
The players appear in a different matter than usual this time: instead of the usual risers, each original tribe is gathered together in its own section. Jet then is seated on a chair overlooking all the tribes, and his co-hosts are also standing with microphones by their designated tribes.

"Welcome to the Survivor Reunion Show!" Jet announces, to loud cheers. "We're here at Indigo Stadium, where we've had our champion finally crowned. It's Haruka Tenoh, or Sailor Uranus!"

Everyone cheers as the camera focuses in on Haruka.

"Haruka, where to start? You started this game by purposely injuring Ami, by throwing her into the broken glass. You were lucky not to get thrown out of the game right there."

"I agree," Ami pipes up. "Haruka should be disqualified for what she did, and her win taken away from her."

"Unfortunately, that's not how it works," Jet states. "Haruka still is the winner."

"Ami's just bitter that she couldn't get to the merge," Haruka responds. "Look, I admit that what I did was wrong – I shouldn't have attacked Ami like that. Ami, however, brought that on by calling me several homophobic slurs."

"And I stand by what I said," Ami says.

"Well, no lost love between you two," Jet states. "Since that was a physical challenge at the beginning of the game, and since there was lots of glass around, I ruled that no one would get thrown out for their actions at that moment. Haruka, you changed as a person as you were out here."

"I agree," Haruka says. "I was a Villain when I came out here. And while I still hate Ami, I grew as a person, and learned to take things as they come. I wanted to win this one for all lesbians out there, and I think I did a good job representing the community. I want to make it known that I love my lover Michiru and that's never going to change."

"Thank you for that," Jet states. "Now surprisingly, the deciding vote was cast by none other than Light. Light, why did you vote for Haruka?"

"It's actually quite simple," Light replies. "She and I were together from the start, and she earned her victory by making the big moves. She made the moves that were necessary to get her to where she's at. Ultimately, she played the game I wish I had played. So I gotta give her props. She deserves her million dollars."

"Thank you, Light," Haruka says, as she reaches over to shake Light's hand.

"I deserved it more, though!" Light says with a laugh as he shakes her hand.

"Haruka, you and Light and Enobaria had a great alliance that was in control for most of the game. Are you disappointed that it wasn't you three as the Final Three?"

"I am!" Enobaria chirps in, to laughter.

"You know, on one hand I am disappointed," Haruka says. "Because I really feel that Light and Enobaria were the best, and you want to beat the best. But with this million-dollar check in my hand, I don't really feel all too bad."

"Interesting," Jet says. "You say that Light and Enobaria were the best. Does that mean that you think that Tatsuki and Meilin were not the best?"

"I'm not saying that at all," Haruka replies. "Their track record speaks for themselves – they're really good players. I just think that Light and Enobaria both were great strategists who would have been hard to beat."

"Meilin, so close to winning your second million," Jet states. "How does it feel to come up short this time?"

"Well, I was wrong," Meilin replies. "You hear me, everyone? I was wrong!"

The stadium breaks out in laughter.

"Yeah, I was wrong for my idea to not vote anyone out. If I had played this game like a Tatsuki or a Haruka, I may not have made it to the end – but I also would have had a better chance at getting more jury votes. Because these are good players here, and they respect the big moves."

"Tatsuki, the difference for you between winning and losing was razor-thin – just one vote. What could have gotten you that extra vote?"

"Well, Jet, as your colleague Probst likes to say, the game is won at that Final Tribal Council," Tatsuki responds. "And I lost the game at that Final Tribal Council. I didn't give the best answers, and I didn't bring up Haruka's faults. I should have been more aggressive. Instead, I stayed passive, and I probably lost at least one vote in that manner."

"Is that true, jury?" Jet asks. "Did Tatsuki lose your vote tonight?"

Candice raises her hand.

"I think Tatsuki gave some unfortunate responses that hurt her," Candice says. "If she had answered the questions more truthfully, then I think she would have gotten a couple votes that she didn't get."

"I was truthful," Tatsuki contends.

"I don't really think so," Whitney responds. "You seemed to be trying to equivocate, and that's not the best way to answer. You need to be completely honest, and it showed that you weren't."

"I completely disagree," Tatsuki states.

"Now at the Final Four, Candice was voted out by Haruka and Tatsuki, and I've got to ask the potential jury – who would have voted for Candice if she was a choice?"

Whitney, Roxanne and Silver all raise their hands.

"That's it?"

"Possibly me too," Toshiro says, raising his hand.

"And likewise Sango and me as well," Kagome adds. "We three were voting as a block."

"Indeed," Sango calls over from the Brawn section. "We decided that we were all going to vote together going into Tribal Council. Obviously we're not allowed to tell each other that, but we kind of knew that we wanted to vote together. We were all leaning Tatsuki going in, but I think we may have voted Candice had she been there."

