Chapter 3

Momoko POV

"Fluffy Buneary!"

I stare with an unsurprised look as she transformed right in front of me. Her Powerpuff outfit obviously looked exactly like ours, but it was a tanish-brown color. The only thing that was different was that she had a small pack of cards on the side of her belt with a blue background, but that's all I could make out. I get the feeling that I've seen that before, back when I was little.

She looks at me and tilts her head. "You're not surprised?"

"All I needed to know was if that belt was fake or not," I replied to her. "Now I know that it's not, how did you become a Powerpuff girl?"

"Um. . ." She trails off. "It's kind of a long story. You see, I wasn't really expecting to be a Powerpuff in the first place, but I can't change fate, now can I?" She has a point. At first, none of us wanted to be Powerpuff Girls when we were hit by the White Z rays. We just agreed to be the Powerpuffs because we thought saving Tokyo City would be cool. We were forced to be the heroes of the city; we just didn't notice it. In all honesty, sometimes I didn't want to be a Powerpuff girl because we fought the same enemies just about every day. It got really boring and annoying. But at the same time, I'm glad that I am a Powerpuff girl, because I can help people when they're in danger. That's what we're supposed to do, right?

She reverted back to her original form and leaned against the wall, crossing her arms and closing her eyes. "It's a bit of a tale. You see, my father was a part of a research facility that worked along Professor Utonium, and he used to take me to the lab to see what he was working on. Although I couldn't see much since most of it was top-secret." I raised an eyebrow with a puzzled look. The Professor never mentioned that he was part of a research team. She pulled out a water bottle from her bag and took a sip before setting it beside her. "Everything changed one afternoon when he brought me to the lab," She gripped her arms, telling me that it's something she doesn't talk about often. "A few of the scientists were giving me weird smiles while my father pleaded for something. And then I realized that they needed me for an experiment on what they were working on, to see if it could enhance an average human's abilities. My father was against the suggestion, but because of the majority of the vote, he had no choice but to be a part of this test trial."

I stare at her with a distraught face. "W-What did they test you on?"

"They called it Chemical X," She replied, making my eyes bulge out of my head. That's the same stuff that turned Miyako, Kaoru, and I into the Powerpuff Z, but was more enhanced and went by a different name. Why would scientists do that to a child!? "So I was lead into a room, and they injected this clear liquid into my arm. For a split second, I felt dead, as though that liquid really did kill me. For the next few minutes, there was nothing but pain, and I was rolling around on the floor, wanting it to end. After a while, I found this belt around my waist, and my clothes immediately transformed into ones that I've never seen before. I stand up, taking a better look at myself, while in the other room, scientists clapped and cheered with the experiment being a success."

Her story goes on. It turns out that she stayed there until she could fully control her powers, and it turns out the professor was one of the scientists who were recording her results each day. Her mother was also informed of this information, but she kept it a secret from Tomaki's siblings, who were a year-old at the time. She stopped for a minute, and I could see the fear in her eyes. "Then one night, something or someone broke into the lab, and tried to kidnap me. Or, maybe that person wanted my power for his own."

"So what happened?" I asked. She let out another sigh, and continued. "Well I got away, and tried to fight him myself, but he had this sort of power that was stronger than mine, and it ended up having one room explode, therefore blowing up the entire place. My dad died in the explosion, and I don't know what happened to the man who tried to kidnap me." The bell rang after her story, and we grab our bags. "Shall we?" I asked, and she nodded in return.

When the final bell rang, we all exited the class and I grabbed Tomaki's hand. There's someplace I gotta show you." She raised an eyebrow along with Miyako and Kaoru, who gave me confused looks. I nodded to them and they both glanced at her.

The four of us were silent as we walked over the bridge towards Professor Utonium's lab. The only sounds we made were the footsteps we took down the road, and the only sounds we heard were the cars that were driving below the bridge. Both Miyako and Kaoru knew why I was bringing this Tomaki girl with us, and they shared my suspicions of her being a Powerpuff girl, but only I knew the truth.

As we spotted the lab on the hill, she gave the most surprised expression on her face as her eyes widened a bit. "No." She started to speed up to a run as she made her way up the hill, of course with us following suit, as she approached the automatic doors. "No way. This is. . ."

"Professor Utonium's research facility? Yes." I stepped to her side as she did nothing but stare. I smiled at Miyako and Kaoru as we lead Tomaki down the hall and around the corner to the lab. Once the doors open, we see the one and only, Professor Utonium(along with his son, Ken), working on yet another experiment. One that I don't want to ask about. The two of them turn to us and smile. "Oh hello girls. How was school?" Ken asked us.

"It was alright." I replied while setting my bag down on a nearby chair. "We met a new student in class today."

"Oh? Who is this student?" The Professor asked us, his eyes widening when he saw Tomaki appear from behind me. He dropped the beaker he was carrying, having it shatter to the floor, and the smell of chemicals floated through the air. Almost falling on his knees, he gave a look of disbelief, and had to hold onto a nearby table to support himself. "T-Tomaki?"

She nodded to him with a smile as she bowed to him in a polite way. "I'm sorry for not visiting for so long," She apologized. "My mother has me working around the house to take care of my siblings. I hope you've been well." The Professor stepped towards her and slowly pulled her in his arms. Miyako and Kaoru gives confused looks as Ken's eyes widened. "After all this time, you were alive?" The Professor was saying to Tomaki, who only nodded in return.

"Can someone explain to me what's going on?" We heard Kaoru ask from behind us. The Professor and Tomaki pulled back and stared at her. "I think it's time that I told you girls my history with Tomaki Nakamura."

Me: Sorry it took so long to update. I've been spending too much time on my main account. But I'm glad I got to finish this chapter. Anyway we find out that this Tomaki girl has ties with the one and only Professor freaking Utonium, and only Momoko knows. That is until the Professor tells them. Anyway if you're wondering why the Rowdyruffs haven't shown up, it's because I'm taking things slow. Just introducing Tomaki, her backstory, her abilities when she's a Powerpuff, you know, all that stuff. So until the next chapter, I'll check you guys later.