Notes: I highly recommend listening to Cremona by Audiomachine for the second half of this chapter.

Chapter 5

Cass was wondering when her world had been turned upside-down. First, that strange masked man had broken into the house and forced her to close the café before making her take a seat on a chair in the living room while he hid in the kitchen. Then Tadashi had turned out to be alive. The masked stranger had apparently thought she'd been too scared to follow him when he'd chased her nephew but Cass didn't let anyone hurt her family. She hadn't even really been thinking when she'd thrown the cat at the bastard. She'd just grabbed her boys and ran and why the hell was Hiro dressed up in some sort of superhero costume? Then they'd been caught and worse than the slow, crushing suffocation had been the realization that, while she'd been mourning, Tadashi had been trapped with this monster. Her brave boy had managed to talk the bastard out of killing them but now they'd been kidnapped as well.

It was more than a little alarming to watch the masked man treat her older nephew like some sort of cherished pet, especially since the man was obviously capable of turning violent at the slightest provocation. And when Tadashi had been forced to call the man 'Father' in order to get him to relent... Tadashi had always taken such pride in his real father and the culture he belonged to, resulting in Cass looking up Japanese holidays and traditional recipes and other such things. The idea of that man tainting what few memories Tadashi still had of his real father were like a knife cutting curls of pain from her heart.

Tadashi's worn and frightened look was now all too comprehensible. He was alive, though, and Cass took comfort in that fact even as she tried to make him laugh. Laughter was good for you, wasn't it? And it looked like Tadashi hadn't had a reason to laugh since the fire. Hiro didn't seem to be taking this whole situation well at all, so Cass was relived when he played along with her to make Tadashi smile. Now, if only they could get free and figure out who that masked bastard was so they could put him behind bars.

'Alright, Cass, think,' she silently told herself, 'Put all of those mystery novels you read to good use.' Fact, the man had what she was pretty certain were Hiro's microbots, the ones he'd made for the showcase and hadn't even started to rebuild after the fire, which meant these had to be the one from before the fire. They'd survived it. So had Tadashi, but he certainly wasn't the one controlling them and he would've come straight back to them if he'd used them to save himself and that professor from the fire. Professor. Oh god, their kidnapper was probably that professor. Callaghan, wasn't it? She should know because it had cropped up every single time someone mentioned Tadashi's death. Supposed death.

"God, that masked bastard is that professor you went into save, isn't he?" Cass moaned out loud. She felt Hiro startle behind her while Tadashi stared in surprise before an understanding look crossed his face and he nodded.

"Yeah," he confirmed, "Professor Robert Callaghan."

"Do you know why he's doing all of this?" Cass asked because she needed to know.

"His daughter, Abigail," Hiro, of all people, replied.

"Wait, how do you know that?"

"Well... it's kind of a long story," Hiro hemmed and hawed.

"In case you haven't noticed, we're not going anywhere," Cass stated dryly. "Tell me everything. Both of you." She was as silent as a stone as first Tadashi and then Hiro told her about their last few weeks.

"...and that's everything. ...Aunt Cass?" Hiro finished, trying to look at her from over his shoulder based on the movement she could feel. He probably had that one look on his face, the one he always got when he knew he was in trouble, that was part hope and part trepidation.

"I can't believe I didn't notice you forming a superhero team right under my nose. I'm a horrible guardian, aren't I?"

"No! Not at all! You've been great!" Hiro insisted.

"Great? Hardly, if you've only switched getting arrested for gambling with death-defying vigilantism. If I was there more..." Cass trailed off on her lament.

"We understand you being busy with the café," Tadashi offered.

"It may be what pays the bills but it's resulted in you pretty much raising yourself and your brother and for that, I'm sorry. Maybe this is a good thing. Gives us time together, just the three of us. The whole family all together."

"There's five of us," Hiro corrected her. "You forgot Baymax and Mochi."

"Ah, that's right. I hope Mochi's okay."

"Baymax will look after him," Hiro promised.

"Good. Tadashi?" Her oldest nephew was frowning.

"I still need to tell you the rules. Before he comes back," he stated grimly. Cass frowned but nodded.

"Alright. Start with rule number one and work your way up."

"Right. Rule One: always address Callaghan with respect when he's here. Rule Two-"

"Really? Those are the rules?" Hiro asked incredulously once Tadashi was finished.

"Hey, I didn't come with them. But if... if you don't follow them..." Tadashi trailed off and shivered again, making his handcuff chain rattle slightly.

"It's okay," Hiro was quick to assure him. "I'll be so obedient that you'll be wondering when I got replaced by a pod person."

Tadashi huffed but grinned to show he appreciated Hiro's attempt at lightening the situation. Then he realized the shoes Hiro was wearing and had obviously modified were one of the pairs he'd put a tracking device in. Licking his suddenly dry lips, Tadashi asked, "Hiro, did you... when you updated those shoes, did you do anything to the tongue?"

"I... don't think so, why?"

"Tracking device," Tadashi blurted out.

"What?" both Hiro and Aunt Cass demanded. Aunt Cass looked horrified and Hiro didn't look much happier.

