Well... This is it.

After almost an entire year of writing this story it's finally over.

This is the final chapter, but the story won't stop here.

I will be releasing a sequel on the 20th of December, so I hope you'll be looking forward to that... :)

You've all been so amazing and supportive and I seriously can't thank you enough...

You're all amazing beyond belief...

Originally, this was going to be a oneshot, but then I met someone amazing who wanted me to do more.

And now here we are, almost a year later and I have more fans than I ever thought possible.

So Thank You For All of this Level-Up 1.

You're amazing beyond belief... You've created unforgettable characters; Alpha, Delta, Mark, Will, Harry, and Gamma...

And you've been an amazing friend.

And thank you to all my fans. We've all gone through this long journey together, and I'm glad you've all been so patient with me through the year.

I can't thank all of you enough for your support and encouragement.

I have set up a Facebook page for all of my stories, so please go check that out for any updates and I will be doing a special giveaway in the future. :) The link is on my page.

Here we go, the Final chapter...

Thank you all so much for your support, and for the 87th and final time, Peace... ~ 3

Vincent held tightly onto the axe as he heard the faint footsteps of Felicity growing closer.

Felicity ran into the little room and her eyes widened, seeing the maimed bodies of her friends... Of her love.

"N-NO!" She shrieked, tears rolling down her face as she shakily tried to stand.

Vincent grinned at her sobs and peeked around the corner, watching as she fell to her knees, trembling.

Felicity crawled over to Chica, horrified by the scene.

Chica was staring up at the ceiling, her eyes dead and lifeless, and her body stained in blood and oil.

"W-WHY?!" She shrieked out, shakily reaching her paw out and stroking the side of Chica's face.

Her friend... Her friends were all dead... Gone... And now she had no reason to remain either...

Mike wasn't working tonight... He'd be safe from whatever harmed her friends and ended them in such a way...

She didn't want the same fate for Mike...

The orange cat's tears rolled down her face, as she sobbed harder, not knowing what to do.

Managing to lift herself up, Felicity wearily wiped her tears and made her way over Foxy, dropping to her knees.

"I-I broke my promise..." She whispered in a hushed voice, gently stroking Foxy's cheek and smiling as tears continued to run down her face.

Her blue eyes locked with Foxy's lifeless amber ones, as she gently closed both of his eyelids.

Raising his paw up, she nuzzled under his arm and sobbed into his chest, clinging onto him.

"I-I'm sorry..." She whined into his chest, trembling uncontrollably.

Vincent took a good look around the room to make sure no animatronics had followed her there.

Upon seeing that she was alone, Vincent ran out, swinging his axe up high and screaming.

Felicity's eyes shot open, but she didn't dare move from Foxy's side.

Feeling the axe slam into her ribs, Felicity let out a ear piercing scream and sobbed harder, the wound in her side leaking oil that quickly spread across the floor.

Vincent grinned and lifted the axe out of her, rearing it up once more and crashing it down onto one of her arms, almost cutting all the way through.

Still, the cat refused to move, even as her oil leaked out from her body.

Vincent found this to be a bit strange, that she wasn't even fighting back, but continued to hack away at her.

Raising the axe up for a third time, he chopped her left ear completely off, as she screamed in pain again.

"WHY WON'T YOU MOVE?!" Vincent screamed, hacking away at the cat's legs and arms as she still refused to move from her spot.

Puppet's eyes locked onto Shadow Freddy and Shadow Bonnie as they entered the little party room he was in.

"What do you want?" He asked, a heavy sadness in his voice.

"The others are all dead... He's finishing off the cat..." Shadow Freddy spoke up, the words causing Puppet to cringe.

"And? What are you coming to me for?" Puppet asked, looking at the two obviously upset.

"Revenge..." Shadow Bonnie growled.

Puppet looked at him confused for a moment, before shaking his head and clearing his mind. "Come again?"

"The purple man..." Shadow Freddy spoke up, taking a step forward towards the Puppet. "Kill him..."

"Kill him? H-How would I possibly be able to overpower him? If Freddy and Foxy couldn't... I mean look at me! I'm an anorexic twig for crying out loud!"

"But your magic..." Shadow Bonnie added, Puppet turning to him silenced. "Your magic can take him out..."

"But who am I? To send my friends to their deaths? And for me to get revenge? And to live on forevermore?"

Puppet was ashamed of what he'd allowed... He would forever have to live with knowing he allowed Freddy, Chica, Foxy and Felicity to be brutally killed.

He sent them to the hands of their killer... To the hands of the man who started this whole nightmare... The man in the suit...

