So this is it. The final chapter of a story myself and doctorwho9000 have had a ton of fun writing. I really hope that you all enjoy it. This one is done a little different from the rest. Almost every character has a section that is told from their perspective, not Hope's or Jack's. Enjoy!

"Hello everyone! I've gathered you here to make an official announcement. I know you've probably heard rumors of the restaurant closing. Well this is partially true." Mangle said nervously looking out at all of her employees. She was really worried about how some of her workers would take the news. Especially because it was very short notice, even she only learned about it yesterday.

"What do you mean by 'partially' Mangle?" Mike asked, prompting her to continue.

"Well I know it is short notice but this is the last day the restaurant will be open. In about 5 months we will reopen with a completely new look. Mr. Fazbear is very adamant that we cannot operate while the remodel happens." Mangle looked out to the shocked faces of all of her employees.

"You can't leave us with one day's notice of unemployment!" Mark shouted angrily.

"No! You're wrong. You are all still employed. Mr. Fazbear is very appreciative of his employees. Especially the ones at this restaurant." Mangle said looking towards Foxy, "He has offered to pay you all while the restaurant is closed as long as you all promise to come back when the restaurant is reopened."

"Really? Would we be getting full pay?" Chica asked placing a hand on the small bump on her stomach.

"Yes. Mr Fazbear wants all of you to sign a document stating that after the remodel you will come back to work for a minimum of six months. If you come back after the remodel and quit before those six months are up he can sue you for the money he paid during the remodel." Mangle answered.

"Are you sure? I mean that's a really nice thing for a Fazbear to do." Goldie asked looking towards Foxy.

"Yes. I was surprised too but it's partially because of the short notice. Now we are already opening late due to this announcement. Let's make it a good day everyone! It's our last one for the next few months!" Mangle said forcing a smile. Even she was nervous about Mr. Fazbear's deal and his motives, but she didn't really have much of a choice.


After Mangle dismissed everyone to do their jobs on this sudden last day, leaving Mike free to go. However, he didn't want to go just yet, and followed a sulking Mangle back to her office. Closing the door gingerly behind him, he sat down next to Mangle, who had collapsed on the couch. He began stroking her back.

"I really despise Mr. Fazbear." Mangle said through the cushions.

"Everyone does sweetie." Mike said softly. "It's alright."

"I suppose so. At least he's offering up pay. That's surprising since he's usually such a cheap ass. Not to mention what he had to spend…"
"Spend on what?"
"Oh, uh, nothing."

Mangle was now sitting up and wearing another nervous smile. Mike could only smile back. She was acting weird again. Sometime ago she had talked about a mysterious expenditure that Mr. Fazbear had to spend, and she was concerned that he would have to close the restaurant. Clearly he had enough to keep it going, remodel it, and have enough to pay the staff for the entire time the place would be closed down.

Mike just dismissed it. From what he could gather, it was probably a very private and sensitive issue. Changing gears back to the remodel in his mind, he was pissed. The fact that they would be closed for months without work irritated him. Granted he was thankful for the pay, but it wouldn't feel as if he had earned it.

The short notice did little to boost the spirits. Screw Fazfuck and his capitalistic mongering ways. Though Mike was happy about the remodel. The place was starting to look trashy, and certain parts of the restaurant had a unique odor to it. Especially the Supply Closet. That place constantly reeked of sex.

"I should go check up on everyone." Mangle said after a few minutes. "Just to make sure they're actually doing their jobs and not trashing the place."

Mike laughed. "Alright sweetie, you do that. I'll see you later, okay?"
"Sounds good."

He gave a kiss on the cheek, and the two went their separate ways.


For the last day in the restaurant, Goldie was a bit sad. He had known this kitchen for years now. What would it be like when it was gone? Though it could stand to have some new tiling done. Not to mention the fridge was always breaking down, and the stoves were a bit old.

Maybe it was time for a change at Freddy's.

