The song was suggestive and lewd with a fast, strong beat, just how Dean liked it. It wound him up and turned him on, and it was just what he needed. Sam was gone at the store and Cas was... well, he wasn't sure. Probably terrorizing the bee community.

This is not the way into my heart, into my head
Into my brain, into none of the above

The door suddenly slammed and Dean had only enough time to set his laptop to the side before he was all but tackled backwards on to his bed, dry lips pressing against his own in a needy, lustful way. Groaning at the confidence from his angelic boyfriend, the hunter closed his eyes and wrapped his arms around Castiel, pulling him closer, pressing against him. It was unexpected, but hell, he was not gonna let this moment pass.

This is just my way of unleashing feelings deep inside of me
This spark of black that I seem to love

His reward was a deep moan as hands began to roam his body, hastily grabbing at the bottom of his shirt, all but ripping it off. Gasping at the air that hit him, Cas wasted no time in ravishing his lover's body. Sweet, sinful lips trailed along Dean's chest, leaving nips and licks in all the right places. It made his pants tighten. Kisses trailed from his lips to his jaw and up to his ear and Dean groaned once more as the angel did the dirtiest things to his ear and the surrounding area with just his lips. God, did the hunter teach him well.

We can get a little crazy just for fun, just for fun
Don't even try to hold back
Just let go

Bucking up with a needy whimper, Dean's fingers found Cas' mess of hair and threaded tightly within it as the angel's lips attached to a hard, sensitive nipple. With one hand rubbing the bulge in the other's pants, creating a much needed friction, Castiel moved he other hand up Dean's rock hard abs, feeling the muscles quiver beneath his touch. Quickly sitting up, he discarded his coat and shirt as he examined his master piece: Dean was a blushing, turned on, moaning mess, with impossibly green eyes that screamed to come back and continue. Smiling lightly to himself, the angel took his tie off and crawled back over Dean.

Tie me up and take me over 'till you're done
Till I'm done
You've got me fiendin' and I'm ready to blow

Connecting their lips once more in a heated kiss, tongues danced as bodies rocked against each other, a thin layer of sweat from stimulation covering both parties. Not that either cared. No, it only added to the hot atmosphere. The heat and lustful air, the clashing tongues and short breathes. Mixed with the lewd song and the relentless nips, licks, bites, and hands only added to the aroused state of both men.

Push up to my body, sink your teeth into my flesh

Get undressed, ta-taste the flesh
Bite into me harder, sink your teeth into my flesh
Pass the test, ta-taste the flesh

Dean took the words to heart as they thrummed through the room. Quickly flipping the position, he held down Cas' hips and attacked his neck. The angel tossed his head back, mewls dripping over his pink, parted lips. Once the hunter pinpointed the sweet spot, he licked once before biting down. Hard. And Castiel's reaction was better than he had yearned for. His back elevated off the bed as a cry tore past his lips, only making the man above him harder, if that was possible. Finally, after kissing down the angel's body, Dean came to his pants and waited only a moment before undoing to button and zipper, swiftly disposing of them.

Hold me up against the wall
Give it till I beg, give me some more
Make me bleed, I like it ra-

"Do cramps get to be too much for you? Do you worry about leaking or stains?"

Both men suddenly stopped and looked at each other before turning to the laptop, watching the 'feminine products' commercial flash across the screen. Dean sat up and gawked at the device, completely appalled.

"Dean. It's okay. A woman's hygiene is important," Cas explained, trying to help his lover yet also trying to not smite the very thing that interrupted their… moment.

Shaking his head, Dean shut the laptop angrily. "It's not that. It's the fact an ad pops up when I paid for ad free music!"