Hello guys, it's been a while I was thinking about write an Emison story, and then, here I am :) This story begins the night when Emily find out that Alison is still alive – not in the same way than in the show. It took some time but I hope you will enjoy it as much as I've liked write this. Keep in mind that I'm not English – French, in fact – and I'm pretty sure you will find mistakes in my text but I've tried my best. You can tell me if you found one and I will fix this as soon as possible. That's all, just tell me if you like it!

Chapiter 1

Under your gravity

You were not supposed to see her face or her smile again. Or anything belonging to her, as a matter of fact. This look, sometimes hard, but so sweet at those hours when nobody listens, had become inaccessible. You still heard the warmth in her words, the vulnerability in her voice. But it was not real. You had the proof days after days, when you saw all those people trying to replace her at school.

Without knowing that she was irreplaceable.

Yes, maybe they carried her smile, but none of them found value for you.

You've been waiting for her. For a long time. Maybe months, years. Nobody knew better than you when was the last time someone saw her. Every second separating her from you was engraved in your memory, and you counted them as prisoners count bars of their cells.

But one day, people around you decreed that all of this had to come to an end. The hope. It was necessary to turn the page, and then you made it. This broken heart gave her love to someone else. Several times. It never lasted too long. Their presence, all the attention of the world, was not enough to fill this hole in your life. They would never have been able to.

Because all this time, through them, it was her that you looked for.

You don't really know when you stopped believing in it. Lie to yourself. To be honest, you never really stopped hanging on to those memories, no matter what it may cost you.

In front of your friends, your family, you claimed to get of it. They wanted an image of a strong girl. So, be it. That's what you gave them.

But the reality was quite different.

She shared your dreams for a long time, walking when the sun raised, at this same hour when sun's rays lighted up her blond hair, with soft glare. And you kept one of her T-shirt. You knew it was bad, that it just feds your sorrow, but it was stronger than you: too hard to move on.

Sometimes, you smelt her smell. This, at least, the time had not got through it. Somehow, you felt close to her. So much memory was bound to it. Beautiful memories.

The problem with the happiness, it's when we suffer, we feel suddenly angry against them. Nothing matters anymore, including this fragile happiness which satisfied you so far. What's the point of keeping all those photos, those letters, those videos which won't get her back?

Alison disappeared and if Emily couldn't believe it yet, this bitter taste that she lets on her lips, was the proof

Yes, Alison DiLaurentis was supposed to stay forever her night's ghost.


… so, how explain that this ghost was that real?

The swimmer blinked one moment. A familiar voice got her back to reality. Emily looked away, a blond girl was staring at her with attention.

"Emily" she repeated with a soft voice, although the brunette perceived her anxiety, even anguish. "You are wounded" noticed Alison, fear growing a little more in her look.

Emily wanted to answer something but her friend came near, and so close, her will weaken. Only a look from Alison was enough to make her lose control over her words.

"I… No" stuttered the swimmer awkwardly, but her voice went out so low that she hardly heard it.

Her behavior seemed to magnify Alison's anxiety. Emily knew that she shouldn't have felt that, yet the idea that the blond worried about her, was unexpected and it warmed her heart.

"It wasn't a question" whispered Alison while she held her glaze. "We have to take care of this shoulder ". The blond pointed out her arm. A trickle of blood had stained her shirt, and it's precisely at this moment that Emily realized the wound on her skin.

The blue freeze glow inside her friend's eyes, was fascinating, so much that it numbed the pain. The brunette felt falling under her gravity, as we fall in love.

"Where can I find something to heal you?"

Emily remained silent. To be exact, Alison was not certain that the girl perceived her presence by her side. Guessing that her friend was in a state of shock, the blonde had a look around the house in search of disinfectant. Since she disappeared, the place hadn't changed a lot, except some decorations added meanwhile. Taking again the familiar way to the bathroom makes DiLaurentis' child homesick. How many sleepless nights and laugh had she shared here?

But it became something of the past, now.

Even the best things come to an end, and her end begun with 'A'. Does it mean that happiness never last?

Alison pushed the door in front of her and opened instinctively the cupboard under the bowl.