That didn't mean that orders were slowing down any, in fact they kept coming. In his tenure at Freddy's, this had to have been the busiest day Goldie had seen at Freddy's.

One of the oven's went off, and Goldie took the last pizza out of the oven. For a moment, all was still in the kitchen. All of the chefs were leaning against the counter, taking in the break.

Just as Goldie felt himself begin to relax, both Jack and Bonnie with a gaggle of other waiters came rushing in. Bonnie grabbed the pizza for his table, and Jack threw up the orders on the line while the other waiters grabbed drinks.

"Oh come on!" Goldie whined. "Can't we catch a break?"
"Not today Goldie." Jack huffed. "It has been a steady stream of customers today. There are half-hour waits for tables! Why would anyone wait that long for this food?"

Before Goldie could reply, his boyfriend quickly grabbed some more drinks and went back out. Guess he wasn't the only one having a hectic day afterall. After a collective groan from the chefs, they all grabbed an order and began to work.

Grumpily, Goldie set to work on another pizza. It was nearing lunchtime and he was starting to feel the pangs of hunger. Hopefully they would be able to get a lunch break soon, given the high volume of orders.

"That's it! I'm taking my break. You bitches can take care of this shit." Chica announced as she stormed out of the kitchen.

Everyone stood dumbfounded, but continued working. Even though they would be taking leave soon, Chica was still Chica.


Spring sat in his office chair casually flipping through the security cameras. Unfortunately it seemed like today was going to be a long day. Mr. Fazbear's contract was weighing heavily on his mind among other things. He set his tablet down and leaned back in his office chair. Would he sign the contract? He did need the money, after all he did spend quite a bit on the small item sitting in his pocket. Spring pulled a small box out of his pocket and set it on the table staring down the little box as time slowly passed. That box could either make his day or ruin it. Well, more like the item inside the box and what he was planning to do with said item.

Another flip through the security cameras. Another minute gone by. Spring loved working as a security guard but with all the thoughts swirling in his head sitting alone in an office wasn't the best thing for him. Setting the tablet down again, Spring opened the box and resumed his staring. Although now it wasn't at the box, it was at the item inside. This time Spring was staring at a shiny silver ring with a small diamond on the top. It wasn't ridiculously expensive, but it wasn't cheap either. An engagement ring in his pocket, a contract tying him to his job, and the idea of a few months with no real work to do, these were just a few of the thoughts spinning around in Spring's head. He looked at the ring again.

"So I guess I am gonna take that Fazbear deal, aren't I?" Spring asked the empty room as the gleam of the ring reminded him of it's price.

With a sigh Spring closed the box and put it safely back in his pocket. Today was going to be a long day.


Though the day was chaotic and customers were streaming in, Freddy and Bonnie were able to get a break together. They took their lunch in the lounge, where it was actually quiet and somewhat peaceful. As they ate, they gave each other looks that lovers give one another.

"So what do you think about this whole remodeling business?" Bonnie asked, breaking their silence.

"I think it is a fantastic move for this establishment." Freddy replied. "I dislike the idea of not having work for months, but as long as there is pay, we should be fine. Especially with the little one on the way."

Bonnie then put a hand on his stomach. It had started to bump out slightly, but it was still very undetectable for the normal eye to see. So far pregnancy hadn't been terrible for Bonnie. Morning sickness and nausea were on the way out, which was nice. Cravings were starting for him as well.

Though not having work for a few months? That would be nice, and a bit of a pain, since working felt like was doing something with his time. Not to mention it distracted it from his newly charged up sex drive, which was already in a permanent state of desire before the pregnancy.

However, on the positive side of being off work for that long meant he could adjust to the pregnancy more. Thinking further in his mind, he would not want to be here when the baby first started to move. That would be too strange of a sensation to have while working, especially since he would not be used to it at all.

"Have you thought about the baby's gender yet?" Bonnie asked a loud, waking from his daydream.