"I know. I'm sorry. I'm not really proud of putting it there, but if our friends or the police can use it to find us-"

"Wait, you put it there?" Hiro interrupted, comprehension dawning on his face before he ruefully added, "That's how you always found me at bot fights, isn't it? And here I was trying to prevent you from hacking my phone and computer."

"Yeah, well... I'm still not proud of doing it. It's a little too close to what Callaghan's doing."

"Hey, no! You are not like him!" Hiro spat. "You'd never lock me up for my own good. You just made sure you could find me if I got myself into trouble. And, let's face it, I was kinda going out looking for it."

Tadashi didn't look convinced but he still teased, "If? I think you mean when you got yourself into trouble."

"Hah! You wish."

"Boys," Aunt Cass muttered, rolling her eyes.

"Sorry, Aunt Cass," they both automatically replied.

"I should hope so. While I'm not going to complain about the tracking device since it might be useful, you shouldn't be violating your brother's privacy, Tadashi. I'm glad that you're aware of that, though. You're a good person. You just need to be a bit better about boundaries. As for Hiro-"

"I haven't gone bot fighting since being arrested," Hiro protested.

"No, because you've been forming a team of vigilante superheroes instead. What were you all thinking?! I knew I should've picked up a book on parenting."

"I, uh, don't think parenting books cover how to raise superheroes... or supervillains for that matter."

Aunt Cass sighed and admitted, "You're probably right about that. I'm still not sure what to do with you once we get out of this."

There was a pause before Hiro tried changing the subject, "Callaghan's seriously creepy. I'm sorry you had to go through this alone before, Tadashi."

"Yeah, well, I'm not exactly thrilled you're involved now."

"Hey. We'll be okay. Family sticks together. We'll all get through this," Aunt Cass insisted.

Tadashi gave him a tight smile and said, "Thanks." Then he froze as an all too familiar sound reached his ears.

"Tadashi? What-?"

"Shh!" Tadashi hushed his family. They gave him worried looks but Tadashi didn't notice. He'd already gone pale as he recognized the odd clicking susurrus the microbots made while moving. He'd come to know and fear that sound and, sure enough, Callaghan was soon deposited into the room by a wave of the tiny robots. Callaghan reached into the duffle bag he was carrying, pulled out a small electronic device and dropped the bag. The bag hit the floor with a thump that made Tadashi flinch and it spilled some of its contents on the floor.

"What is this?" Callaghan asked, expression cold and voice quietly furious.

"I-I don't..." Tadashi stammered, frightened even as he tried to think of what had possibly set the man off. Then he realized the small electronic had a screen and on the screen was the video he'd managed to sneakily make one day while Callaghan was out.

"Oh God," Tadashi whispered, blanching. Callaghan suddenly seemed to tower over him and Tadashi didn't realize the microbots were lifting the older man until Callaghan undid the carabiner clip and dragged Tadashi away from the wall by the handcuffs. Tadashi stumbled forward, vaguely aware of his family's worried shouting, until the microbots swept his feet out from under him. He hit the floor with his hands and knees and winced. He winced again as Callaghan grabbed his hair to pull his head up and shoved the little TV screen into his face.

"Your little rebellion is all over the news! Krei's probably skipped town by now! And his building will have protection as well because of your stupid, little stunt!" Callaghan thundered. "I fed you, I clothed you, I saved your very life and this is how you repay me?!"

"-sorry! I'm sorry! I'm sorry!" Tadashi wasn't certain when he'd started babbling that phrase over and over again but he stopped when a hand covered his mouth, fingers and thumb digging painfully into his cheeks. He stared up at Callaghan, terrified, while the man coolly studied Tadashi's kneeling form.

"No, I don't think you are. But you will be. You took away my chance at revenge, so I'm going to take something equally precious from you."

What? But the only thing Tadashi could even begin to have a claim on was... His eyes flickered towards his family and then back to Callaghan, who nodded ever so slightly before releasing Tadashi and moving away.

"No, please!" Tadashi begged as he lunged forward to grab the man's hand. Callaghan shrugged him off and the microbots pulled Tadashi back into a kneeling position while the man continued on to the kitchen.

"What's going on? What are you doing?" Aunt Cass demanded while Hiro cursed and twisted in his bonds, having obviously caught on. She went silent but Hiro cursed and struggled harder when Callaghan returned holding a knife.

"Please, I'm begging you, don't hurt them!"

Callaghan ignored Tadashi's attempts at swaying him and brought the knife to bear on the rope that bound Hiro and Aunt Cass to the chairs. Aunt Cass yelped as the blade got too close to her arm and left a shallow cut. Hiro tried standing - and what he planned to do while his hands were still handcuffed behind his back, Tadashi didn't know - but was shoved back into his chair and held there by the microbots even as Callaghan pulled Aunt Cass into a standing position.

"Aunt Cass!" Hiro shouted even as she cried out, "Let me go, you creep! Ow!"

