Hello everybody my name is TheAwoken54321 and welcome back to The Void.
Now off to the start of this chapter. QUESTIONS!
Q1.) Is Naruto going to use chakra when fighting Atheon and Crota?
Well, there is a good chance he might have too.
Q2.) Will Naruto become a fire lord?
If you're talking about those fire bending assholes from Avatar: The Last Air bender then no he won't be a fire lord. He will be an Iron Lord though when the time comes.
Q3.) Who was that mystery female born with three eyes that killed the thrall? Was she talking about oryx?
?_? You're kidding me right? Do you really not know who she is?! It's been a while since this question has been asked but I'm pretty sure you figured it out by now. If you didn't...oh, wow.
Q4.) If Naruto's chakra is unsealed, WHY THE HELL hasn't he taken advantage of Shadow Clones AND Wall Walking AND the Rasengan!?
Simple, to deny the remembrance of where he came from and what the village did to him. Though, he will use it at some point if that's what you're asking.
Q5.) Who is Fireteam Rose and will we be seeing more of them?
They are an all female team that will be introduced this chapter. They will be tagging along Fireteam Demo on Raids and sometimes mix up with each other for certain missions. Yup, I've decided that I'm not going to have the Vanguards tag along in Raids.
Q6.) What kind of Danger could force Naruto to use his secret Ave shadow clone? Razengan Razen shuriken was more destructive than Void Bomb probably?
Hmmm, let's see what dangers are there. There are Strike bosses, Raid bosses, Prison of Elders bosses...bosses in general that can cause a havoc. Not the ones in the vanilla story line though, they're too easy to beat.
And that's all the questions I've received. Now let's get on to the story
Enjoy... Or not, your choice
Down in the Hall of Guardians where all mission planning, debriefing and strategic attacks (if ever needed) were held. The three Vanguards were currently holding a meeting of their own. And by the looks of it, it seems to be another one of those arguments that Commander Zavala and Cayde frequently have.
Zavala's fist slammed on the table as he glared at Cayde "We have no idea where Sepiks Prime would be located at the moment, sending a Fireteam deep into the Devils territory would be suicide!"
"For once I agree with Zavala, Cayde. What you're doing is uncalled for and can risk the lives of the Guardians you send out there." Ikora had a hand on her chin as she spoke.
"Oh come on..." He muttered as he rolled his eyes. "Alright look, we don't know Sepiks exact location BUT, we do have intel on where it might be hiding." Cayde then looked down towards the map layout of the Cosmodrome before pointing at three different areas. "From what I've gathered, that big ball of tech is currently hiding up on one of these three areas. If we can get a team in and out of their to confirm it's exact location then we would be settled."
Zavala stood up straight, staring at the Exo with narrowed eyes. "Suppose the team you sent it is captured and taken prisoners or perhaps killed. What do you suppose you will do?"
"They won't get captured."
"But what if they do?"
"They won't." Cayde stared dead on at Zavala. "Not these girls."
"Girls?" Zavala asked aloud. His eyes then widen in realization. "You don't mean..."
"Yup!" Cayde spoke up gleaming in delight as he folded his arms together. "Time to rally them up again."
"You called?"
All three Vanguards turned their attention to the Guardians that interrupted them.
The first woman they saw was a human hunter. A quite tall one standing around 6 feet. She had a pale skin color, piercing blue eyes with an angular face, blond hair tied into a ponytail and a tattoo of a skull on her face painted grey. The armor she was wearing was the entire set of the Rustburner 15.c. This woman's name is Eva Barns.
The next woman was an Exo Warlock, like the first woman she stood quite tall but not as much, maybe around 5'9. She has a black face with light blue eye color and a white splash of paint from the top left side of her face down to her bottom right cheek. The armor she was currently wearing was considered mostly of the Tengu Operant set aside from the chest piece which was the Manifold Seeker. Her name is Chimera-76. Though she's mainly called Chimera or Mera for short.
