A/N: Hey everyone this idea came to me when I was changing my avatar! Crazy Huh?! So seeing how I picked that out I've decided to write it now! This is a thanks to Aquaturqoise for making my day after I just had a tiring one! She's like Sofia and I'm Cedric! Lol! On with the story! Please Read and Review!

Sofia the First!:

You Always Need Hugs!

A tired grunt came out of Cedric's mouth as another potion failed! "Why is it when I work on something important it blows up in my face!" He then cleaned up the mess with his wand muttering negative thoughts to himself unaware that a certain Princess was listening.

As Sofia listened her heart sank deeper hearing the negative thoughts of her friend. She was on her way up to his workshop for more lessons but once she began to hear his angry voice she didn't want to enter at first. "Wormy, nothing in life is worth all this failure, I mean sure some sorcerers get their spells wrong but on account of it being more than a hundred times is enough humiliation."

The raven wasn't really paying much attention to him, he was focusing on the disgusting wardrobe of his in the corner, why did his master make those for him? He was a raven, an animal that didn't need any clothes! His feathers was enough warmth for crying out loud!

Once the the workshop was tidy he began again. "Now lets try this again and if this doesn't succeed Wormy then I will need nothing else to disturb my day!"

A tear came down Sofia's cheek hearing his last sentence and began to walk back down with her head hanging down. she guessed since he needed nothing that meant he didn't need her to disturb him, sure it was time for her lesson but seeing that Cedric didn't need to be disturbed guessed he didn't want her around. To her, he sounded like he needed a hug, badly!

Cheering up quickly Sofia ran back to the workshop with her training wand in her hand. "He may say that he doesn't need nothing today but there is one thing he'll always need!" Sofia muttered to herself.

As Cedric sat over his desk , he waited for the potion with crossed arms and impatience but all of a sudden his door loudly slammed opened hearing Sofia yell "I'm here to help Mr. Cedric!" This scared the sorcerer making him jump from his seat and fall to the floor!

As he opened his eyes he saw an upside down Sofia with a smile but he on the other hand he wasn't too happy. "Do you realize you just burs ted in here right?"he said smirking. This made Sofia giggle. She then helped him up and asked what had gone wrong. He explained that his flower wasn't giving him the right ingredients.

"This poscow flower is known for it's trickery, you see it contains many liquids but I only need one and it keeps giving me the wrong one!" He turned the flower eying it saying "You think you're so clever don't you Mr. flower but once I'm done with you, I'll get myself a smarter flower!" Grabbing his rob Sofia received his attention telling him that she would help


After helping him for a few hours by playing "Good Sorcerer, Bad Sorcerer" they finally got the flower to give the right liquid.

Finishing up the potion Cedric sighed saying "I'm glad theirs nothing else I need from that flower, I'm going to dispose of it" Sofia smiled and said "I'm glad I could help you but there is one thing you need."

Cedric raised an eyebrow. "No there isn't, I got everything covered." Sofia shook her head and hugged him saying "You Always Need A Hug!"

A/N: How was that for my second Sofia story? I mentioned Wormwood's wardrobe because that's always a funny part, I wonder who came up with that idea? Well, I hope everyone enjoyed this including a good friend of mine, Aquaturqoise! Remember to leave a review!