"The bathroom, I think. Easier to clean up the mess," Callaghan mused as he twisted her arms behind her back. He started to frog-march her towards said bathroom but paused when Tadashi literally started crying.

"Please, you don't have to do this. Just... please." The microbots took over holding Aunt Cass hostage while Callaghan pulled Tadashi upright.

"Hush, now. I know it hurts but it wouldn't be a punishment if it didn't hurt. You still have to learn your lesson."

"B-but I have! I've learned my lesson! I won't do anything like that ever again! Please, you can't," Tadashi begged only to flinch as Callaghan's grip on him tightened.

"I can and I will. A father sets boundaries and I'd be a pretty poor example if I didn't follow through. Now come on."

"Aunt Cass! Tadashi!" Hiro shrieked as Callaghan pulled them into the bathroom, leaving the boy alone in the living room. Aunt Cass was shoved into the old tub while Tadashi was forcibly sat on the closed lid of the toilet and pinned there by the microbots.

"Oh god, oh god, oh god," Aunt Cass was repeated as she shrank back in the tub. Hiro was still shouting from the other room.

"Aunt Cass! Tadashi! Talk to me, damn it! Callaghan, leave them alone, you bastard!"

"I'm okay, baby! It'll be okay," Aunt Cass called in response before looking right at Tadashi and clearly stating, "Be strong."

That made Tadashi cry harder. Then she yelped as Callaghan slapped her and then twisted a hand in her hair before bringing the knife back into play.

"She's still alive!" Tadashi shrilled. Callaghan paused with the tip of the knife cutting the thin skin of Aunt Cass's neck. Aunt Cass seemed to be holding her breath lest she be injured further.

"What?" Callaghan asked with a confused frown.

"Abigail-" Tadashi hoarsely began, then paused to lick his lips as he rapidly thought of the best way to phrase everything. "Abigail's still alive. We can get her, but we need Aunt Cass alive."

Callaghan shoved Aunt Cass, bleeding but still alive and likely to remain so for the time being, down in the tub and grabbed Tadashi by the hair. Still holding the bloody knife, the older man growled, "Explain."

It was just a possibility, one Tadashi wasn't even sure he believed in, but it was the only thing he had left, the only thing he could offer that might stop Callaghan, so he elaborated, "It's in the numbers. There was enough space between the portals that a good enough pilot could have avoided the explosion. And Abigail's a great pilot. It's why Krei chose her, right? And the pod was designed with advanced life support, including hyper-sleep, if something happened and she got temporarily stranded. If we could somehow mount an expedition into the portal... but we'd need supplies and the best way to get them would be to trade for them."

Callaghan held up an hand and Tadashi obediently stopped. In fact, he was holding his breath, hoping with all his might Callaghan would accept his reasoning. There would be hell to pay if Abigail hadn't survived but if they could stay alive long enough then there was a possibility they could be found and rescued. Perhaps faster if Callaghan traded Aunt Cass for the supplies needed to mount an expedition because then she could find the tracer for the tracker in Hiro's shoe. To his relief, Callaghan seemed to be considering it.

"Come on," Callaghan ordered as he dragged Tadashi upright. The microbots picked up and held Aunt Cass and all of them were pulled back into the living room. Hiro jerked upright and avidly studied them as they cam back in.

"She's bleeding," Hiro accused.

"It'll stop soon," Callaghan stated callously as the microbots tossed Aunt Cass back into her chair and held her there in much the same way as they were pinning down Hiro.

"The robot. The one Tadashi made. You put armor on it and it flies now. Could it fly in a vacuum?"

"You mean, like, outer space?" Hiro asked doubtfully before adding, "He wouldn't be able to break atmosphere."

"Actually, I was thinking more along the lines of inside the portal."

"Oh, um... yeah, probably," Hiro admitted, "But he's a robot. There's a reason I ride on his back and it's not just because it's awesome."

"You what?" Tadashi couldn't help but cry out. Hiro gave him a sheepish grin but it was Callaghan giving Tadashi a stern look that caused Tadashi's silence.

"You're saying the robot can't go in on it's own," Callaghan stated knowingly.

"Well, he could, but I'm assuming you want him to do a bit more than just cross the threshold and then back," Hiro pointed out archly.

"You're right, it's not. Tadashi here thinks our Abigail is alive. It might just be wishful thinking on his part, but I can't ignore the possibility."

Hiro was obviously contemplating how a rescue mission like that could play out.

"It could work. I'd have to improve my suit because who knows what's on the other side but a breathable atmosphere probably isn't it. But aside from that-"

"Good. Now, what's the likelihood your team will exchange the robot and the parts we need for her," Callaghan inquired, gesturing at Aunt Cass.

Hiro frowned but stated, "A robot and some gear for a living person? No contest. They'll do the exchange."

"Excellent! First thing tomorrow, that's what we'll do."

"Tomorrow?" Aunt Cass finally spoke up, "Why tomorrow?"

Callaghan shook his head and said, "Everyone's still in an uproar. No, better to do this slow and careful rather than fast and sloppy. Abigail's waited this long. She can hold on long enough for us to rescue her properly."