Romantic Blooms

Chapter One, Love's First Glance

Author's Note:

ME: Konnichi wa minna-san! Yay! It's my first Inuyasha fic!

WARNING: This author is extremely insane, please, if you value your mental health, move on to another fic. Hurry! She'll track you down!

KFPC: **hits WARNING with a frying pan** Don't scare away everyone, oh, btw, I'm Juli-chan's alter ego.

ME: I usually make REALLY long authors notes, it's a bad habit, so I'm going to start this fic right now, before I start talking about what I had for breakfast.

KFPC: OMG! I'm glad you brought that up, guess who I had breakfast with?

ME: The fic is starting now

KFPC: Don't cut me off! I had breakfast with

(Oh yeah! Hi everybodys! I'm Jen-chan, also known as totally-wicked. And this is my

alter-ego, TW *TW waves* I'm editing this story for Juli-chan, who I have known since, like, fifth grade. I'll appear every so often!)

Chapter One*********************************

Kagome entered the classroom. It was her first day at the high school she had been excepted to. She worried constantly. None of her friends were at this high school, and she didn't like the uniform. She couldn't decide what to do with her hair, so she left it down, unlike all the other girls, who had their hair in cute clips and bows. She felt left out already. She took a seat.

A boy entered the classroom. He had long, thick, black hair, even longer than Kagome's. (Jen-chan: *drools*) He had an icy stare that seemed to go through you that made Kagome shiver. She decided that was one person she wasn't going to talk to this year.

"Oh, look at him! Isn't he the hottest thing you ever seen?" A girl next to Kagome asked. (Jen-chan: YES! HE IS AND HE'S MINE SO BACK OFF!)

"I think I know why he's hot, he came straight from hell," Kagome covered her mouth with her hands. She couldn't believe she just said that.

The girl who had said that looked at Kagome as if she had been wearing bright green and bright orange together! (scary) (Jen-chan: Almost as scary as Binky the Clown and Huck Finn! *shivers*) She obviously hadn't been talking to Kagome. Kagome turned bright red, and wanted to slap herself.

Suddenly, the weird boy came up behind her and said, "Kikyo? Is that you? I didn't know you were going to this high school."

"He has a surprisingly sweet voice," Kagome thought. She spun around and was about to tell the boy he had made a mistake when the sensei walked in.

"Settle down, class is starting," the sensei said.

The boy kept staring at Kagome the entire class. He had taken a seat behind her, and Kagome could feel his eyes. The stare wasn't cold and hard, actually it was warm. But, Kagome had a thousand things running through her head.

"What's with this guy? Why is he staring at me? Is he a pervert? Who's Kikyo? Do I look like her? Maybe that's just a weird pickup line. Did I pull my skirt up to high? Can he see too much of my legs?" Kagome thought as she chewed her pencil. She pulled down her skirt and for a second you could see her lower stomach. "Now he has seen even more of me! Omiegosh, what if he thinks I like him too, and that's why I pulled down my skirt! Oh, my poor pencil, I've been chewing it this whole time!" (Jen-chan: Poor, poor pencil!)

Whether Kagome knew it or not, she looked extremely paranoid and freaky. Even the sensei was scared to call on her.

Finally, school was over and the one and only thing on Kagome's mind was getting out of there.

Suddenly, she felt a hand on her shoulder. "Oi, Kikyo" the boy began.

"I'm not Kikyo," Kagome said, trying to stay calm. "I'm Kagome."

The boy was puzzled. What was up with Kikyo, and why was she saying she was Kagome?

"What happened? Did you change your name or something? If you were going to change it, why'd you pick a crappy name?" the boy looked confused.

Kagome was pretty mad. "My name is not Kikyo, it never has, and it never will be."

The boy looked her really close up in the face, close enough to make Kagome blush. (Jen-chan: *faints*)

"You're right, you're not her. She was PRETTY, my mistake. Who are you then?"

"I don't know, maybe I'm Kagome," Kagome was getting more and more irritated by the second.

"Watase wa Inuyasha," Inuyasha said.

"And you made fun of MY name," Kagome half mumbled.

"Bitch," Inuyasha replied.

"What'd you say?!?"

Suddenly, another boy came up from behind Inuyasha.

"Come on Inuyasha, you can flirt on your own time," the boy teased. Inuyasha looked like he was going to eat the guy's babies if he didn't shut up. "Excuse him, pretty lady."

Kagome and Inuyasha just exchanged glares as he was dragged out of the room.

"Why the nerve!" Kagome mumbled. Then Kagome saw a girl a few seats away from her packing up too. The girl was also alone.

"This is my chance!" Kagome thought. "I'll make friends with this girl!"

Kagome walked over to the girl with a bounce in her step. "Hello, my name is Kagome, what's yours?"

"Sango," Sango looked down for a second. Kagome didn't know what else to say.

"Did anyone here go to your old school?" Kagome finally said.

"Just Miroku and Inuyasha," Sango replied, this time she looked up.

"You know Inuyasha? That jerk I was just talking to? And who's Miroku?" Kagome asked, not leaving time in between the questions for Sango to answer.