Their killer.

"You don't need to live on forever..." Shadow Freddy said, offering a friendly smile to the frightened Puppet.

"You can let him take you out as well... Then attack him in your spirit form..." The shadow bear said, Shadow Bonnie nodding in agreement.

"Is that even possible?" Puppet questioned, unsure of what they were saying was truly the way to go through with things.

"Well..." Shadow Bonnie started, looking up at him. "If you can't manage to do so, we can take him out for you... And we assure you it won't be quick..."

The two shadows grinned as Puppet nodded, standing to his feet and sighing.

"So be it..." He said, walking out of the party room and down the halls with the two figures.

The two trailed off close behind him, slowly fading into the darkness.

"We'll be waiting..." Shadow Bonnie said, Puppet nodding briefly in response.

Felicity lay limp under Foxy's arms, her eyes drifting shut as Vincent panted, wiping her oil and blood off of his face.

"Stupid animatronics..." He mumbled to himself, walking back into the safe room and sliding down the wall, placing the axe next to him.

Looking around the room, he tried catching his breath and sighed, looking over at the piles of spare animatronic parts and broken down arcade machines.

"One more..." He mumbled to himself, a sudden horror filling his voice. Puppet... He knew that he should wait for the Puppet to come and see his former friends dead, then he'd strike.

Puppet was powerful, no doubt. And he wondered if he could take him... But he came this far, and he wasn't going to leave that thing alive...

And heck, he was inane! He'd take on that Puppet with his bare hands!

Puppet walked through the halls, glancing over at posters that hung on the walls, along with the drawings of the children.

He smiled at the sight and sighed, trying to clear his mind.

It had been forever since he'd done this, and heck, he didn't even know if he'd be able to pull it off.

Clearing his thoughts, Puppet sat down on the cold tile floors and closed his eyes, taking a deep breath.

His eyes shot open hearing the sobs of children.

He saw several souls hovering around him, crying and trying to gain his attention.

"P-Puppy..." One cried out, latching onto his leg and sobbing.

"Hello, children..." He smiled, hugging them all gently.

He had successfully opened his mind up to the spirit realm, something he hadn't done in over ten years.

He had stopped doing so upon being haunted by the souls of the guards he'd killed, but now he needed to see the souls of his friends.

Other animatronics like Felicity always were able to see into the spirit realm, but sometimes were only able to see the souls that wanted to be seen.

She on the other hand wanted so desperately to be able to turn this ability off, and not be haunted by the lost souls of her friend's victims forever.

"Why'd you let this happen to us?" One asked, Puppet recognizing this soul being the child that had possessed Freddy.

Even though they all looked identical, he was able to tell which was which.

"Because we need to move on..." Puppet sighed, standing to his feet as the souls let go of him and gathered around him.

"Well why haven't we?" Another asked, him recognizing it as Mangle's soul.

"Because the evil man's not dead yet..." Puppet growled under his breath, the souls all becoming uneasy.

"Then let's kill him!" One burst out, Puppet knowing this was Toy Bonnie.

"Yeah!" The others chimed in agreement.

Puppet smiled, patting Toy Chica's soul on the head gently. "That's what I need your help for, children..."

"Our help?" Balloon Boy's soul asked, confused beyond belief. "But you're Puppet! You can do anything!"

The Marionette smiled and shook his head, beginning to pace down the halls slowly.

"I can't do anything, BB... But I do need your help... Do you all know how to make yourselves real beyond the spirit realm?"

There was a sudden silence among them before Freddy's soul nodded.

"Yes... We just never have before... It's very hard and tiring..."

"I understand..." Puppet said before stopping dead in his tracks, looking among them all.

"Toy Freddy... Toy Chica... Toy Bonnie... Mangle... Balloon Boy... Freddy... Bonnie... Chica... Foxy..." He stopped for a moment, scanning among them.

"Where's Felicity?" He asked, Foxy's soul becoming a bit nervous.

"We take a while to find each other, Puppy... She's just having trouble..." He said, him and the others knowing full well he was lying.

But he hoped for Felicity's sake that they'd all shut up. Luckily they did... They all understood...

Foxy didn't care if she moved on with him, as long as she was alive and well... He didn't want to admit to Puppet that she was alive and him doing something awful to change that.

"I see..." Puppet sighed, turning back in front of himself and continuing down the halls. "Well we need to go now... Finish him now..."

"But what do you need us for?" Chica's soul asked out, staying close to Bonnie's soul.

