Emma Frost had a sister, her name is Anya Frost. She was a mutant with extraordinary abilities, like her sister, she is a telepath and can turn invisible and much more, the only question is, will she be a friend or a foe? She can handle gruesome fights, but will she be able to handle something more complicated than that, like falling in love? Set in X-Men First Class


Anya was on the yacht, thanks to her ability to turn invisible. Anya just wanted to talk to her sister, but surprisingly, someone made an appearance before she could. "Erik Lensherr" I was listening to their little talk.

"He's here to kill you" Emma said, and invaded his mind making him kneel in pain. Erik threw a knife, but Emma who was now in her diamond form, caught the dagger mere inches from Shaw's face and pushed Erik, making him fall in the water. Poor him. Anya thought.

"Emma, don't harm our own kind" Shaw said, she answered with a smile.

Then, lights shoot in the air, there was a boat in a distance.

"This is the US Coast Guard. Do not attempt to move your vessel. Stay where you are"

This is not good. Anya said in her mind. They can see guards on the boats, on their way to bust Shaw. "They have a telepath" Emma muttered and blocked it.

Shaw ordered Riptide to get rid of the guards on the inflatable boats. Great. This is trouble. Anya used her power and sent a message to whoever is the telepath on the other side. Ask those guards on the water to jump! Quick! Charles heard someone say inside his mind, "Order them to jump, quick!" Charles told Moira and she did. Sure enough, Riptide used his ability and turned the boats upside down. "Oh my God" Charles said witnessing what just happened.

They turned to get inside. Just then Charles felt something, "There's someone else out there" Charles and the others went to see, "There" they watched as someone controlled the anchor.

"Time to go" Shaw said to Emma, they started to run for their life. The anchor then went to destroy the yacht.

Without a choice, Anya jumped in the water. Erik saw something move underneath the water. "Stop! He's running away" Anya shouted to Erik. "Not if I can stop him" Erik thought and went to control the submarine. Anya went to stop him but he pushed her, hitting her head in the process, making her unconscious.

"Let it go!" Charles shouted to the man in the water, but he would not budge. Finally, Charles jumped in to save him. Charles grabbed him on the back and talked to him, to calm him down. "You can't. You'll drown. You have to let go. I know what this means to you, but you're going to die. Please, Erik calm your mind." Erik let go, and they both floated to breathe. "Who are you?!" Erik pushed the man away from him.

"My name's Charles Xavier"

"You were in my head. How did you do that?" Erik asked

"You have your tricks. I have mine. I'm like you. Just calm your mind" Charles explained

"I thought I was alone" Erik said

"You are not alone. Erik, you are not alone" Charles said, assuring him.

Charles lead Erik inside the boat. Raven hugged Charles. "Are you alright?"

"I'm fine, Raven" Charles hugged his sister back.

"They found someone in the water. She's not one of ours" Moira announced, and then the men brought the body inside.


A/N: So what do you guys think? Hope you all like it! FOLLOW, FAVORITE, REVIEW