The last woman was an Awoken Titan, she was the shortest among the group standing about 5'7 or 5'8. She has light purple skin with a dark purplish Mohawk style hair cut, she has piercing cerulean eyes with a scar on her left cheek. Her armor consisted of the Arihant Type on her chest and arms, as her helmet she wore the Vanir Type 1 while her legs had the Knight Type 2. Her name is Joan Sa'uav.
"Welcome back Fireteam Rose. I trust your little 'vacation' went well." Ikora was the first to greet them.
"Yes, it vent very vell." Eva spoke sarcastically as a smile plastered her face. By the way she spoke, she seem to have a German accent sticking with her.
"It was rather... pleasant if I must say." Chimera let out a weird sickly laughed. By the way she spoke she seemed like she was equipped with a British accent.
Joan remained silent as she stared at the Vanguards awaiting for what she knew were orders.
Cayde shuddered a bit when he heard Chimera laughing. "I'm starting to remember why these girls are so scary." Shaking out of his nervousness, he then stood up straight before speaking to the group of women. "Ladies! Come on in!... We have a lot of catching up to do!" Cayde then smiled at them awkwardly. "And by that I don't mean doing anything that can damage or embarrass me in these particular areas." He motioned his hands from the top of his head down to his toes.
"Oh come on Cayde~ Ya know we won't hurt ya!" As Chimera spoke this, she walked up to Cayde and wrapped an arm around the smaller Exo's neck. She then used two fingers to poke his hip rather rough. "Much..."
Cayde flinched a bit at the pain. "I call physical abuse and sexual harassment. I also demand to file a warranty to have this woman stay within 200 ft away from me at all times."
"Oh stop being such a wuss ya big baby." Chimera shoved him away as her teammates gathered around the table, she then sat on top of it as she kicked her feet up in the air.
"Uugh~ Women..." Cayde spoke annoyed. He then leaned on the table with his hands placed firmly on top of it and looked at girls. "Alright, listen up you three. You guys might've been gone from the field for quite a while but I'm sure your skills are still in tip top shape.
"Damn right you are." Eva said with a smirk.
"The mission I'm gonna assign you three isn't gonna be easy like the others. Not by a long shot but... I'm trusting you girls have the capabilities to handle it."
Chimera scoffed a bit. "Since when have there been any 'easy' missions given to us?."
"And that just makes my expectations about you three even better." Cayde smiled. "You three will be out in the Cosmodrome locating the whereabouts of the Devils Exalted Servitor Sepiks Prime." He pointed at three distinct areas he pointed at before on his map. "From what I've gathered he will be hiding in one of these three distinct areas. I want you three to go in and-"
"Destroy Sepiks Prime before it can cause a problem to the Traveler and The Last City of Earth. Got it." Chimera interrupted she then jumped off the table and began to wall off. "Let's go girls." As she began to head out, she was suddenly interrupted.
"Actually I just wanted you three to locate where he is and report back here ASAP." Cayde spoke up.
Chimera stopped in her tracks and looked back at the Cayde in confusion. "Excuse me?"
Eva grew curious as well wondering what Cayde was thinking at the moment. He's never had them go on a mission before that hasn't require them to assassinate a target. So what makes this mission any different?
"You heard me, your mission is to locate Sepiks Prime and report back here without engaging in any sort of conflict with it." He stood up smiling as he crossed his arms together. "I have another team that'll do the dirty work this time."
A few days later
The sound of Raider humming was heard as he concentrated on carefully placing a plastic cup on top a stack of other cups. His little potato friend was beside him holding up signs cheering him on. "Careful... Careful..."
Shannon was sitting on a stool as she slightly leaned towards Naruto, who was sitting beside her. "How long do you think he was going at it?"
He shrugged. "An hour at least give or take a few minutes."