"We're going to scare the holy living God out of him..." Puppet grinned, taking another step down the cold empty hallway, the souls following close behind him.

Golden Freddy's eyes fluttered open as he saw himself in his little place he'd created.

His eye lids were heavy with exhaustion as he looked around the area, debating on leaving it.

Puppet was sloppy with his spell, as he was with everything nowadays.

Was it all over yet? Maybe... Maybe not...

But Gold didn't want to go out of his little happy place and see something horrific...

He'd already been through so much in his life... Being replaced by Freddy and the gang...

Having his old friend, Spring Bonnie being scrapped or sent off to God knows where...

Gold's eyes locked onto a glowing figure approaching him.

The bear didn't feel fear... He wasn't alarmed by this... This figure somehow put him at peace, not even knowing who they were.

"Gold?" The figure called out, it's voice feminine and soft.

"Yes?" He replied, not knowing who the figure even was.

Coming into closer view, he saw a little girl, no older than seven.

Her brown hair was pulled into a red scrunchy and her little red dress was wrapped loosely around her body.

It had several pretty strands of ribbon on it, and even had little white flower designs all over the bottom of it.

Her little black shoes were glossy and shiny, and even had little jewels on them.

"Do you remember me?" She asked, sitting down next to the sleepy bear.

"I wish I did..." He admitted, knowing he once knew this figure from somewhere.

His eyes widened, seeing her child human body slowly fade to that of a yellow rabbit.

"S-Spring..." He whined out, latching onto the rabbit tightly.

"Shh..." She soothed, patting the bear on the back gently, smiling.

"I'm right here, Fredbear..." She soothed, as Gold pulled out of the hug and stared into her purple eyes, smiling.

"It's alright now..." Spring Bonnie smiled, nuzzling up into the yellow bear and sighing, yawning.

"They're alright... They'll all be fine..." She tried to reassure him, as he relaxed once more, his arms wrapped around the slender figure.

"Let's just sleep..." She said, looking up into his pitch black eyes as he nodded.

"Sleep until fate awakes you for your final calling..." Spring Bonnie whispered, falling asleep,

"And then we'll move on... Together..." He smiled, intertwining his paws with hers as he fell into a deep slumber.

The darkness of his sanctuary consumed them both, wrapping them both in the warm peace that they hadn't felt since all of this started...

Felicity, who unlike Puppet and Vincent believed, was only unconscious; lay on the floor as her breathing slowed drastically, going into a coma type state.

Her body was cold and her fur was mangled and matted, soaked with oil and blood as she lay under Foxy's arm.

The poor cat had taken several blows to the head, damaging her very badly.

Puppet walked down the halls, looking up and seeing the corpses of them all scattered across the checkered tile floors.

He took a deep breath and turned back to the others, nodding and managing a small smile.

"Can you make yourselves manifest out of the spirit realm?" He asked, the souls nodding briefly before closing their eyes for a moment, as they glowed brighter for a moment, before returning to normal.

"We're ready..." Freddy's spirit spoke up, Puppet nodding and turning back in front of him.

"Don't defend me unless I tell you to..." He said, the souls not having time to question him before he walked out of the hallway into the open.

Vincent heard faint footsteps and picked up the axe, chuckling under his breath and walking out of the corner and peeking around the door frame.

His heart sank as he saw the tall slender figure scanning his white glowing pupils across his slaughtered friends.

That Puppet always horrified him to no end, even if he was the one who created the thing.

But now wasn't the time to think about the past or dwell on fear. Now was the time to take that Puppet out.

"Puppy..." Toy Bonnie's spirit called out from the dark hallway.

Puppet turned around and gently placed one of his long slender fingers over his own mouth, signaling for the child to shush.

They all obeyed and fell silent, looking to each other and whispering back and forth silently.

"Can we even trust him?" Foxy's soul hissed out under his breath, having completely lost his pirate accent. "He did lead us to our deaths..."

The others fell silent for a moment and didn't know how to respond, until Mangle spoke up.

"Well... He thought it was the best way..." Toy Chica spoke up, the others mumbling in agreement.

"It's all over now..." Toy Freddy said some of them agreeing, others not so much.

"Not quite..." Mangle sighed, turning to the soul of Balloon Boy and bringing the younger child into a hug, looking back over at Puppet.

"We're still here..." Freddy growled quietly, looking at Felicity who was still limp on the floor. "And we'll remain here until she's out of that body and here with us..."

The others were silent and glanced at each other. "Well we're not going to kill her... Are we?" Balloon Boy asked, sounding upset as he clung to Mangle.