"Very interesting," Jet states. "Rukia, you came very close to the end as well, until the twist of Haruka having the extra vote ended up costing you your spot in the game."

"Well, it's a twist that's never been seen before in Survivor," Rukia says. "It's not one I was prepared for, and that's a big reason we got played in that big spot."

"That brings up the spot of the immunity idols played in this game," Jet states. "Giselle, you had two – no, three idols!"

"One of them was fake," Giselle says. "I used a real one as well. And the third one…"

Giselle pulls the unused idol out of her pocket.

"Here it is!" Giselle exclaims. "And yes, I'm keeping it as a souvenir."

"Giselle, you've got to be the first person in Survivor history to quit due to hunger."

"That's right! I was hungry! And boy, did I get some good food after I quit."

"But was it worth it?" Jet questions. "Do you regret it?"

"I wish I would have stayed, yeah," Giselle says. "Not that I need the money, but because I love winning so much. But hey, I didn't lose either, I just bowed out at the right time!"

"And then there was someone who used a fake idol and didn't get away with it… Queen Cynthia."

"I shall have revenge," Cynthia states.

"How so?"

"You're going to ask me back for another season," Cynthia states. "I'm sure of it."

"Oh, come on, Cynthia," Jet states. "You really think these fans want you back?"

The crowd gives a mix of boos and cheers.

"Well, if we do see you back, it ought to be fun."

"Not for us," Sabrina mumbles.

"Quiet, Worthless," Cynthia demands.

"Onto other matters… we had a really Crazy tribe, so to speak. Roxanne, you lasted the longest of them."

"Hey, we were a great tribe," Roxanne responds. "At first, we were dominating."

"But then you fell apart because you didn't ration the rice out well enough."

"That was Giselle's fault!" Anise shouts. "Giselle caused all the problems in our tribe!"

"Don't forget Haruhi," Asuka adds.

"Hey, don't draw me into this!" Haruhi cries. "I just wanted to have fun out here, and it wasn't."

"My goal was just to fight," Kenpachi says. "I got some fights with Pokémon, but none with any people."

"A Crazy tribe indeed," Jet says. "Let's talk to some of our other jury members. Silver, you really wanted to win some prize money to help Jasmine. Did your 14th-place finish accomplish that?"

"Yeah, it did," Silver said. "I got enough money from that to last me a year or so. I really appreciate getting to play this long."

"How about you, Enobaria? You came up just short of the Final Five."

"It was a good time," Enobaria says. "I wish I could have made it longer, but credit Haruka, she won the immunities when she had to."

"Now quickly through some of our non-jury members. Minako, Kaname, China, Finnick – all former winners who couldn't repeat."

"Yeah, it was a disappointment," Finnick says. "I wish I had gone longer though."

"I was not ready from the start," China says. "I was unprepared."

"Our Heroes Tribe really struggled at first," Kaname states. "That's partially the reason why I got knocked out so early."

"I had lots of fun!" Minako exclaims. "I had a chance to go further, but I'm glad about how far I did make it!"

"Temari, couldn't get back to the finals."

"Very disappointing," Temari responds. "I know why Silver chose that way, but it's still tough to take."

"Yoruichi, our medievac."

"I still have never had anyone vote for me," Yoruichi replies. "That's something to be proud of."

"And disappointed of, if you're like me," America says. "I got no votes at the Final Tribal Council, just like you."

"That's why you're not as awesome as me!" Prussia exclaims.

"Oh, shut up, Prussia," America responds.

"Okay, finally time to reveal our winner of the fan favorite award!" Jet exclaims. "And this year, due to a pathetic turnout in voting, we ended up with a three-way tie! So, here are the three players who will receive double their money… Tatsuki Arisawa, Silver and Anise Tatlin!"

"Yeah!" Anise shouts.

Tatsuki gives high fives to Rukia, while Silver tries to keep himself from choking up.

"Now, time to reveal Survivor 11. That's right, my colleague Crazy Packers Fan is not retiring, and there will be an eleventh season of Survivor! The title will be… Survivor: Rivals! That's right, there will be two tribes made up of players who are rivals in real life. Let's allow you to have a taste of the cast to whet your appetite. You may be able to guess the mystery characters by figuring out their rivals!"

Tribe 1



Near, Death Note

Sakura Haruno, Naruto

Ryuko Matoi, Kill la Kill



Abel Nightroad, Trinity Blood

Mikuru Asahina, The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya


Tribe 2

Annie Leonhart, Attack on Titan

Izumo Kamiki, Blue Exorcist




Mileena, Mortal Kombat

Sinon, Sword Art Online



Kyoko Sakura, Puella Magi Madoka Magica

"Finally, I'd like to let Haruka have the final word before signing off," Jet states. "Here's your million-dollar check."

"Thank you," Haruka says, taking the check. "I love you, Michiru!"

The Survivor theme "Ancient Voices" plays to fade as everyone cheers.