Shannon sat there for a moment or two. She then leaned her head on Naruto's shoulder. "You know, after all this time I find it odd that we haven't complained about Raider's child like behavior. Like, he could've put this team in jeopardy hundreds of times before if we weren't careful"
He looked at her with a slight quirk with his eyebrow. "Well are you complaining now?"
She smiled. "No..." She kept her gaze locked onto the Exo Titan, watching him throw a childlike tantrum when his tower made of plastic cups suddenly lost it's balance and fell apart. "Not yet at least~"
Naruto chuckled a bit as he ruffled Shannon's head. "Yeah well, it's to late to go back now." He then looked at Raider. "Besides... having him around surely livin' things up. If it were just us two it would have probably been another ordinary Fireteam. Following orders and boring as fuck"
Shannon suddenly pinched and pulled against Naruto's ear.
"Oh so you think I'm boring huh?!" Shannon spoke quite angrily as her eyebrow started to twitch.
"Owowowow, no that's not what I meant. You're plenty of fun."
She smirked. "Awwwe you really think that?"
"Mmhmm, definitely."
She placed a hand on her cheek as if she were blushing. "How sweet of you darling~ If that's true, I'll forgive what you said earlier about me. For now at least."
Naruto smiled a bit at hearing this. "Ummm... can you let go of my ear now?"
"Hmmm ok~" Releasing his ear from her grip she raised her leg up until she could place her chin on her knee, staring at Naruto as she giggled. "Look at you rubbing your ear in pain, you look so cute~"
He kept rubbing his ear as he stared at Shannon "Jeez, are you a sadist or something?"
She stuck her tongue out at him "Maybe~"
He chuckled a bit a this but before he could continue the conversation the team was interrupted when a Tower bot called out to them.
"Excuse me, are you three Fireteam Demo?"
Naruto rose and eyebrow as he stared at the bot. "Yes... why?"
"The Vanguards wish to speak with you three ASAP... That is all." The bot then turned and walked away from them.
"Huh, what do you suppose they want now?" Shannon questioned, she got up from her seat and turned her head towards Naruto.
"I don't know... maybe another mission."
Raider perked up. "Maybe they wanna reward us for the hard work we've done to help ensure the safety of The Last City."
Naruto nodded. "It can be that as well." He then got up and started walk away. "Let's go see what they want."
Shannon and Raider hurried along not a moment later.
Hall of Guardians
The distant mumbles of the Vanguards were heard as the team approached their intelligence table. As soon as they reached the end of the hall, Shannon knocked on the wall beside her with her knuckle as they entered.
Cayde, like always, was the first to notice the team. "Ah~ Well if it isn't our favorite bunch of rascals. What took you three so long?"
"What do you mean. We just received word from the messenger bot a few minutes ago." Shannon informed.
"Yeah I expected you three to be here within seconds."
Ikora and Shannon rose and eyebrow at the Exo.
"And how do you suppose we do that?"
"Oh I don't know, poof in here with a burst of smoke. Maybe flash in here in lightning."
"I question your mentality at times you know that Cayde?" Ikora spoke up
"So do I." He responded. "Anyway, on behalf of the city, we want thank you three once again for your wonderful service on taking care of The Black Garden's Heart yadda yadda yadda. BUT now it's time to get your gear together and head on back out there."
"Wait... so there's no reward?" Raider spoke innocently.
"Reward? What a few days out of combat ain't good for ya? Sheesh!"
Raider remained silent after that.
Cayde then took a breath before continuing.
"Anyway I just received word on a Fireteam that I sent out to the Cosmodrome earlier on the location of the Exalted Servitor, Sepiks Prime." Cayde informed.
"What we want is for you three to find and destroy Sepiks before he can inflict any harm on the city." Ikora continued in place of Cayde. "If you do this and succeed, you will not just be ridding us of another threat. But you will also have eternal gratitude from the city as well as giving them another form of relief from being attacked by the Devils."
"That's it?" Naruto questioned.