Sango looked up at Kagome. "This girl sure has a lot of questions," she thought before replying. "Hai, I know Inuyasha. Miroku has his hair in a short ponytail, and is Inuyasha's perverted friend." (TW: Don't hurt poor Miroku-chan's feelings! Jen-chan: *hits her in the back of the head with her axe's handle* Back off, sister! He's mine and I'm only sharing with people I want to share him with!)

"Oh! That guy! He didn't seem so bad. And Inuyasha seemed like the pervert, he was staring at me all day, it gave me shiver," Kagome reenacted her shiver. "Um, do you happen to know who Kikyo was?"

Sango didn't answer, she just peered out the window. "The sky is dark, it'll rain soon."

"Oh, we better get going then," Kagome said, hoping Sango would walk home with her.

"They say rain is a sign something bad is going to happen," Sango set her focus on the window.

"Boy, this girl's serious," Kagome thought. Kagome wanted an answer to her question, but didn't want to annoy Sango, so she started out the door.

"Aren't you going to wait for me?" Sango asked, she held her book bag and was smiling. "I don't things can be really bad if you have friends."

Kagome smiled, "Yeah, that, and misery loves company." (Jen-chan: Tell me about it! It separated me and Juli-chan!)

"True," Sango smiled. The girls headed home.

Miroku and Inuyasha were standing just outside the school's doorway, trying their best to stay as dry as possible.

Sango and Kagome walked out. Sango rolled her eyes at the sight of the two shivering boys.

"What's with you two?" she asked.

Kagome was taping on her cell phone. Her cell phone had email, and the screen said she had none. "You lie!" she yelled a little too loudly. Then she pressed inbox only to find old messages and exclaimed, "Where are you hiding my precious?!?" (Jen-chan: I keep all my friend's e-mail. It's weird.)

Sango spun around and gazed quizzically at her friend. "Kagome-chan, are you okay?"

"No," Kagome continued to murder her cell phone. (All: BWAHAHAHA!)

Suddenly a lightning bolt struck dangerously close to the group. Kagome nearly leaped into Inuyasha's arms. (Jen-chan: Nearly? NEARLY? What? Did she or didn't she?)(ME: Uhshe did?)

"Okay honey," Inuyasha said in a voice normally used on babies. "I'd love to hug you all day long if I didn't hate you."

Kagome blushed so red if you didn't know better you'd think that she was an anime character. (Wait a min) (Jen-chan: Uhhh, Juli-chan? Are you okay?)She instantly jumped away.

"Jerk!" she yelled. Another lightning bolt struck. The four ran inside.

"It's dangerous out there," Miroku said.

"Wow Miroku, gee, I had no idea. What would I do without you?" Inuyasha sarcastically asked.

Suddenly, another lightning bolt struck and the power went out. Miroku grabbed a small wrist and tugged it to another room.

Upon entering, he faced the girl with a smile. His eyes had adjusted by now. Then his face curled up in disgust, "Sango! I thought you were Kagome!"

Sango gave the look of death and said, "Sucks for you, huh?"

"Not really, Sango, you have the best ass, but Kagome has the best-" Miroku was smashed on the ground before he could complete his sentence. (TW: HEY! What about me?! Jen-chan: Shut up.)

"HENTAI!" Sango yelled.


Inuyasha and Kagome's eyes finally adjusted and they realized who they were stuck with.

"Not you" Kagome whined.

"Oh yeah, like it's real great for me," Inuyasha growled.

A slight twinge of anger aroused inside Kagome. "Why are you so mean?"

Now there was a question Inuyasha couldn't answer. He remained silent.

"Whatever," Kagome fished around for her cell phone. It didn't take her long to find it, because she had just got it out. The cell phone's dim light lit up her mouth and nose but shadows still surrounded her eyes. Kagome shivered, her socks felt like icicles. (Jen-chan: I HATE cold feet!)

Inuyasha stared at her intently. His icy glare felt like a freezer breeze in the middle of an oven. Kagome shivered once again, this time it wasn't because of her cold socks.

Kagome looked up. Inuyasha felt the anger in her invisible eyes. "Inuyasha stop staring. It's rude."

"I wasn't staring," Inuyasha turned away. He was grateful of the dark, because it concealed his now scarlet face. (Jen-chan: Awwww!)

"Could've fooled me," Kagome's lower lid rose to show her irritation.

Inuyasha shook his head, most likely trying to get rid of some undesired thoughts. (Jen-chan: Naughty, naughty, naughty!)

"Let's look for the others and get out of here."


ME: That was really longnone of the other chappies will even compare**sigh** I'll try to write another long oneits just I didn't know when to stop. I'm hoping this fic will be more popular than my lastyeah. If you don't like the story, don't review. **gets no reviews** Okay, let's rephrase that, if you don't like the story, LIE! Minimum Reviews until next chapter: 3

Disclaimer: I don't own Inuyasha, I just like to pretend I do. You know, like when guys put on dresses and makeup and act like girls? That's me, only not so creepy.