"N-No, BB..." Mangle stuttered out, gently stroking the top of the boy's detail-less head. "...A-Are we?" She whined out, looking up at the others.

"No, Mangle... We're not..." Freddy sighed, looking back over at the limp cat. "She'll die eventually, but we're not going to cause it... I refuse..."

The others nodded in agreement and watched silently as Puppet looked over at the purple man, and locked eyes.

"God help us all..." Bonnie whined out, backing further into the shadows with the others, Chica clinging to his side.

Puppet's eyes trailed over to the purple man peeking around the corner and he glared at him.

He felt nothing but hate towards this man... He was the reason he wasn't a child anymore, why none of them were.

He was the reason several guards were needlessly slaughtered. He was the cause of it all...

"You..." Puppet said, a odd calmness in his voice, needlessly covering up his anger and hate deep inside.

The purple man chuckled and stood strait up, looking into his eyes. "It's me..."

"Why?" Puppet chocked out, his emotions now taking over, showing his weakness. "Why'd you do it to us?"

"Well..." Vincent started, clutching the axe tighter as Puppet caught sight of it, the oil splattered axe dripping onto the floor.

"That answer will die with me, you freak..." He grinned, seeing Puppet's sorrow quickly turn to anger.

"Then allow me to let you die..." Puppet growled, snapping his fingers as several hooks protruded from his hands, attached to strings.

Vincent didn't notice this, and started to charge at him.

Quickly, Puppet swung the strings at him, Vincent's pure white eyes widening, seeing the sharp objects approaching him.

He swung his axe in front of him, snapping and breaking some of them.

He was unable to break them all, resulting in some of them ripping into his clothes, tearing out chunks.

Puppet quickly yanked the strings back into his hand and regenerated the ones that had been broken, Vincent staring in awe.

"How much can you actually do?!" He growled, glaring at him as he held the axe to his side, reading to swing if the Puppet tried anything.

"More than your mind could ever understand..." He replied harshly, swinging the hooks toward him once more.

Again Vincent was able to snap some, but this time some of them snagged into his arms and legs, ripping out chunks of flesh.

The man's eyes widened as he gritted his teeth together in pain, and looked up at Puppet, refusing to show any weakness.

"HA!" He laughed out insanely, a crazed look in his eyes as he approached Puppet. "It's going to take more than a few puny hooks to kill me, kid!"

Puppet grinned and started to levitate, looking down at the man as he raised his hands up, the strings evaporating into thin air.

"Oh... I have much more in store for you..." He chuckled, Vincent turning and seeing the souls of the children appearing behind him.

"N-NO!" He screamed out, insanity filling his voice. "I KILLED YOU TWICE!" He barked out, the children's souls cringing at the man.

They all started to approach the man as Puppet levitated past Vincent, going behind the kid's souls.

"Kill him..." He ordered, the souls not hesitating to advance on him.

"GET BACK!" The purple man screamed out, trying to sound threatening.

"You can't hurt them anymore..." Puppet grinned, much to Vincent's horror.

Swinging his axe at them, he gasped in horror to see it go through them like air.

"NO!" He screamed out angrily, throwing the axe up at Puppet who merely dodged it, the grin on his face never fading.

The axe slid across the floor behind the kid's souls, clanging and stopping, slamming against a party table.

"GET BACK! NOW!" Vincent screamed, taking a step towards the souls, but to no avail.

One of them giggled and slashed out at him, it's hands turning into sharp claws.

They slashed through the man's arm, as he held it in pain as heavy amounts of blood spilled out onto the floor.

He looked up and growled at the kid's, horrified as he backed up into the spare room and tripped over a pile of animatronic parts.

"I WILL HURT YOU!" He barked out to them, the kids only laughing in response.

"Nch Nch Nch..." Puppet mocked, hovering closer to the man, tipping his chin up with his finger. "Seems familiar?"

Vincent smacked Puppet away and shook his head, backing away from him quickly.


"I'm the monster?" Puppet asked, a sudden disgusted tone in his voice. "I didn't slaughter children..."

"I didn't kill hundreds of innocent guards!" Vincent snapped back, Puppet glaring at him, as he hovered back.

"Make it slow..." Puppet ordered, the children giggling and advancing on the man.

Several of the souls latched onto his legs, tearing at the flesh, while others slashed at his arms.

"A-AHHH!" He screamed out, trying to kick them off, but to no avail. "GET OFF!" He screamed, running away from them.

Letting go, the children began to chase him around the room, several slashing at him as he ran by.

