Kathryn enters the holodeck in an evening gown and a full length coat. Her hair is swept up and back off her face. It's snowing gently and Kathryn walks across the field towards the mansion created for the ships' Christmas party. She pulls her coat tighter around her and hurries to the front door of the mansion. Christmas music floods out the front door as Kathryn enters. She follows the sounds of the music to the ballroom. She finds a table with eight chairs and sits down. Six of the eight chairs already are full and Kathryn hopes that Chakotay will take the other empty chair at the table.

Kathryn gasps as Chakotay enters the ballroom and slips his long coat off. He's wearing a tuxedo with a white jacket, black pants, black vest, black tie, black shoes, and a white shirt. Chakotay smiles as he sees Kathryn dressed in her silver evening gown and wrap. He smoothly walks across the floor to her. "Is there an empty seat at your table?" he asks as he reaches her.

"As it so happens there is an empty seat at my table." Kathryn says teasingly.

"Can I take your coat to the coat check?" Chakotay asks noticing Kathryn still has her coat on the seat next to her.

"Yes, thank you," Kathryn says passing Chakotay her coat.

"Save my seat." Chakotay says as he walks away. Kathryn watches him cross the ballroom. He oozes charisma from every facet of his body. The eyes of the ladies in the room follow him as he walks.

"Someone has fallen in love." B'Elanna whispers in Kathryn's ear. "Good pick by the way. He's gorgeous."

"How do I tell him? When do I tell him?" Kathryn asks as she watches Chakotay collect the coat check tickets.

"Tonight is the perfect time to tell him. This is a perfectly romantic setting and romantic time of year. He'll love the idea." B'Elanna says as she watches Chakotay come back across the room.

"Will he accept what I tell him tonight?" Kathryn asks quickly before Chakotay comes back.

"From what he's told me about his feelings for you he'll be more than accepting and receptive of your confession. He won't have anything to say against you." B'Elanna whispers, and smiles at her captain.

"I should go make my welcoming speech. I'll be right back." Kathryn says calmly. She walks across the room smoothly with her skirt swirling around her ankles. She climbs the four stairs up to the stage and takes her place behind the podium. She taps the microphone and waits for the room at come to attention. "Welcome to this ship's 3rd annual Christmas party. Please enjoy your evening. Let loose and let your hair down. Luckily synthehol won't cause any pain for tomorrow. Enjoy the rest of your evening." Kathryn steps down off the stage. Chakotay is there to meet her and extends his hand to help her down the stairs. The room starts buzzing as they notice the tiny amount of physical contact between their commanding officers.