Where am I? She turned around and saw a dim light not far from her. Hoping that was the way out, she walked carefully towards the light. In the light, the scenery changed from dark to a bright place. Flowers, trees and white ancient pillars and walls surrounding her. Why she felt so familiar?

She walked a little further and saw Ami and Mina were laughing. Feeling relieve she began walked towards them. Suddenly she noticed something weird. Why both of them wear such a weird dress? She wondered as she looked at their long dress. Then she looked down at hers. Are we having Halloween Party? "Jupiter!" she turned around and saw a tall figure behind her. As she tried figure it out, suddenly everything went black.

* * * * * *

Lita opened her eyes as she reached her noisy alarm clock. She sat up and clutching her pillow. She hated Thursday. On Thursday, she got physic, her worst subject. Plus after having that weird dream, she had lost her mood completely. The voice was so familiar but she couldn't tell who was he. "Argh," Lita groaned as she walked towards the bathroom. She had a long boring day ahead so she wanted to make it not as bad as she expected the day to be. Lita ran towards her high school. She was late and it was all because of that stupid toaster fault. She ought to buy a new toaster to replace the toaster that she had smashed it. "Damn it," she cursed as she climbed up the stairs and when she arrived, physic teacher had already started her teaching. Lita tried to sneak in but the teacher saw her. "Ms Kino! See me after this!" Lita sighed. She was definitely having a bad day today.

* * * * * *

"Hey, Serena! Do you want to tag along?" Lita called her. She was heading to Crown Game Center. "No thanks! Darien is waiting for me," Serena waved her hand. Lita sighed. She knew she was going to play alone. Everyone has boyfriend. Me? Lita balled her physic exam paper before tossed it into the dustbin. Who wants to keep physic exam paper with a big 55 marks on it? Lita decided to just went home instead to the arcade. She began kicking pebbles as she walking when somebody was running and knocked her down. "Watch which way you're going!" Lita yelled towards the man who ran into her. She was already in a bad mood and now people kept bumping into her. "I'm late for my conference so please excuse me," A deep and sexy voice reached her ear but Lita was so grumpy that the voice means nothing to her. Looking up, Lita narrowed her eyes. He was about six feet or more, blue eyes long brown hair and was wearing a coat. He was obviously was a rich man but didn't he has any car? What a stingy person. Couldn't buy even one car The man turned away from her and continue his journey. "Can even say sorry, aren't you?!" Lita yelled at him and he didn't even glance. "Stupid, infuriating man," Lita muttered as she walked away.

* * * * * *

It was a sunny Friday evening. A prefect day for skating Mina thought as she put on her roller-blade. The convocation was three months away. Mina smiled at thought of Serena being tortured by Amy. Poor Serena. She's having so much pressure of her last exam. Mina skated along the road even though there was she knew it was wrong. Who cares about rules? Mina began skating faster when suddenly.....


"Ouch!" they said in unison. Mina looked at the person she had knocked down. A very good-looking person with silver hair, who was clutching his stomach, brought a de javu feeling. Feeling guilty, she quickly brushed the thought away and rushed toward him. "I'm...I'm sorry. Are you hurt? Injured? Are you bleeding?" Mina asked him frantically. The stranger looked at her. For a moment he stunned then he smiled. He obviously enjoyed seeing her frantic. "Yeah, at my knees and my elbow," he smiled even wider. Mina, who seem didn't notice he was smiling, began to fold up his long sleeve shirt. She gasped as she saw the wound. With road like this, no wonder he got such a big wound. "I'm really sorry," Mina said as she took out her handkerchief. She gently covered the wound with her handkerchief. "Look.um...my house isn't far from here. Around this block. Can you walk to my house so that I can...." Mina stopped abruptly when the stranger put a finger on her soft lips. "You are talking too much. The patient can die if you don't stopped talking," he teased. Mina smiled as she blushed slightly. "Come on," Mina said she supported him towards her house. Mina brought him inside her house. Luckily her mother wasn't at home so she didn't has explained. She sited him and rushed to the kitchen to get the first-aid. Kneeling in front of him, she began putting medicine on his wound. After finished bind the wounds, Mina sat on the sofa across him. "You know, you look kind of familiar. Have we met before?" Mina began their conversation. The stranger looked startled by her question. She doesn't remember me! Seeing him silent, Mina frowned. Did I say wrong? "What your name?" she tried again. "Kunz......" he stopped. If I told her my real name, she must be frantic. "Stanton, Joseph Stanton," he said as he touched his bandage. "Joseph....Nah, I never think I've met someone whose name is Joseph. By the way, mine is Mina," she smiled as she took out her right hand. "Nice to meet you Mina," he took her hand.

* * * * * *

"So, he told me his name is Joseph. He looked so familiar but I can't remember where we've met," Mina twisted her hair with fingers and stuck the receiver between her ear and shoulder. "How does he look?" Lita asked eagerly. "Tall. I think he is about six feet. Long, glittering silver hair, which I think that.you know...real," "There's a man with silver hair?" Lita said disbelief. "Yeah. He's sooooo adorable. Not to mention when he smile," Mina said dreamily. "You gotta to show me that guy," Lita still didn't believe that there's an adorable man with a silver hair. "Sure but he's mine," Mina said quickly. "Lita, I gotta go. Mom's calling me. Bye," "Bye," Lita hung up the phone. Mina is so lucky. She met a gorgeous man while I met an annoying man. She began preparing dinner. I'm gonna make Malaysian food today. She thought as she began washing rice.

* * * * * *