"STOP IT!" Vincent yelped out as Foxy's soul bit into his leg, ripping out some flesh.

"There has to be a way out of this!" Vincent thought to himself, looking around the room for some way to escape.

A secret door, a window, an air vent? Nothing.

Maybe he could hide somewhere... Then it dawned on him. His eyes scanned to the corner of the room, seeing an old yellow suit.

"The suit..." He grinned, running away to the souls.

"If those stupid guards were able to hide from them in that spare Freddy head, I'll be good as gold in this!" He thought to himself, trying desperately to ignore the pain of his torn flesh.

The spirits of the children stopped following him as they saw him going for the suit, and whispered among each other.

Some though, such as Freddy, Bonnie, Mangle and Foxy continued chasing him, chasing him to the suit.

Quickly the man took off the head of the suit, hearing a clicking sound and realizing the spring locks were already in place.

"Things just keep getting better and better..." He snickered to himself, quickly slipping inside of the suit, placing the mask back over his head.

Freddy, Bonnie, Mangle and Foxy's souls all backed up with the other's, as Puppet grinned and hovered closer.

"P-Puppy..." Toy Chica stuttered out, tugging on the Marionette's leg. "What do we do now?"

She whined out, feeling defeated along with the others.

Puppet smiled lovingly and patted her on the head, looking strait into her eyes and hovering down closer to the children as they huddled closer, awaiting Puppet's orders.

"There was a reason Gold and Spring Bonnie were put out of order..." He chuckled, looking back up at Vincent who was now inside of what he thought to be his sanctuary.

He looked at the suit's arms and chuckled, looking up at Puppet and pointing at Puppet.

"HA! WHO'S WON NOW?!" He screamed out, as the children stared at him, horrified at the laugh they all knew too well.

Toy Bonnie whined and looked over at the others, and turned to Puppet. "Pupp-"

Puppet raised a finger up at him, signaling for him to be silent; not bothering to turn to him or take his eyes off Vincent.

The child turned his attention back to the old suit that now contained the purple guy.

"WHO'S LAUGHING NOW?!" Vincent laughed out, the children's souls becoming more disturbed by the situation by the second.

Puppet continued to glare and grin at the man, allowing him to think he'd won.

"What is he doing?!" Chica hissed under her breath, turning to Foxy, Bonnie and Freddy confused.

The three children shrugged, just as confused as her.

Then suddenly, his laughs ceased.

Whipping their heads back around to the man, the children watched as he stood frozen, not daring to move.

"Something wrong, Vincent?" Puppet mocked, knowing exactly what was happening inside that old worn down animatronic rabbit suit.

A sudden snapping sound echoed through the old wet musty room, sending a chill down the kid's spines.

"HA-AAGH..." Vincent choked out, leaning forward as a large amount of blood splattered out of the mouth of the suit.

Some of the children, such as Balloon Boy and Toy Chica and some others, looked away horrified and disgusted.

"A-AAAHG!" He screamed out again, as more crunching was heard.

The spring locks were slowly popping out and crushing his flesh, breaking his bones and grinding his organs.

Puppet felt joy that he hadn't felt in a long time. Was it wrong to take pleasure in this? No. Not to him... Not in his eyes.

He always wanted to get his hands onto that... 'Man'... He wanted to tear him limb from limb and have the others tear into his flesh.

Vincent was a murderer... Vincent was a liar... Vincent was dying... And Puppet loved it...

Foxy and Freddy grinned, hearing the man's screams as his blood splattered out onto the floor.

Now came what was the breaking point for Toy Bonnie and Toy Freddy...

Vincent began violently puking up blood, causing the two souls to turn away as Toy Chica and Balloon Boy already had.

Chica, although horrified, continued to stare at the man as his blood oozed out from every little crack and tear in the suit.

Vincent fell to his knees, only making the situation worse, as more spring locks busted, crushing his legs and arms.

The man trembled in pain and began to sob, shaking and trembling as the springs continued to coil around his body, as his victims watched.

Some of them were enjoying this, some were horrified by it... But no matter how they felt, their revenge was coming to an end...

Vincent couldn't possibly get out of this... This was the end of him... The end of the vanishing children...

Falling onto his side, Vincent continued to vomit and sob, as another spring lock busted, piercing through his stomach.

"G-GOD!" He screamed out, curling into a ball and sobbing. "F-F-F-AAAH!" He screamed out, as several more locks busted, some piercing through his eyes, causing him to loose his vision.

"A-Ahh..." He panted out, throwing up again, the sudden pressure on his stomach only driving the springs deeper into his already torn insides.

