Chapter 12 | Got Your Back

As Mikasa walked along with Krista through the village, she was deep in thought. They had carefully reviewed the Royal Decree with Levi the night before and the revelations especially the ones about Krista being royalty, had been staggering.

So – sweet, kind, and thoughtful little "Krista Lenz" is actually, "Historia Reiss." An unwanted cast-off from the royal house. And if those documents Levi found are to be believed – the royal family is also in great danger from the "Great God of the Wall?!" There really is a God – of the wall? Can it be true?


And according to the King's decree, this God and his angels are somehow responsible for the titans! It's incredible – the walls – and the titans… There IS a connection there after all – I always wondered about that.

"Mikasa – I think there is something you should know…"

The crown tried to stand against this God – they wanted to tear down the walls… Said they were a trap. But they ultimately became prisoners in their own castle when Lord Balto and the priests of the walls rose up in support of this God and his angels. It's almost too fantastic to be true.

"Mikasa – there is something quite strange happening…"

And if it is indeed true – then the whole royal family may be already dead, making Krist – Historia the only surviving heir left! No wonder there is so much pressure to find her. She's the only hope we have.


Turning as if hearing her for the first time – Mikasa answered.

"What is it Kr – Historia?"

Looking nervously at the crowds around them, Historia was relieved she finally had Mikasa's attention.

"Why is… um – why is everyone is staring at us?"

Mikasa didn't answer right away and continued to set a brisk pace across the large open square, cutting straight through the milling throng.

No – the crowd is turning ugly… I wasn't being alert and things are getting bad – I didn't expect the situation to become this dire – this quickly.

Their boots clipped steadily over the cobbles making sharp little sounds as they passed through a long wide shadow made by the huge clock tower above them.

The angry whispers and mutterings were growing louder… another thought entered Mikasa's mind – she kept it to herself while Historia trotted along beside her.

We've got to be careful not to go too fast. Anything faster than a quick walk would definitely be perceived as fear… and that could get this crowd to turn hostile in a hurry.

She kept her gaze fixed straight ahead on their destination – the gates that led to the brewer's district. The narrow streets and alleys twisted in confusing, often seemingly random patterns. It was a good area to get lost in and she needed to get them deep into heart of that district for their rendezvous with Levi and Armin. Turning only slightly, she muttered a quiet reply to Historia's question.

"There has been a growing hostility towards the Survey Corp. Rumors and lies have been slowly turning the people against us. They say we are no better than criminals now, who only pose as soldiers… Furthermore – they say that we are responsible for provoking the titans into attacking the city, merely to justify our existence."

Historia was shocked and a look of bewildered confusion took over her delicate features as she tried to understand.

"But – but that is utter nonsense! How can they think such things!? Mikasa – surely everyone knows that we have dedicated our very lives to ensure the well-being of these people. Why… everyone here should actually be quite happy to see members of the surv – h-huh?!"

She looked down at her arm where Mikasa had discreetly and firmly placed her hand to quiet her.

"Sshh… We've got trouble ahead."

Following Mikasa's gaze, Historia looked towards the gates. A large, black and very expensive coach bearing the crest of the Royal Family had pulled up, blocking their way. The four black horses that pulled the carriage were breathing heavily as though they had been driven hard to get there.

Those horses were pushed hard. I can see the steam coming off of their backs… this is obviously a meeting of chance. Someone must have informed them we were here in the square– and they clearly rushed over to head us off… but – who… and why?

The interior of the carriage was dark and it was difficult to see inside. Then a fat, pink handed gripped the door frame. Immediately, their attention was caught by the large ring that flashed in the rays of the sun as they streamed in past the clouds far above. The ornate symbol engraved into the gold and jewel encrusted face caused them both to stop in their tracks. It was the royal seal – the ring of the king – worn only by his most trusted emissaries.

Historia felt a coldness creep over her. Like an icy wave slowly moving across a freezing pool, it worked its way down her extremities and reached for her very core. The horror only increased as the door to the darkened coach opened to confirm her fears. Historia's greatest terror from her darkest childhood nightmares at the palace. All those years ago couldn't dim her memories as the slanting rays of the sunlight shone on the magnificent figure of Hermius Cantor who stepped solidly out to face them.