"I feel as if we are expecting a fine young man." Freddy replied, causing Bonnie to giggle. "What are your thoughts?"
"Honestly, I feel the same way. Though if we end up having a little girl, that would be okay with me."

Freddy rolled his eyes. Bonnie knew he would enjoy being a father, regardless of what they had. He could imagine Freddy being the protective type over his little girl.

"Have you thought of any names yet?" Bonnie asked. "I really haven't thought of any boy's names, but if we were to have a girl I was thinking we could name her Violet."

"A fitting name." Freddy proclaimed. "I was thinking of naming our son, if we have one, Freddy Jr."

Bonnie started to laugh, causing Freddy to scowl.

"What is wrong with the name?" he asked, getting flustered. "Do you find my name a joke?"

Bonnie wiped a tear from his eyes because he was laughing so hard. "No, no. You're name is lovely, but we are not naming our son after you."
"Why not?"
"Because he would end up like you!"
"Would not!"

Bonnie then got up, devilish grin on his face, and kissed Freddy. It instantly disengaged the angry waiter.

"There, now can we have a civilized conversation?" Bonnie asked. "Maybe on the couch?"

They moved over to the couch, but both knew they weren't going to discuss baby names any further, not yet at least. Bonnie moved over to Freddy to where he was on his lover's lap. Their lips found each others, and Freddy had now pinned Bonnie down on the couch.

The remodel, and the new life growing inside of Bonnie were now pushed off to the side, issues that could be worried about later.


Jeremy stared at the wall of the room he now called home. When he admitted himself to the hospital he had went through an intense evaluation. The psychiatrist had diagnosed him with Intermittent explosive disorder, bipolar disorder, and depression. When Jeremy first came to the hospital he was in a really bad place. The loss of Jack put him near the edge.

"Jeremy? Doctor Smith is ready to see you." The nurse said motioning him to follow her.

Jeremy climbed out of bed and followed her quietly. Before he admitted himself he felt secure he was making the right decision, but lately he was wondering if he was overreacting by coming here. He felt more in control of himself and he wasn't feeling nearly as much self loathing as he did before. Then again that could be because of the medicines he was on, or because of the release he gained from talking to someone about his problems. Now that he thought about it his diagnoses made a lot of sense, justifying behavior as far back as childhood.

"Hello Jeremy. Please take a seat. Your previous therapist, Doctor Melanie, thought you might benefit from speaking to a male doctor."

Jeremy nodded and sat down, eyeing Doctor Smith. He had bright red hair and was extremely skinny.

"You can call me Fritz by the way. I think it's best if we start at when you were a child. Looking back, can you think of any moments that indicated your conditions?" The doctor smiled at Jeremy inviting him to speak about his experiences.

As Jeremy babbled about his childhood to this new therapist, his mind wandered towards what got him in this place. Jack. And by extension he thought about his children. Twins… What would their lives be like? Would they be boys? Girls? One of each? And even more important, would Jeremy ever get to meet them? As Jeremy thought about the lives of his children he became silent about his life as a child.

"Jeremy?" Fritz prompted.

"Yeah. Any ways I never was really close with my dad…." Jeremy mumbled before breaking into tears. "And my babies won't be either. Jack will never let me see them. Why would he? I don't deserve him. I don't deserve them. What do I have to live for if my children will grow up to never know me?"


"Oh hey BB. How's it going?" Frank asked as he noticed the teen mopily walking towards the prize counter.

"My parent's aren't letting me sign the contract…" BB answered with a frown.

"Oh that's not so bad. I'm sure you can find another part time job." Mark replied soothingly.

"You don't understand!" BB yelled.

"Hey, don't yell at Mark like that!" Frank scolded him stepping in front of Mark defensively.

"Oh shut up. You have no Idea what I'm going through. You got your Senpai!" BB yelled beginning to cry.

"What are you talking about?" Mark asked staring at the very upset teenage boy.