His breathing began to slow, as the children all calmed and turned back to see what had become of their killer.

His eyes were becoming heavy as he tried to fight off death, but he was loosing and he knew it.

There was no possible way he could survive. He knew that...

Taking one last breath, Vincent went limp, his corpse leaking all of his remaining blood out onto the tiled floors.

It was over... He was finally dead...

Gently lowering himself to the ground, Puppet turned back to the souls of the kids, watching as they slowly began to fade.

"W-What's happening to us, Puppy?" Foxy choked out, he himself scared as he looked up at Puppet.

For the first time ever, Puppet didn't have a trace of sorrow or worry in his voice.

He gently brought the children into a hug for what he knew would be the last time, and sighed.

Tears began to roll down his face, as he looked among them, finally building up the courage to speak.

"Your souls are passing onto another level... You're almost free... But not all of you are ready yet... So you're still stuck..."

He tried to explain to the frightened kids, several of them hugging him tightly.

"I-I won't be able to see you anymore... I-It's a realm beyond my view I'm afraid..."

Puppet couldn't hold it back anymore, and he began to sob heavily, the other children clinging to him tightly.

"I'm sorry for what I did to you all... I'm sorry for letting him get to you..." He whined out, holding onto the kids tighter as they continued to vanish slowly.

"We forgive you..." They all replied, managing smiles and crying themselves.

"We'll see you soon Puppy, we love you..."

Puppet nodded back and hugged them tighter, closing his eyes and taking a deep breath. "I love you too..." He sobbed, as the children vanished completely, leaving Puppet there alone.

Puppet sat sobbing on the floor, tears of joy mixed with loneliness... He was truly alone now...

Shadow Bonnie and Shadow Freddy watched from the shadows as the Puppet sobbed alone.

Vincent was dead in the corner, and Felicity was unconscious next to Foxy's body.

Golden Freddy was in his own place, sleeping until it was time for him to wake.

"We got most of them through to the next realm..." Shadow Bonnie whispered to Shadow Freddy, the bear nodding in response.

"Yes... Now let's wait for the others to do it on their own... There's only three left..." He said, turning to the shadow rabbit and smiling a bit.

"We can rest until we're needed..." Shadow Freddy smiled, Shadow Bonnie smiling back as they both made their way back into the darkness.

"Until we're needed..." Shadow Bonnie hummed to himself, taking Shadow Freddy by the hand and vanishing into the darkness of the night.

Puppet had been crying for what seemed like hours, but now it was time to calm down... It was already 4:20 Am, and he needed to take care of his friend's bodies...

He walked out of the small storage room and his eyes locked onto all of his friends...

Several parts of them lay scattered across the floor, and it was all his fault... And he knew that...

He calmly walked over to Chica, gently picking her up and making sure he had gathered all the bits of her before making his way back to the storage room.

In a corner, he gently set her body down, propping it against the wall and smiling.

The Puppet walked out and entered the other room, next walking up to Freddy.

He gathered up all the bits and scattered parts of the bear and scooped him into his arms, also carrying him into the spare room.

He gently propped him up against a arcade machine and sighed, glancing over at Spring Bonnie who was laying in the corner of the room.

The aroma of fresh blood and raw flesh filled the room, making Puppet wish that he had somewhere else to properly put his friends at rest... But he didn't.

Puppet walked once again and scooped up Foxy, frowning when he saw Felicity resting underneath him.

Sighing, he walked back into the storage room and gently propped Foxy up next to Freddy.

The three old bots sat silently, their eyes shut and their bodies far too gone to even dream of repairing.

And this would be the last time he'd see them... At least in these bodies, in this form...

Puppet realized Mangle was still somewhere in the pizzeria... He'd have to find her too...

"She's in Vincent's office..." A voice called out from behind him

Puppet calmly turned around and sighed as he saw Shadow Freddy; and he nodded his head.

"T-Thank you..." He mumbled out, seeing Shadow Bonnie emerge from the darkness, holding the mangled vixen in his arms.

"I've got her right here..." The rabbit called out, managing a small smile, showing his buck teeth.

Puppet's heart sank as he saw the white vixen dead in the bunny's arms, and he walked over to him, gently taking her from his grasp.

"Thank you two..." He smiled, managing to somehow keep in the tears that were building deep inside of him.

The two nodded and exchanged glances, walking back into the shadows slowly.

"When will I see you again?" He called out, the two not stopping to turn to him as Shadow Freddy looked behind his shoulder; shooting the Puppet a friendly smile.