Historia continued to keep pace with Mikasa's long purposeful strides, but she could feel her legs stiffening as she watched the man who used to terrorize her. Hermius carefully placed a soft, red velvet slipper onto the glossy, varnished steps that had just been set there by two of the six military police that served as his personal body guard. Watching this, Historia could only whisper.

"O-Oh… no… it – it is hh"

Mikasa continued briskly ahead as she led Historia unswervingly towards the carriage. The crowd in the square sensing danger, widened forming a massive semi-circle – giving plenty of space for whatever was too come next.

When the pair were thirty five yards away, Mikasa shot Historia a side long glance and spoke quietly.

"That's the one? The one you told me about – Cantor?"

"Yes. It is hhi-"

"That's all I need to know."

They were now twenty yards away and closing fast. Hermius stood at the top of his polished oak stepping stool with the open door of the carriage behind him. There were three rugged looking military police on each flank. Hermius liked going through the jails to select his body guards personally. He picked only the most sadistic and brutal, the ones with the longest sentences. It ensured unswerving loyalty and when he needed a job done – they didn't ask why and performed it with zeal. The nastier the better. He licked his lips preparing to address the approaching survey corp soldiers. Hermius looked confident and a smirk grew across his buttery, face as he recognized Historia. He rubbed his soft chins as he thought smugly to himself.

Ah Historia… you may have been able to reject my advances when you were a child back at the palace surrounded by doting guards and attendants… but NOW – I am going to make you regret that. You – like the rest of the simpering Royal family – will be executed… But I will make YOUR death very special! You will be mine many times over before I finally kill you… and I will enjoy killing you myself! I – Hermius Cantor – will succeed where that stupid peasant Erwin failed. Erwin… HA what a joke! Though, I suppose if you want something done – you simply have to reach out and do it yourself!

Mikasa and Historia were only ten yards out when Mikasa discreetly flipped a switch on her 3D maneuver gear. There was a gentle hiss and as the pressure built – she spoke through clenched teeth to Historia.

"This is going to happen very fast – I need to know if you will have my back."

Historia slowed her breathing and loosened the blades at her sides, getting ready.

"Yes – you can count on me."


They stopped at five yards – point blank range – and stared at the group assembled blocking their way. Hermius laughed as he adjusted his thick red, velvet cloak and straightened his black, gilt-edged ermine collared robes. Then waving his bejeweled hand dismissively at the pair, he twiddled his pudgy fingers allowing his rings to catch the light.

All eyes were on him and he enjoyed creating a spectacle. He waved his arms expansively getting the attention of his military police as the throng beyond warily looked on. Mikasa and Historia seemed very small standing before the men at the carriage.

"Look boys – THIS is a rare sight indeed! TWO survey corp ragamuffins!"

He looked around in mock surprise pressing his hands to his flabby cheeks before continuing.

"They are rather fetching little things aren't they – but I must admit, I thought that they were all EXTINCT! WELL don't I feel like a big SILLY!"

The six military police burst out laughing as Hermius flapped his arms to encourage their response. Faint murmurs and light mocking laughter also began to ripple through the assembled throng far beyond. Raising his hands to regain center stage, Hermius continued his address.

"ENOUGH tomfoolery! The survey corp are enemies of the crown and must be all rounded up! Men – Restrain them and bring the little one to my coach!"

He winked at his men broadly as he adjusted the curls matted to his sweaty, beefy forehead.

"I'll need HER to ahem… 'service' me on the long journey back to the palace. The other one… heh – well you can all do with her whatever comes naturally – just as long as she winds up as crow food somewhere along the road on the way back to the palace. You may consider her a… just reward… for doing your duty to me so wel-aaaah!"

Hermius Cantor could only scream and cringe in fear as four bright flashes shot out from the gear at Mikasa's hips. Like steel cobras they flew in at blinding speeds plunging through the chests of four of his body guards, making horrific crunching sounds, pinning them to the walls on either side of the gates, killing them instantly.

The two remaining guards gasped and clutched at their blades, but before they could even clear their belts, Mikasa had dropped her gear, pulled her blades and closed the distance with near superhuman speed. With a bright flash that ended in a meaty thud – she decapitated the one to her left with a savage sweep of her blade. As his partner's head rolled through the dust leaving a muddy crimson trail, the last remaining body guard moved fast.