"If I don't sign the contract I'll never get my Senpai! He'll be gone! I'll never get Foxy!" BB wailed.

"BB, Foxy got engaged to Chica." Frank said, staring at the crying boy.

"LIES!" BB wailed dropping to the floor and curling up into the fetal position.

"Mark do you wanna, you know, take care of this?" Frank asked.

"Uh no." Mark said shaking his head.

"Come on!" Frank said, "Look at him."

"Fine. But I'll be right back." Mary walked around the counter and pulled BB to his feet. "Let's take you to the bathroom."


Mary did his best to soothe BB as he walked the younger male to the bathroom. Poor kid, Mary thought. He must have been a bit delusional to think Foxy would have even considered looking at him.

Once in the bathroom, he patted BB and the back and muttered a "there, there", before leaving the bathroom in a quiet rush.

Back at the Prize Counter, Mary found Frank leaned against the counter, looking sad.

"Hey babe, are you alright?" he asked as he approached.
"Yeah, I suppose." Frank replied. "I'm just sad that we won't be here for a few months. I really like this job, you know? At least we're getting paid to not work though."

"That is nice. Though some time off is fine by me."

Mary was really grateful to be off work for a few months. He was getting tired of being tired, since he had to dig for prizes sometimes, because they weren't always out. The now noticeable bump in front of him also dragged him down. As happy as he was to be pregnant, the baby was really starting to get in the way.

"Now are you okay babe?" Frank asked, sounding concerned.
"Oh, yeah." Mary replied. "I'm just ready for some time off."
"I hear you. Plus we have to make sure the little one is getting all they need."

Frank then leaned down and kissed Mary's bump, causing him to blush.

"I love you goofball." Mary said with a smile.

"And I love you too babe." Frank replied.


Carrie stood up and carefully placed the cover back on the absorbent part of the stick before gently laying it on the top of the toilet paper dispenser. She looked out the stall door at the clock on the bathroom wall and followed the second hand as it made its trip around the clock. The package had said three minutes and it would be time to check the results and Carrie could barely wait one, even less three. Every second Carrie's excitement grew. She so desperately wanted a positive. Carrie loved children, and nothing would make her happier than having one with the love of her life. As the second hand made it's last trip around the clock Carrie turned and grabbed the test.

For a second Carrie's heart dropped at the sight of one solid blue line. A negative. Right as tears began falling down her cheeks, Carrie looked again. Was that a faint blue line? Was that… A positive! Carrie squealed jumping up and down and staring happily at the blue plus she so desperately wanted. Placing a hand on her tummy, Carrie ran towards the backstage area where Toni waited.


Toni was humming to herself as she strummed on her guitar. The next show was in fifteen minutes and since today was the last day, she wanted to do her best. There was no doubt she would sign the contract. Carrie and Toni had agreed a long time ago that Freddy's was a great place to work for performers like them. With their very open sexuality and their relationship with the manager, there really was nowhere as good as Freddy's.

Toni played a little tune on her guitar and let her mind wander. She had agreed to some unprotected stuff with Carrie a couple of weeks ago which of course Hope had stumbled into. Toni would rather get married first, but Carrie's parents were adamant that their daughter was just going through a phase and Carrie didn't want to tie the knot without her father's approval. So since Carrie was begging, Toni agreed to do it just once. As Toni sat there she pondered what would happen if it was positive? Could Carrie perform while pregnant? To Toni, the idea of a child was terrifying. Would she be able to care for it? Would a baby even like her?

As Toni pondered this Carrie charged into the room squealing excitedly.

"Hey sweetie, what's up? You seem happy!" Toni said smiling at her.

"LOOK! WE'RE HAVING A BABY TONI!" Carrie squealed waving a positive pregnancy test around.

Toni's smile quickly faded from a huge smile to a look of pure horror, and to the sound of Carrie's excited squeals and a door opening Toni fainted.

