A/N: Hey GUYS! Happy New Year! Anywhoo, new chapter. I'm kinda surprised at the attention this story is getting. It makes me very happy. Of course, this is the first story that is set in THG universe and not modern day or something, so that makes some sense. I'd like to thank all of you and yes, the chapters are short, but I hope that's okay for now. I can't really write long chapters without getting bored.

Also, can someone PM me on how I can get a beta. I have no idea how, or if you know one that wants a new author.

Please, please, please review. I LOVE feedback. Even if it's critical.


I hold his hand in mine, relish in his touch. He hasn't really spoken to me since that night. I'm almost glad, but being without him after all this time together feels strange. I pass off the small package to the next family. I smile, having a genuinely happy time. He's enjoying himself, it seems, just as much. A little Seam girl runs up to us, all giggles and he picks her up graciously. They begin to talk and his warm steady voice tells her what's in each parcel, what we're giving their family. She nods quickly before peeking through the bag. He soon sets her back down, his hands holding hers. When she noticeably shivers, he begins shuffling, and I stare at him curiously. He quickly unwraps the fur scarf from around his neck and secures it around her slim shoulders. In that moment, he seems just like the kind 16 year old boy he is. Young, full of life and kindness. His hand messes with her hair after he stands up and soon she sprinting away, her face alight.

Afterwards, as we make our way home, silence surrounding us, I cross my arms over my chest for warmth. The night is cold and I can see my breath. If there weren't such tension between us, I'd be holding his hand, wrapping my body against his. I make a split second decision when we're a still a few minutes away from The Village.

I grab his arm roughly, and backtrack into Town. He begins to protest but I shush him, after that, he doesn't protest. I stop through the snow passed Town but before The Seam. As my breaths become heavier, I speed up, hoping to get there sooner.

"Katniss…" He sighs when we come upon the great willow that stands in The Meadow, it's branches baren this winter. I stand under it and tug him toward me. He's surprised- to say the least- when I take his face in my hands and press my lips against his. He's cold but it's only a moment before he's responding to my kiss and we're both warming up. I laugh and we continue on like this for longer than I like to admit, but he just feels so good. His laugh resounds deep in his chest when we break apart. "Katniss." He repeats with a grin.

"Sorry." I giggle, and then sniff due to the cold air, "I just…" I trail off, trying to remember why I brought him out here.

"Do you want to eat dinner with my family?" He asks out of the blue and I nod quickly, just wanting to stay in his presence for longer. "I to come by one of these nights before we leave and I like for you join me."

"Of course." I sigh blissfully.

"You technically put me behind time wise on preparing the food."

I laugh and just shrug my shoulders, "Whoops!"

I run by the house quickly to tell Prim and my mother that I'd be out tonight but then, I'm all his. I take off my jacket when I step in, the fireplace running. The warmth envelopes my bare arm and I shiver at the sudden change of temperature. He kiss me a peck on the cheek and I blush. He soon tugs my arm into the kitchen. He hands me a knife and winks, "I learned my lesson last time." He quips and I 'punch' his arm.

"Hey!" I protest. "It's not my fault, I assumed if it was on high, it'd cook faster. I didn't think it'd burn." We fill the kitchen with laughter and warmth, and it's the happiest I've probably been since… I don't even know. I feel like a kid again.

As the pasta boils, the bread bakes, and the tomatoes simmer, we somehow get into a flour fight and we're a complete mess. So when the doorbell rings, we both jump, eyes wide. We both totally forgot his family was coming over. He quickly goes to greet him and I attempt to fix my appearance some. When I walk out into the living room, all eyes turn to me. I give a small smile and ignore the piercing glare Mrs. Mellark gives me. His brothers swarm me, hugging me and joking about my appearance. Graham's wife stands back, toward Mrs. Mellark and looks at me with disdain and a touch of jealousy from all the attention her husband is giving me.

"Where's Prim and your mother?" Rye asks with a frown. He- unlike his brother- is unwed.

"Um, across the street I guess. Eating dinner I presume."

"I haven't seen Primmy in forever! I'm gonna go get her!" He yells as he runs out, having the energy of a toddler. I smile at his interest in my sister, eyebrows lifted.

Mr. Mellark follows his other sons into the kitchen so I'm just left with the two women who kinda, sorta hate my guts. I give them a small smile, not even they can ruin my good mood. But that doesn't mean I'm not grateful when Rye come back, my little family in tow. Somehow including Haymitch.

He staggers in, looking surprisingly alert. I'd expected him to be drowning his sorrows right now, not happily laughing with everyone at this messed up dinner party. Prim, immediately after greeting everyone, flocks to the kitchen and I decide to follow her, anything to get away from that disaster.

Peeta asks me to bring the food into the dining room and I can't help but think It's probably much better now that I'm not involved in the cooking process. I set down the plates of food, Loraria Graham's wife- sits proper and perfect sitting beside Mrs. Mellark and Prim. I wonder, for probably the millionth time since Peeta confessed his love for me- why? Why does he love me and not some pretty town girl like Loraria? It doesn't make much sense to me. And a moment later, when he sneaks up behind me and plants a kiss on my cheek, I jump and my stomach flutters pleasantly.

Throughout dinner, I get distracted, thinking. His hand is in mine and it has an effect. Everywhere he touches causes warmth to spread into my bones and I can't help but think of my dream and what it'd be like to be with him. I try to make it go away but then I just think of it more and soon I'm just wondering what his hands would feel like in other places.