"That's it." Cayde confirmed. He then clapped his hands as he turned his body towards the team. "Alright you three. Go on and get geared up. You leave in a few minutes, kapeesh? Good." He then motioned them out. "Happy traveling~"
As the team turned to leave, Cayde turned his attention back to his section of the table. That is until he noticed Zavala staring at him.
"What?" Cayde shrugged, he then reached for his face. "Do I have something on my face?"
Zavala just shook his head before returning to his work uninterested in Cayde's childlike remarks.
The door to Narutos room slid open as Naruto came walking in. "Ghost, get ready ASAP we're leaving on a mission."
Ghost appeared in the room. "Now? But I was just getting my shell cleaned."
"You can get it cleaned later. Right now, by the way Cayde explained it, this mission can literally set us up for the big league's." He patted his gauntlets in place.
"The Big League's? You mean the suicide mission kind? The kind that screams death every step we take?"
"No thank you. I don't know about you but I like being alive." He was almost tossed towards the wall as a reddish orange blur flew passed him.
"Quit your yapping and get a move on chewy." Kurama stated as he crouched in a predator like way at the Ghost.
"I told you not to call me that." Ghost spoke annoyed.
"Sparky?" Kurama raised his ears.
He sat and tilted his head "Shelly?"
"No! Don't call me any of those names!"
"Guys!" Naruto motioned out the door. "Let's go."
Ghost just shook it off as he flew out of the door with Kurama not to far behind him.
Half an hour later
"Alright, you three ready to go?" Cayde rubbed his hands together as he walked up to the group. "Good." He didn't even allow them to answer. "I'll send the coordinates on Sepiks location to your Ghosts once you've landed."
"Wait wait wait. Did you just say Sepiks? As in Sepiks Prime? The Prime Servitor of the Devils? The Machine God?" Naruto's Ghost stated.
"We're dead." Naruto's Ghost muttered as he floated away.
Cayde just stared at the Ghost for a short period of time before turning his attention back to the three. "Okay! Well, since that's over does anyone have anymore questions?"
The three turned to look at each other.
"No?... Okay. See you guys when you get back!" Cayde waved off as he backed away from them.
"Is it me or is Cayde acting strangely today?" Shannon whispered to Naruto.
"He's acting strange." With that said the three were transmitted into their own respective ships before taking off. All while they were being watched until they were but a spec in the sky.
"This is bloody bullshit!"
"Calm down zere Chim. It's not all bad." Eva patted the shoulder of an enraged Exo.
"Not 'ol bad?! We just got robbed from an assassination mission into a scoutin' mission by these two timing nobodies!" Chimera grasped against the railing. "Why'd we leave anyway?! We coulda jus' finish off that floatin' piece of scrap when we had the chance."
"It vasn't jour call Chim. Ve vere simply following Joan's orders or do jou need to be reminded who exactly is zhe leader of this team?" Eva spoke with a small smile.
Chimera sighed before loosening her grip against the railing. She then stood up straight. "No I don't..." She frowned. "But somebody is gonna get there ass handed to them." She then turned and started to march towards the Hall of Guardians. "Cayde!... Cayde!..."
"Chimera don't hurt him too much!" Eva yelled as she followed behind her leaving Joan alone to herself.
Joan stood motionless as the wind blew against her, staring into the distance where Fireteam Demo took off moments ago. As the wind calm down, her mouth parted slightly in an attempt to speak. "Huh..."
And done.
Love it? Hate it? Leave a review down below.
For those of you wondering, no the stories aren't completely off hold. I'm just taking my time little by little to put up chapters from my phone. It'll be be fully taken off hold once the 'Please Read' chapters are taken down.
Oh and the three new Guardians are originally from Hollow OC-Creator. I just did a little tweaking with them like their height. Guardians around 7 feet tall are pretty monstrous don't ya agree? Well unless you're the Texas Circus Giants.
Anyway, I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter.
As always, thanks for reading.