Frank walked in to get ready for the show only to see a passed out Toni and a squealing Carrie, "I'm gonna go…" He said grabbing his top hat and ears and quickly leaving the room.


Chica put her hands over her bump as she washed her face in the restroom.

"You're a real piece of shit." She grumbled at the little monster inside of her. When she was pregnant before it was nowhere near as bad, but this pregnancy was like living in hell. Ever since she found out it was like all the symptoms came to attack her. Her chest hurt, she constantly felt like she had to pee, and worst of all her morning sickness had gone from unnoticeable to almost constant. At this point, Chica was anything but in love with the little brat Foxy's unprotected play had given her.

Gripping her stomach Chica ran back into the bathroom stall, getting rid of anything she hadn't emptied with the first bout of morning sickness. After washing herself up again Chica stared angrily into the mirror. Why did I let this happen?

"You're dad is really gonna get it." She grumbled to her baby before storming out of the bathroom and towards Pirate Cove.


Foxy had just finished his last show for the day. With a gruff sigh, he took off his pirate attire for the day. Just as he was about to go backstage he saw his fiancé storming towards him.

"Hey babe." he said, trying to play it cool.

"Don't you fucking babe me you piece of shit." she hissed.

"What's the matter hon?"

"Hon? HON!? I'm carrying your fucking demon child that's what the matter!"

"Hey now, just relax…"

"I'm not gonna relax and you want to know why? These symptoms are worse than when I had Nico you son of a bitch. Nico is the sweetest and his pregnancy was smooth, even though his daddy isn't around anymore. Just fuck you."


Foxy let out a yelp of pain as Chica stomped his foot. It felt like she broke it.

"Baby…" he tried to say again.
"No. Fuck you." she replied. "I'm out."

With that, she stormed away. Foxy just stood there, not quite sure what to do next as he felt his foot throb. Suddenly, he had a pang of guilt for all of those people before her. Were they pregnant? If so, where they experiencing this too?

Foxy's stomach twisted.


At the end of the day, Jack was exhausted. He had signed the contract, which meant he wouldn't be working for a few months, but that was okay. He was looking forward to watching his body grow as the babies grew, as well as doting on his Goldie Bear.

Everyone seemed to be okay with not working for a little while, though apparently Brandon was the most upset. At some point in the afternoon he heard wailing in the bathroom, and someone had told him that it was Brandon. Jack giggled a bit. Since he had started working at Freddy's, he had never once saw the kid. Weird, considering everyone was always talking about him. Maybe their paths weren't meant to cross.

Whatever, it didn't matter to Jack. He assumed he was a bit of a loser, since he was always trailing after Foxy.

Jack stopped in his tracks and shivered.

But before he could fall into those memories, he found Goldie by the front door.

"Are you okay?" Goldie asked when he approached. "You seem upset. Remodel got you down?"

"Uh, yeah, just a little." Jack replied, not wanting to give the reason. "It's better now that I'm here with you."

He gave him a kiss on the cheek.

"Aw, thanks babe." Goldie said with a blush. "Do you want to go out for dinner tonight?"
"Sure! I'm feeling soup. Somewhere with soup." Jack replied, eager.

"Alright, soup it is!"

The two lovers then linked hands and walked out to their car.


Hope had decided to sign the contract. She hated the idea of not working for her money, but she really loved working at Fazbear's. It was a crazy place, with a lot of interesting people but working there made her happy and it allowed her to meet someone she really loved and cared about. As Hope walked out of the restaurant for the last time as it was, she smiled to see Spring waiting for her.

"Hey! Sorry we couldn't have lunch together today." Hope said walking with him towards her car, hand in hand.

"It's fine, hey listen, I have a question for you." Spring said stopping by Hope's car.

"What is -" Hope said stopping as she turned around to see Spring down on one knee with a ring in his hand.

"Will you marry me Hope?"

Please let me know what you thought of the story! I would also really appreciate any suggestions for the sequel that I hope to have!