"When you need us..." He replied, and with that, the two were gone.

Puppet took a deep breath, and turned and walked into the spare room, staring down at the vixen wrapped in his long slender black and white striped arms.

He let a single tear fall before he gently placed her down next to the others, and this time didn't bother glancing over at the corpse of Vincent.

At the moment it was a confusing time for Puppet. He felt joy, sorrow, anger and guilt all at once, and if he wasn't careful it would drive him insane.

"Only Felicity left..." Puppet told himself, knowing out of all of them she didn't deserve this the most.

That cat never hurt a soul, she didn't ever think about harming a guard, and she'd even throw herself in front of them if she had to...

The poor girl never was able to save many though, being outnumbered and having such little defense to fight off the others for the guards.

She'd only grown extremely close to a few guards, Mike being one of them.

"Mike!" Puppet yelped out, realizing that the night guard would be wondering what happened to his beloved friends.

Hearing a rustling from the other room, Puppet feared that the employees had arrived for the day.

Peeking around the corner, he saw Felicity holding herself up weakly with her damaged arms.

"FELICITY?!" Puppet chocked out, joy mixed with sadness in his voice.

The cat quickly spun around and looked at him blankly, much to Puppet's dismay.

"Felicity? Are you alright...?" He questioned, bending down to her level as she stared at him curiously.

"Felicity? N-No... I-I'm Emily... R-Right?" She was in a state of confusion and she was damaged beyond belief.

"Emily?" Puppet mumbled under his breath, shaking his head. "W-Who told you your name was Emily?"

"No one... I just know that's my name..." The cat replied, still having a blank expression on her face as she swished her broken tail back and forth on the floor.

Puppet was upset and didn't know what to do. "No... She knows her old name..." He thought to himself, realizing that if she knew her human name she might move on somehow.

"Do you know who I am?" He asked, tipping her chin up with his finger.

It took a moment, but she shook her head and blinked, her eyes suddenly turning black instead of having white in them.

Her now black and blue eyes locked onto Puppet as he sighed and tried to keep from crying.

"She's lost all of her memory..." He mumbled to himself, watching as the cat tried to stand up, having trouble and almost falling over.

He quickly bent down and caught her as she began to fall, and she smiled a bit and giggled.

"D-Do you know where you're at...?" Puppet asked, a little hope still remaining in his voice as he prayed he could trigger her memories back to her.

"Fredbear's..." She replied, Puppet realizing she only contained the memories of her childhood before her brutal slaughter. And that wasn't good.

"N-No honey, you're in Freddy Fazbear's..." Puppet replied in a calm soothing voice.

Felicity stared at him blankly for a moment, before the Marionette sighed and rubbed the back of his neck, taking her by the hand.

"Where are we goin?" The cat cheerfully asked, obviously unaware that she was an animatronic cat.

Puppet looked down at her and managed a smile, despite oceans of fear filling him up inside. "You'll see..."

The Puppet led Felicity into the prize corner. He walked inside and let go of her paw, and she leaned against the prize counter.

He walked over to the rows of shelves, cute little plushies lined up on them.

He wrapped his fingers around a Foxy plushie and pulled it off the shelf, turning to Felicity and showing it to her.

"Can you tell me who this is?" He asked, trying desperately to give her her memories back.

"YEAH!" She beamed, Puppet sighing in relief as she took the plush from his hands and smiled.

"It's Foxy the pirate! I love watching his shows!"

"WATCHING his shows?" Puppet asked, a little scared that she hadn't gained her memories back like he'd hope.

"Yeah! He always puts on shows in the pirate cove! He's my favorite!"

Puppet realized this wasn't working, and not only that but dawn was approaching and there was no way he could slow this down or stop it.

Someone would come into the pizzeria soon and he needed to seal off the safe room before someone found Spring Bonnie with Vincent's corpse stuffed inside.

Not only that but who would be blamed for the animatronics being torn limb from limb? Mike?

No, he wouldn't allow that. Not after what they'd all gone through...

And they cared about that guard... Not just Felicity, but everyone.

He was the first guard the others agreed not to kill. He was their friend.

He didn't have time to keep hopelessly trying to trigger the poor girl's memories.

The best thing he could do for her was wipe her mind completely... At least then she wouldn't be so confused.

He had one last idea, even though he knew it was hopeless.

"Felicity... Who is the purple man?" His voice was filled with sadness, only little glimmer of hope remained in his soul that this would work.

Odds were it wouldn't work, considering she was back to her child mindset, not having any memory of being killed whatsoever.

