How did Percy find out how to have sex with guys? It's one secret that I've never revealed specifically in the story, so I decided to put it in an extra chapter!
I've loved talking to everyone who's read the two violin books! I hope I'll see you in my next book: Against It. If not, then thank you so much for following Nico's and Percy's terribly written story HAHA. Hope you enjoy my very, very last chapter (I sWEAR it's the last one!)
(In case you were wondering, the other events [Events 1 through 13] were in the first Violin book.)
NOTE: These events took place before The Violin That Started it Again. These events happened a few days before Nico's birthday in the last novel.
The Violin That Started it Again
Author: Loving Healer
Event Fourteen
Event Fourteen
GSA (Gay Sex Advice-not the Gay-Straight Alliance)
From: Loving_Healer
Percy Jackson
I couldn't believe what I was doing.
But, I mean, I couldn't do it unless I looked it up somewhere, right? It's not everyday I get taught how to properly have sex with a person of the same gender. When my mom gave me the infamous "talk," she and I certainly weren't expecting me to end up gay.
I swear I had more tabs open on my computer than I ever had when I was taking Spanish as my second language as a requirement for school. I swear, I was pretty sure I had at least 6 tabs opened on my internet browser, and they were all Google Translate when I was in Spanish. Now try to imagine even more tabs open, except they were all about a certain subject that I didn't feel like reinstating anymore.
At this point, it felt as if my face were about to burn off. Actually, it would've been considered lucky if it did after everything that I just witnessed.
My dominant hand unfortunately possessed the luxury of scrolling through and reading each and every tab while my other hand had the job of covering my eyes in case something bad popped out from my laptop screen.
And let me tell you, it happened a lot.
I really wasn't prepared for this. I mean, thinking back on the research I did now didn't seem all that bad. I mean, if I wanted to have sex with Nico then I would have to have some sort of knowledge beforehand, right? But during the heat of the moment while I scrolled through every single tab on my laptop, I definitely didn't feel all that great. But then again, not researching anything about the subject matter would've been worse. It would've become a game of "How badly can I physically hurt Nico?". And I definitely didn't want that at all.
So there I was, bearing through what I would like to call the most embarrassing moment of my life. You know how everyone says that your life flashes before your eyes before your life is dwindled away? Yeah, well, I didn't want to live through this moment again. But because I've kept how I figured out how to have gay sex a secret from everyone, I guess I should reveal how I knew to you guys, right?
You're welcome.
My mom wasn't home during that time; she was out at her job at the candy shop a few blocks away from our home. Football practice also ended up being short, and Nico was at the library again. Also, I was pretty sure the last time I saw Tyson, he was playing video games in his room. So, I took the initiative to do a bit of research instead of doing my homework.
Now that I was this deep in the research, I was debating on whether the research would've been more enjoyable or the homework. But, I have to say, reading about gay sex was always better than my calculus homework.
I didn't want to begin to describe about what I read only because I would die from embarrassment. But, I did find a lot of useful information that would become really helpful when the time came. I wasn't sure when exactly I would initiate sex with Nico, but if the moment ever came, I wanted to make sure that I was ready.
Even though there was no one in the house, I felt the need to cover up the blush spreading all the way to my ears. Once I endured through this, I'll never have to do it again. It was the only thing that kept me going, but I almost dropped my laptop off the bed when I heard my mom call my name.
My eyes immediately darted to the nearest clock. It was already eight at night. How long was I staring at my laptop screen?
I checked my phone, and I guess I didn't hear my phone go off when a message from Nico told me that he would be leaving the library late. Apparently, someone made a huge mess of the shelves and switched all of the books around, so Nico was forced to clean up the mess.
"Percy, are you home?"
I heard my mom call again from the front door, and I yelled back that I was in my room. The excessive heat in my face hadn't dissipated in the slightest, and I didn't feel like facing my mom during all of this.
I could barely hear movement in the living room from whatever my mom was doing, but I attempted to ignore it to continue with my research. Assigning it the name "research" made it appear to be some extremely important and confidential information, but at this point, everyone knew that it wasn't the case at all.
My gaze eventually found the clock hanging near the top of my bedroom wall. I returned home after the short session of practice for football at around four. I sighed exasperatedly, closing my laptop and rubbing my temples. I couldn't believe I was just researching for a time that may never even arrive for four hours straight. Never in my life have I been so committed to looking for information for so long. I didn't even do my homework in such a long amount of time; I usually gave myself breaks in between assignments.
I would've blamed this on Nico's effect on me, but it was really just me making sure I didn't screw everything over with Nico. After everything the guy has endured, I didn't want him to get hurt anymore. I just wanted him to live the rest of his life with a happy smile on his face.
I would never be able to forgive ashor anyone that hurt Nico. Even if it was me.
I was jolted out of my thoughts when I gentle knock came upon my open door. There stood my mom with an amused smile on her face.
"What are you doing just sitting there staring at the wall?"
I chuckled nervously, my face heating up more. "Nothing. I just got off my laptop is all. I guess I just zoned out or something."
She rose her eyebrows. "So, what were you thinking about to make your face so red?"
I frowned, beginning a rant about how she always loved to tease me at any given moment and I would never be able to lower my guard when I was around her. It was all a joke though, and I was glad my mom laughed at it.
She strode through the open entrance, sitting on the edge of my bed and turning her body toward me. "So? You never answered my question."
I didn't think it was possible for my face to heat up even more. "Do I have to tell you?" I grumbled under my breath.
She laughed lightly. "Of course you don't have to; only if you want to. I've told you this many times, Percy, but if you need anything, I'm here for you, okay?"
I nodded in response. I glanced at my laptop before sliding it over to her. "Open it."