Here you are

"I found some disinfectant " announced Alison at the other side of the corridor, proud to be useful, even in a tiny way.

And the teenager turned back to the hall. When this one came again into the kitchen, she found Emily in the same position she left her. The precision was almost frightening, even her members hadn't moved. As if time had stopped suddenly. Somehow, something in Emily's face convicted the blond that she was close to the truth.

Alison pull up carefully the sleeve of her shirt and cleaned the wound until all bloods' drops have disappeared.

The girl put a bandage over her skin and the brunette jumped. She looked down.

Come on Emily, deep down you know that it's only a figment of your imagination, your dreams take over. But… it's so real.

Alison came closer and, for a short moment, her perfume found a way to her. The same smell as on the T-shirt she kept of her friend. Emily was addicted to it.

I'm going to wake up soon.

A breeze got shiver the swimmer and Alison put her jacket against her shoulders, with a protective movement.

This is all my fault, thought the blonde, guiltily.

She shouldn't have come back to Rosewood. Everybody considered her dead for years, and it was better in that way. The last time she hears from 'A' was month ago. After three years of escape and loneliness, Alison had considered possible her blackmailer finally gave up. What a stupid hope! How did she have been able to imagine for one second 'A' would stop so easily and she could return to her old life? Instead of that, he attacked Alison by surprise while she secretly came back home. Emily came to help her without knowing that she would make a shaking discovery. She wasn't died. The girl she cried for years was not died. Alison felt her heart sank realizing she hurt her friend. If it had been possible, the blonde would have stayed by her side forever. Trust her, she wanted it so bad. But it was impossible. Not if Emily had to be to be the target of 'A' because of her selfish wishes. However, Alison noticed with regret that she failed in her mission. Her friend was actually hurt, no matter what she did to protect her. The Dilaurentis' child pulled down the sleeve of Emily's shirt.

It takes longer that it used to, but I'am going to wake up. It's certain, thought Emily.

Alison questioned her with wondering eyes, as she tried desperately to read her thoughts.

All you see is not real. Avoid believing in it or you are going to suffer.

The blond put a hand on hers. Her heart missed a beating.

I can feel it. I feel her hand as I felt my own heart stopping. How it's possible? I am going crazy?

Could she loose her mind without being aware of it? The idea frightened her so much that she brutally took a step back.

"Hey, everything is fine Em?" Asked the blonde, seeing Emily's face become suddenly pale.

"So, it's true?"

It was the first words Emily had been able to say. Alison frowned, confused.

"I miss you so much that I'm going crazy, isn't it?" whispered Emily with a trembling voice, still shaken.

Alison smiled a little. Emily was so lovely when she was lost. However, her smile became darker when she understood that the brunette thought sincerely all her words.

"I know that it's hard to believe it after three years of disappearance, but I'm here. It's me, Emily"

She shook her head, as she couldn't admit it.

"No, it can't be you" answered the swimmer, repressing a sob.

"But yet this is the truth. I am back." Assured Alison, moved too.

"I'm going to wake up! I'm going to wake up in a few seconds in my bed. Yes, and… "

"Please, look at me Emily." begged Alison, as she forced her to focus on her face. "What you have in front of eyes is real. It's not your imagination anymore, I promise."

"It can't be possible" said the first one firmly, with tears in her eyes.

"Why" just asked the blond, torn inside seeing that this denial's war, was destroying Emily.

"Because this girl… this girl …"

Alison began to cry too. She loved her so much. It was hard to see her suffering.

"… Died many years ago." concluded the swimmer and her words broke before the end.

There is a quiet moment, just after the storm, when the silence finally comes back. You turn your head and the only thing you can do is see the damages.

No sound can cross your lips.

All you take for granted is now just ruins and you have to rebuild all of this again.

Then, slowly, Alison sealed the gap beetween her and Emily and put a soft kiss on her lips. This kiss was infinitely sincere and as warming as a hot chocolate in the middle of winter.

Alison took a step back.

"Does it sound wrong? Do you really think you can make up this feeling?"

Hope you've liked this one-shot. Feel free to leave a review I'm so looking forward to read them :)