Taking advantage of Mikasa being slightly off balance, he lunged wildly towards her with his blade high in the air determined to split her skull open. Mikasa was prepared for the attack, and wheeled around with catlike dexterity, only to slip in a pool of blood. The sudden misstep caused her to fumble her weapon at the one critical moment where it all counted. There could only be one outcome.

I'm dead.

Mikasa didn't flinch and faced her death. She didn't even blink as bright steel shot out of her attacker's chest and rushed towards her head… then stopped short. The tip of the blood stained blade quivered in the air just millimeters away from her nose.

"H- Huh?!"

Mikasa only stared bewildered as the guard sank to his knees, his face a mask of shock and agony. Then he fell stiffly, into the dust to reveal Historia who had just slain him, standing with the bloody blade still in her trembling hands.

"I… Mikasa, I have your back."

Shooting up to her feet Mikasa was on Hermius instantly. She struck like a hungry Mako shark hitting a fat, careless fur seal, flattening the Royal Messenger with a huge flat slap spraying muddy water in all directions. Without an instant's hesitation, Mikasa crossed the thick edge of his ermine robes over his throat in a deadly choke position. She was centimeters from snapping his fat neck. Her teeth were close to his face when she spoke. The words were calm but the rage behind them was fathomless.

"Hermius Cantor, you are a murderous, child molesting, rapist pig… and I am going to k –"


It was Historia, as she touched Mikasa's shoulder she continued.

"We need him alive! He may know things!"

Mikasa's hand was trembling the collar was digging into the flaccid skin of Hermius' thick neck. His small, dark beady eyes were full of tears that streamed down his quivering cheeks.

"Also… the crowd, they're drawing closer… we need him to tell them to go away! Mikasa – please!"

Seeing Mikasa's hesitation, Hermius realized there may be a chance and tried desperately to save himself.

"P…p-please…" he croaked through his restricted airway, "I… I DO know things – many things… I, I'll tell you them ALL if only – noble warrior – if only you will –"

As quickly as he was put there, Hermius Cantor was pulled back from the brink of death as Mikasa loosened her grip and quietly spoke. It was almost a growl.

"Shut up filth. You desrve to die – but if you tell the crowd to disperse… NOW… and then tell us what we need to know… I won't tear your wicked heart out."

She allowed him to stand and stood next to him with a sharp knife concealed against his back. Mustering as much courage as he could, Hermius spoke to the crowd and tried to sound as convincing as possible.

"G-good people! Please go about your business. Begone – NOW! I Hermius Cantor who speaks with the voice of the KING – command you!"

Some of the crowd muttered, then a few began to wander off – then more.

"YES! That's right – off… uh off you go! As you were – as you were!"

In the distance at the far end of the square Hermius could just make out…


Historia silenced Hermius with a sharp kick to his huge belly knocking him back into the coach unconscious. Mikasa slammed the door locking him in.

"Nice shot Historia! We have to move – quick!"

Historia was confused about something and shouted to Mikasa, her voice raising in apprehension.

"Mikasa – Wh-Why would Hermius shout for aid from Erwin?! Certainly he must know that Erwin is our leader and he would never do anything to harm u –"

Mikasa grabbed her fallen maneuver gear and jumped up into the driver's seat, then reached down and hauled Historia up alongside as she cracked the reigns, startling the horses to action.

"You are wrong – Erwin is with THEM!"

Historia looked back over her shoulder across the top of the coach as Mikasa drove it madly through the gates into the maze of the Brewer's district.

Erwin was running as fast as he could towards them, but he wasn't wearing his maneuver gear, and without it, their hurtling coach rapidly increased the distance between them, until he was lost from sight.

As the coach sped along, Historia felt a hand on her shoulder and looked over. Mikasa's expression was hard to read, stoic. But then it changed and it looked to Historia almost like she might actually be…

Smiling? No it can't be… but it is true… Mikasa is really smiling!

"Historia, you were there for me – when it counted. You had my back."

As the coach careened through another tight series of switchbacks the old abandoned alehouse came into view.

"We're here. It should be safe for now – but Historia…"

Mikasa put her arm around her friend's shoulders.

"We need to warn the others about what just happened. The time for subtlety is over."