I wasn't exactly sure why I felt the need to show her. But, I trusted my mom enough to let her know. After I covered my face with the nearest pillow that I could reach.
I couldn't hear anything from my mom-everything was muffled under the pillow that I was currently hiding under. I wasn't even sure if my mom even opened my laptop or not. I couldn't find a single clue until I felt a gentle pat on my leg.
Did she open my laptop? Did she not? This was like a whole other version of the "He loves me, he loves me not" while picking petals off of a dead flower.
I slowly lifted the pillow off of my face, scowling at absolutely nothing. For some reason, I was afraid of what my mom would say even though I already knew she wouldn't scold me for something like this. I mean, could you really yell at me for researching a topic you possess no knowledge about?
She offered me a small smile, patting my leg again to regain my attention from my thoughts.
"So this is what you were thinking about, huh?"
She said it so thoughtfully I couldn't tell if it was a good thing or a bad thing.
I continued on with my silence. I wasn't sure what else to say nor did I know how to respond to her statement. It sounded more as if she were talking to herself.
After gazing at the wall ahead of her for a little while, she finally switched it over to lock eyes with mine.
"You do realize what this means, don't you? You can't just have sex just because you want to. If you really-"
"I know, Mom." I smiled softly. "I really, really do like him. I know my feelings for him are way up here." I held my hand above me as high as I could stretch my arm. "Don't worry about me; I just... wanted you to know instead of giving you a heart attack when the time arrives."
She chuckled. "I certainly would hate that. I know Tyson would ask you all of these questions."
My face began to burn again. "Please help me with Tyson if that time ever comes around."
"Maybe I will, maybe I won't." She shrugged. "You'd appear to be a lot more mature toward your little brother if you did the explaining."
I only whined, explaining that growing up truly was unfortunate, causing my mom to laugh at my outbursts.
"I'm not stopping you on this because I trust you know what you're doing, alright?" She ran her hands through my dark hair. "You better treat Nico well. I view him as a son now that he's been living here for quite some time."
"Are you telling me that you're okay with your two sons having sex then?"
She rolled her eyes, withdrawing her fingers from my hand. "Did you want me to be against it?"
I shifted my gaze to the wall adjacent to me. "No, not at all. Continue exactly what you were doing, Mom."
My mom shook her head, standing up from my bed and putting her hands on her hips. "Thats what I thought, Percy." Her eyes roamed my bedroom until it eventually landed in my backpack that I had clumsily thrown onto the floor the moment I saw my bed. "Have you even started your homework?"
I followed her gaze until it landed on my upside down backpack. I stared back up at her with a gaze that meant Do you really have to ask me that?
My mom rolled her eyes once more. "Go finish your homework, you could research more later if you have to. Or, I could actually tell you a few things."
I was about to respond that, yeah, I'll do my homework soon, until my ears caught upon the last part of her statements. "Wait," I sputtered, "what?"
"What did you just offer to me?"
She blinked blankly at me for a few moments, trying to remember what exactly she said that was so weird before laughing loudly, the wrinkles on her face from the smiles she made in life were prominent.
"I know a thing or two about what you're looking up on that laptop of yours." She leaned against my desk propped against the wall near the entrance to my bedroom.
I stared at her with wide eyes. Where did my actual mom go? Was she offering me gay sex advice?
"Why do you know so much about this?"
She shrugged. "A lot of things happen in college, Percy. A lot of my friends liked to... experiment while they were young, I guess."
I frowned. "College sounds..." I trailed off before chuckling. "Interesting."
My mom smiled. "It really is. Just make sure that everytime before you want to have sex with Nico, you have to-"
I shoved the same pillow back onto my face, trying to muffle any of the words my mom spoke to me. I didn't think this would ever happen: My mom talking about gay sex. I could only catch a few words, but I really didn't want to think about them at all. But, if she continued her relentless advice, my face probably will burn the pillow.
The one sound I could clearly hear behind the pillow was my mom's laughter from her excessive teasing. Well, gee, thanks, Mom.
I felt a tug on my pillow before it was stolen from my grasps. I looked up, expecting to meet the light brown eyes of my mom only to be met with dark colored eyes that reminded me of the night.
"What are you doing?" He sighed, switching his gaze between my mom and me. After studying the expressions of my mom trying her best to hide her mischievous grin and me attempting to hide my raging blush, he sighed exasperatedly once more. "You know what, I don't think I want to know."
He sat at the edge of my bed next to me, picking up my laptop and setting it on his lap. "Are you actually doing your homework on your laptop this time instead of trying everything on your phone?"
You should've seen how fast I moved when I saw Nico's fingers start to lift my laptop screen up to open it. I swear I could become the next Barry Allen if I was smart enough. I was so glad my mom closed it after checking to see what tabs I had opened.
I slammed my palm against my laptop, shutting it loudly. I frowned when I heard my mom laughing before leaving the two of us alone.
"I'm... not ready to show you what I'm working on, alright?" I chuckled nervously before taking my laptop from him and shoving it far underneath my bed as much as possible.
Nico's head was tilted to the side with furrowed eyebrows. "Whatever you say, Percy."
He laid his back against my mattress, telling me how tiring it was at the library that day. It was nice just listening to Nico talk. We weren't holding each other or doing anything considered "romantic," but I was still perfectly satisfied with just being in Nico's presence.
He suddenly trailed off in his sentence, and I found it so adorable that he just fell asleep in the middle of his train of thought.
As quietly as I could, I reached under my bed to unveil my laptop once more. Opening it up, I exited out every single tab that was open.
I wasn't sure if I would ever be able to use the information that I learned in the four hours of research, but hopefully, it would come to use one day.