The cat blankly continued to stare at Puppet, and shook her head. "I don't know him..."

Puppet's eyes lowered to the ground, as he gently lifted his hand up, placing it in her forehead and trying to keep from crying.

"I'm sorry I couldn't help you..." He whined, looking into her eyes.

"What do you mean?" The pirate asked, still lost by the entire situation.

"I tried to save you all... I-I really did... Back when you were Emily..."

"What do you mean? I am Emily..." Puppet could tell she was confused, and she was about to cry.

Understandable... He knew kids cried when they didn't understand things, but for her to of lost all of her memories since that day when she was murdered; he didn't know if she'd ever gain them back.

Still having his hand firmly placed on her forehead, Puppet sighed as his hand began to glow, white orbs circling around it.

Felicity watched in awe as the Puppet's hands began to glow.

"I'm sorry for this as well..." He mumbled, as the light flashed brighter for a split second, sending a surge through the little cat's body, causing her to twitch and fall backwards, her eyes flashing several different colors.

Her memories of being a child were gone now. She was nobody now... For the time being. Just a life form without a name.

Puppet had many abilities, but giving her her old memories back wasn't one of them.

He could engrave things into her mind, let her know of small details such as her name and where she was, but giving her back all of who she was was virtually impossible.

Felicity stopped twitching and closed her eyes, falling asleep and breathing peacefully.

Puppet bent down and scooped her up, brushing her hair out of her face and trying to clear his thoughts.

He'd been able to give her three memories, and only three.

Her name, where she was, and who her friends were.

That would be enough hopefully for when she woke, wherever they may end up.

He didn't want to put her in the storage room with Vincent and the bodies of the others. When she woke she'd be driven to insanity, shut in a room with the lifeless corpses of her friends.

The Marionette wanted to place her somewhere safe, out of harms way; and away from the others bodies.

"We'll take her..." Shadow Freddy said, emerging from the shadows once again.

"Where? Where could you possibly take her?" Puppet asked, looking around the prize corner, unable to think of anywhere safe to hide the little cat.

"There's more than one secret room here, Pup..." Shadow Bonnie said, extending his arms out.

"Let us take her to the room and leave her there... She'll be safe... I swear on my soul..." The little rabbit smiled a toothy grin, making an 'X' over his heart.

Puppet thought for a moment, looking up at the clock and gasping. 5:30 Am

He didn't have time to do anything with her at the moment, and he honestly trusted the shadows more than some of the kids.

Yes, he knew they were loyal and wouldn't stab him in the back, but since they were only kids they didn't have the best judgement...

"Fine..." He sighed, handing the sleeping cat to the rabbit, watching as the shadow figure nodded to him in reply, looking down at Felicity.

Shadow Freddy looked over at Puppet and glanced over at the clock, seeing the time.

"You better get a move on, Puppet..." He said to him, as Puppet nodded in response.

"I know... Thank you both..." He smiled a bit, walking off.

The two nodded back at him before vanishing into the shadows completely.

Puppet huffed as he finished fixing the wall as best he could, with a little help from his magic he was able to make it look as if the wall had never even been broken down in the first place.

What next? He would go back to his box and wait... Wait for what? The future. Whatever was coming next, he would be ready; and he'd be able to handle things differently now.

He would take care of his friends over himself, and however he had to, he would put them at peace, all of them.

Vincent was dead, he was gone forever now. They got their sweet revenge, their killer had been caught at last.

Puppet walked back to his box, crawling inside of it. He pulled the lid closed and sat in the little space, humming his music box's tune; singing a little song.

"Please help us is what we cried out that day, when he came to murder us in that way... We screamed, cried, and then we slowly died for... his... fun... We don't want to kill but we had no choice, to slaughter their lives will set everyone free... So we... All... apologize that you had... to... die..."

Puppet leaned back in his box, still singing in the tune of his music box. His eyes became heavy as sleep began to overtake him, but he continued singing anyway.

"Now that Vincent is dead we can peacefully rest... Without the sorrow of what we knew best... The fear... Of... The purple man coming once... again..."

Puppet fell sound asleep, wrapped in the darkness of his music box.

The lid slowly opened, a shadowy hand reaching in the box and setting a music box down, playing his song.

The lid was shut once more, leaving Puppet in the darkness and comfort of his music box, and the sweet tune keeping him from waking up.

Maybe one day I'll remember how it all went down, why I'm alone here in this old building...

But for now I'm alone... And I just want to have someone to talk to...

I forgot who I was... But maybe some things are best left forgotten... For Now...

The End