His friend turned the key desperately, but it wouldn't start. "DAMMIT" Ratna yelled frustrated, "Why now".

Daruka was in the passenger seat and saw in horror two Dai Li agents running to the vehicle.

"Get it started" Daruka yelled then jumped out of the Mobile and prepared for a fight.

"Don't fight back, you're under arrest for illegal underground bending fighting" one of the agents said.

Daruka ignored him and stomped his foot on the ground, sending a shockwave to the agents. But the agents are skilled and they easily jumped up and out of harm's way. Whilst in the air one of them launched a glove of rock and his arm. Daruka didn't have time to react and the glove latched itself onto him and felt him being dragged over to the two of them. Fearful of what would happen if he got caught he put out his foot and created a barrier for his foot so he could resist being pulled any further. He pulled back with all his strength and might, but it wasn't enough. The other Dai Li agent copied his partner and latched a rock glove onto Daruka's other wrist. He fell face first and was being dragged along.

Ratna was working on the car; he turned and saw what was happening. He quickly got up, jumped on to its roof and created mud under the agents. But like before they jumped up out of harm's way and sent the remaining rock gloves and latched them onto Ratna's wrist. He fell from his Satomobile and was starting to be dragged along like his friend. Daruka looked up from the ground moving underneath him and saw what was happening.

"No" he said to himself. "No he said slightly louder. "NO" he yelled it this time.

His eyes then became a bright light, and he pulled his arms back so easily it staggered the agents. Then, as if he was unhurt, he stood up and looked on at the two agents emotionless. The agents knew what those eyes meant and they were feared what came next. Daruka then moved his arms; in a delicate and swift circular motions. Lightning started to generate from his fingertips and like he had been doing this for years and launched it right between where the two agents were standing. They jumped to their sides as the lightning hit the ground then looked back over to Daruka who was now staring down the agents. Knowing they couldn't win the fight they retreated back into the tunnel to get to the other three agents. As they did this the glow in his eyes started to fade and then everything went black.