JasonLeeScottFan, you are my hero. Seriously. No one was reviewing my story and I was sad and then I got an email saying you reviewed and it made me happy again. You will find out in this chapter who the boy was. (I will also send you virtual cookies and flowers.)

TTAznGrl92, you are also my hero for following this story. I will send you virtual cookies and flowers too. You guys rock!

A couple of days after moving in, Sasha and Trey were exploring downtown Edina. Sasha had Meatloaf on a leash, trotting along next to her; Trey was being dragged a few feet ahead with Mouse, who seemed to think she was taking Trey for a walk instead of the other way around.
"Mouse, sit. Sit. Mouse, I said SIT! I said…oh never mind." Trey turned back to Sasha. "How is it that Mouse listens to you and Rose but not me?" he complained. Sasha shrugged and made a sit gesture at Mouse. Mouse sat down right away, her tongue hanging out. Trey glared at the dog. "Oh sure, listen to her."
Sasha smiled and let out a quiet giggle. Looking at Meatloaf, she pointed her finger at the ground and moved it in a circle. The tri-colored dog immediately wound herself around Trey, tangling her leash around his legs; the dog sat down and looked up at her owner, looking pleased. Sasha patted the dog's head as Trey tripped and landed on his rear.
"Is that any way to treat your favorite twin?" he asked, sending a mock glare at her. Sasha put on her best innocent face and held up her hands. "Of course it wasn't you. It was Meatloaf, wasn't it? Don't worry; you're still my favorite twin."
Once Trey had managed to untangle himself and stand up, the twins continued their walk. A bright poster caught Sasha's eye and she stopped to look. It was a sign for a local dance school; in bold lettering it announced that the school was accepting registration for fall dance classes. Sasha felt her heart stop; she had been hoping there would be some dance classes in the center of nowhere. She tugged on Trey's hand and pointed, nearly hopping up and down in excitement.
"Edina School of Dance. How about that?" Sasha pulled her brother towards the door of the legion, where the poster was hanging. "Hey, hey, hey, slow down." He managed to pull his arm free long enough to tie up the dogs before allowing himself to be pulled inside.
"Sashay, sashay, step hop, plié, pirouette, élevé, jette and end in fifth position plié." A blond-haired girl was dancing across the stage set up at the far end of the room. A lady in the corner was watching with a sharp eye. Sasha guessed that was the teacher. "Very good, Anna. Again. Bend the knees on the plies. Keep your leg lifted on the élevé. Once more. Sashay. Sashay. Step hop. Plié. Pirouette. Élevé. Jette. Fifth position plié. Perfect."
Trey leaned over to whisper in Sasha's ear. "Bet you could do that better no problem." Sasha nodded absently, already envisioning herself floating around in her black leotard.
"May I help you?" The voice brought Sasha back to reality. She looked up to see the teacher standing in front of her; instinctively Sasha stepped back as she realized she hadn't been imagining herself dancing.
"Uh, my sister Sasha was just wondering about signing up for ballet lessons," Trey quickly responded, protectively resting a hand on Sasha's shoulder. "She took lessons in San Francisco. She's really good."
The teacher looked Sasha up and down. "I can see that. However, she is still interrupting my private session. Registration is Monday afternoon at 2. Until then I must ask you to leave. Anna, take a five minute break."
Anna put a hand on Sasha's shoulder before she could leave. "That was amazing. Really amazing. If you want, I could give you more information about the dance program here. Meet me outside in half an hour, okay?"

Anna hardly took any time to change after dance class that day. She pulled on her shorts, threw a shirt on, and shoved a pair of sandals on her feet before running out the door. Sitting a few feet away on a bench were the kids from the dance class, each holding a dog on a leash. She went over and introduced herself. "Hi. I'm Anna."
"I'm Trey," said the boy, holding out his free hand. Anna shook it. "This is Sasha and this is Mouse," he said, motioning first to the girl and then the Golden Retriever at his feet.
"Hi, Mouse," Anna said, holding out her hand to the dog. It sniffed her hand a few times before losing interest. Anna turned to the dog Sasha was holding. "And who is this good boy?"
"Meatloaf is a girl."
"Oh. Hello, Meatloaf." Meatloaf put her paw in Anna's hand. Anna smiled as she shook the dog's paw.
"Meatloaf is Sasha's dog. Way more behaved than Mouse."
"I see. Well, I have to say that Sasha, you are one of the best dancers I've seen in…well, in forever," Anna said, turning to Sasha. Sasha blushed and looked at the ground. "No, really. You were amazing. Everyone in my class last year would never be able to pull off that routine with as much grace as you. And they've been dancing pretty much as long as you've been alive."
"Well, Sasha's dream is to be a professional ballerina."
"Good for you. I think you'll be one of the few to make it," Anna told Sasha as she started to walk. Sasha and Trey stood up and followed Anna. "So here's the deal with dance in Edina."

"Fakes left, fakes right. And he scores again!" Avery Banks crowed, raising his hands in victory. Adam hit his stick against the nearest bench in frustration.
"Are you hockey nuts done yet?" Avery and Adam both looked up to see their sister Anna standing by the door of the tennis court; two strangers were standing next to her. "I want you to meet somebody." The boys looked at each other but shrugged and rollerbladed over. "This is Trey and his sister Sasha. They're our new neighbors. Meet my brothers Avery and Adam." Adam waved at the pair.
"Hi. Nice to meet you," Avery said, offering his hand. Trey took the hand and shook it; Sasha squeaked and hid behind Trey. "Hey, it's the mouse."
"The mouse?" asked Trey as everyone looked at Avery in confusion. Avery leaned over to get a better look at Sasha as he pointed to her.
"You. I saw you the other day. You were getting stuff from your van. You squeaked just like that and ran away when I offered to help."
"When was that?" Anna asked.
"A couple of days ago; when they were just moving in."
"Sasha's very shy around new people," Trey explained. "Especially boys. Don't take it personal or nothing."
"Good to know." A slightly awkward pause ensued before Trey finally spoke up.
"We gotta go," Trey said as he motioned to a pair of dogs tied up outside the tennis courts. "Time to bring the dogs home and feed them."
"Right," said Avery. "Sasha, it was nice to meet you and finally get your name." Sasha gave a thumbs up from behind Trey. Avery smiled and gave her one back. He leaned on his hockey stick as he watched them go.
"I like them," Anna commented, crossing her arms. "They seem nice."
"I think she's cute," Avery stated mildly. "Think she'd ever go on a date with me?" Adam and Anna stared at their older brother. "What? I'm just asking."

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