IMPORTANT: First, I haven't read the books yet. I based on the movie. So some details will be different. Second, It's hard to write Hagrid's accent. You will notice as you read that Hagrid speaks normally. Third, the pairings are not canon (except for LilyxJames of course)
The babies are standing together. They don't know what happened. They only knew two things. Their mother is asleep, so is their dad, with their eyes open. And there is this guy with a cloak, holding a wand.
"Avada Kedavra Duo!" Voldemort screamed, pointing his wand to Heather and Harry.
From the wand to green beams came one came to Heather and one came to Harry. But when the beams hit their foreheads it only created a lightning shape scar on their foreheads, and it deflected back to Voldemort.
An old bearded man wearing a cloak holding a small contraption in his hand. Lights from nearby street lamps went inside it. Meanwhile a cat followed him.
"Ah Professor McGonagall, I should've known you would be here."
The cat leaped forward to the old bearded man, and transformed into an old woman wearing green robes and a green witch's hat.
The witch and the bearded man walked toward a house.
"Are the rumors true Albus?" McGonagall asked Dumbledore
"Yes, the good and the bad." Dumbledore responded
"And the twins?" McGonagall asked
"Hagrid will bring them here." Dumbledore responded and they stopped in front of a house.
As if on cue a flying motorcycle landed in front of them. A man with a beard that is more-than-average-tall man was holding two sleeping babies
"You think it is wise Albus, to entrust Hagrid in things so important like this?" McGongall asked, her voice full of concern
"I would trust Hagrid with my life."
As if on cue a flying motorcycle landed in front of them. A man with a beard that is more-than-average-tall man was holding two sleeping babies covered in blankets.
"Professor McGonagall, Professor Dumbledore sir." Hagrid said batting out of the motorcycle
"No problems I trust Hagrid?" Dumbledore asked
"Nope, the twins fell asleep when we were near." Hagrid said handing the babies over to Dumbledore
The professor's walked to the doorstep of the house.
"You really think it is safe to leave the twins to them? They are the worst kind of Muggles imaginable!" McGonagall said
But Dumbledore ignored her and kept walking.
"They really are-" McGonagall said before being interrupted by Dumbledore
"Their only family left."
"These kids would be famous! Every child in our world would know their names!" McGonagall said
"They're better off living without all of that." Dumbledore said, placing the babies on the doorstep of the Dursley's house.
Hagrid, who is still near the motorcycle felt tears at his cheeks.
"Now, now Hagrid, it's not really goodbye is it?" Dumbledore comforted
Dumbledore looked at the twins once more and whispered.
"Good luck, Harry, Heather Potter." Dumbledore said before looking away
I'm already working on the next chapter. Please review!