Romantic Blooms
Chapter 9, Romantic Blooms


KFPC: This ending sucks.

ME: Shut up, at least they get an ending.

KFPC: True.

ME: Anyway, as my alter ego said, this ending sucks, I may rewrite it, but then again, I probably won't. I figured I'd better end it now or I never would. It's short too. Sorry for everything! Really!


KFPC: (does what she does best)

Chapter Nine

Kagome and Sango were both running towards Kikyo's house. Sango was forced to tag along on account Kagome didn't know where she lived.

"Um, Kagome-chan? What about school?" Sango asked.

"Some things are more important than school," Kagome replied.

Sango led the way towards a gloomy looking house that looked as if it was inhabited.

"Are you sure she lives here?" Kagome asked, cocking her brow.

"Absolutely," said a voice that was not Sango's, but female. Kagome whirled around. She was face to face with someone who looked similar to her, but there just seemed to be some sort of evilness in her eyes. And hurt.

"Kikyo? Where, where..." Kagome asked, looking around for Sango and Inuyasha at the same time.

"I'm here," Sango said, she had been walking up the sidewalk to the front door.

"Kikyo, tell me where Inuyasha is right now, or I'll...or I'll," Kagome began.

"You'll what?" Kikyo clicked her tongue in annoyance. "Honestly hon, I don't even know why you try. I know you have this little crush on Inuyasha, but you'll never have him. You don't understand our love."

Then Kikyo just left, entering her shady home. Kagome was too shocked to speak. Their love? Their love? What about her love? Kagome didn't 'just have a little crush'. She was completely smitten with Inuyasha and she...she at least had to tell him!

Sango stared at her best friend, not knowing what to do or say. She made up her mind and ran to Kikyo's house, pounding on the door.

Kikyo opened it, with Inuyasha behind her. He looked sort of drugged and out of it, but his eyes suddenly became alert when he caught sight of Kagome. A blush crept on his cheeks.

"Ka-Kagome?" he stammered.

"Ah, patience, Inuyasha, me and her have something to settle," Kikyo said, pushing Sango out of the way and making her way towards Kagome.

Inuyasha looked at his former love with hurt. Kikyo had changed so much. What was once there was there no longer, and he knew it could never return.

"No!" he found himself saying, rushing in between Kikyo and Kagome. " can't... we can't... I'm sorry. Just, let's go on living separate lives. You can't hurt... my... friend."

Kikyo got tears in her eyes. Then she started shouting. Kagome covered her ears. Inuyasha hugged Kikyo, causing her thrashing to go down. There were still floods coming from her eyes.

"Come, come with me! We're meant to be, Inuyasha! You know it!" Kikyo was sputtering. "She doesn't love you the way I love you!"

Inuyasha placed a peck on Kikyo's lips that silenced her. Kagome started to get tears in her eyes. Calling her his 'friend'. Kissing Kikyo. Well, she may have won the battle but she certainly lost the war.

"Why am I even here?" Kagome thought. "How come I'm"

Kikyo ran back into her house, slamming the door. Inuyasha looked in pain. He turned to Kagome.

"Hi Kagome," he said, forcing a smile. "Sorry I couldn't pick you up."


Miroku sat in class, twirling his pencil.

"Where's Sango?" he thought. Then he looked at the empty seats of both Inuyasha and Kagome. "Well, that explains it."

He took out a piece of paper and pretended to take notes, but really, he was just carefully writing out "S" then "A" then "N"....


"Inu-Inuyasha," Kagome stuttered, forcing the tears to go away. "I have something to tell you."

Inuyasha looked at the ground. Kagome held back her tears even more.

"At least I won't regret it all my life," Kagome thought. "At least I know.

Kagome had a sudden surge of confidence.

"Inuyasha, I-I love you!" Kagome blurted.

Inuyasha looked up from the ground, completely shocked.

"Are-are you serious?"

Kagome gulped and nodded.

A smile spread across Inuyasha's face. He grabbed Kagome and kissed her. Sango felt very out of place, although she couldn't help but smile and think to herself 'finally'.

"Here I thought you were going to get mad at me for that kiss," Inuyasha said once their lips parted.

"Hey Inuyasha," Kagome said, unable to wipe the huge smile off her face. She was doing something a lot of girls do, feigning sweetness when she was a bit ticked. "Why did you kiss Kikyo?"

Inuyasha tried to look innocent. "Hey, that was barely a kiss. That was like...a kiss I'd give my mom. And anyway, someone had to shut her up."

Kagome and Inuyasha laughed.


Sango was vegging out on her couch, eating Ritz Chips and drinking a Snapple. She was watching some TV show that was really boring, but she didn't care. She was so out of it today.

Then the doorbell rang. Sango hoped it wasn't Kagome, as much as she loved the girl, she wasn't in the mood for someone to gush about how happy and in love they were, especially when Sango was boyfriendless. She stood up and brushed of crumbs before heading towards the door.

"Well, maybe, I should do what Kagome did, be the one to confess," thought Sango. "But wait, I have no one to confess to!"

But in her heart she knew she did. Miroku. The name was etched into her heart. She shook her head.

She composed herself and opened the door. What she saw made her heart skip a beat.

"Miroku?" she asked. "What are you doing here?"

"I noticed that you weren't at school today, so I decided to check up on you," Miroku smiled. He handed Sango a dozen roses he had hidden behind his back.

"Wow...for me?" Sango asked.

"Of course, read the note," Miroku said. Sango saw the little card and glanced at it. It said "I love you Sango."

Sango stared at it in shock.

"Is this....?"


"It's not just a ploy to get in my pants, is it?" Sango cocked an eyebrow.

"No, Sango, I really mean it, I love you," Miroku said, leaning in and kissing her.

"And no more groping girls?" Sango asked, already a smile on her face from the kiss.



"Okay, I can't promise that, but I can promise to limit it just to you," he said.

"I suppose that'll do," Sango said, kissing him once again on the lips. "And by the way, I love you too."

ME: Okay, that was just a bunch of fluff. But hey! I finished it! beams with pride Would it be too much to ask for a hundred reviews? Anonymously review if you must! Review old chappies! Just pwease gimme a hundred! puppy eyes I LOVE YOU ALL!!! Thanks for reading!

KFPC: (blows kisses)