
Pain, That's all he felt...pain, pain, and more pain. Dipper pines dragged himself from the smoking crater of what had once been his childhood home of gravity falls.

Grunkle stan, mabel, his parents, soos, Wendy...gone...all of them...the entire town...just destroyed.

It was horrible...but what else could he have done?

What Bill Cipher had been would have meant a fate worse then death for everyone. He did what he had to! He had to use that ritual to sacrifice the journals to kill bill! He had no choice! He had no choice!

He repeated this mantra in his head like a mad man as he lumbered forward- only to almost fall into another crater!

"Wha-" gasped a baffled dipper as he fully took stock of his surroundings, and sure enough there was a secondary crater connected to the main one. "Wha-what caused thi-"

"Uh, excuse me!" Shouted a voice nearby suddenly. Dipper quickly turned around and beheld a strange sight.

At first it looked like a body had been forcibly smashed through a tree...and it had, but what was remarkable was the person seemed both alive and unharmed!

"Yes, you my good man! Would you please assist me? I'd appreciate it!" Dipper quickly had him out of it. He was twelve years old like him. He wore a ragged lab coat stained with what he hoped was red paint, fingerless gloves, and weird safety goggles.

"Oh thank you my good fellow, my names Johnson. Cave Johnson. Aspiring tinker and world shaker! And yours?"

"Dipper pines-"

"Jolly good to meet you dipper! I-" Then he noticed the second crater. "Oh dear, it would seem I will need a new lab. Say, my friend! I'm probably going to need help locating and setting up a new lab location. Would you like to accompany me?"

Dipper let out a sigh. "Will it be far away from here?"

"Most certainly!"

"Then I'm all yours."

After taking one last regretful look at the rubble of his previous life, he hastily followed Cave into the woods.

And thus there was no one to bare witness to the lone figure that crawled out of the secondary crater.

Her every footstep seemed to cause the earth to crumble, the water in the air seemed to solidify and follow her every movement, her every frantic breath seemed to let out a small torrent of flames.

"D-dipper." Gasped Wendy as she finally collapsed from exhaustion


AN: just so there's no confusion. This is an AU, where Dipper lived in gravity falls his whole life. And the world of gravity falls takes place in the world of Avatar. You'll have to re-imagine his adventures in that context, because I'm too lazy to do so. Oh, and these events take place after "into the bunker" Enjoy!