Hello fellow readers I know there are plenty of other Fan Fictions written on this topic but I thought I would give it a go. So here is my take on what I think catching fire would be like if Katniss really was pregnant. I hope you enjoy :)

This story takes place the day after they arrive home from the victory tour (which they were on for two weeks), Katniss and Peeta slept together in District 11 because they were upset and needed comfort and they found it in each other. Katniss still isn't sure about her feelings towards Peeta. There is no Gale in this story or Commander Thread.

I'm running I don't know why but I know I must keep running. I look behind me quickly and there is three mutts chasing me, I look ahead and in the distance I see Peeta but he is on the ground. I call out his name but there is no response, that's when I see Cato come out from behind a tree with his sword. He lifts it above his head and starts to smile as he slams it down into Peeta's head….

I jump straight up and look around and that's when I realise I'm back home safe in my house, well as safe as I will ever be. I realise I am covered in sweat and I must have been clutching at my shirt because there is a big rip down my chest and you can see my bra. The clock says its only 3:00am, so I decide I might try and get some sleep.

After an hour of trying to sleep I know I won't be able too. The room keeps feeling like it's getting smaller and hotter, I open the windows to get some fresh air and that's when I find myself thinking about Peeta. He is probably awake right now with his window open still trying to recover from a similar nightmare. This is the first night for 2 weeks that I've slept in my bed alone. I was really starting to get uses to sleeping with Peeta, well not actually sleeping with him although we did sleep together in district 11. After that night Peeta would stay in my room and we would fight away each other's nightmares, but now I'm alone again and the nightmares are back. During those nights I really got to thinking about Peeta, how Peeta loves me, how when we kissed in the cave I felt a stirring inside my stomach, how when we did sleep together I felt a hunger growing inside me, how I think I have feelings for Peeta the boy with the bread who was my last hope. I really do think I love Peeta but I'm not sure if it's the same way I love Prim or the other way…

The next time I look at the clock its 6:00am, I was going to go hunting but I've been feeling a little nauseous the last hour and I don't really feel up to it.

I go downstairs to get a glass of water when I smell something coming from the kitchen. I go into the kitchen to find the cause of this funky smell and there is Peeta placing a loaf of bread on the table, that's when my stomach decides to do a flip and I only just make it to the sink when I throw up. Peeta is straight by my side rubbing my back and holding my hair back for me.

'' Are you okay?'' he says as I rinse my mouth out.

'' I am now'' I say '' I've been feeling a little sick this morning, I didn't get much sleep''

'' Me neither'' he says tiredly. I look up at him and just looking at the bags under his eyes I can tell he's had a rough night.

'' I kinda wish we were still on tour, that was the most I've slept in ages'' the words flow out of my mouth without me knowing and I regret them instantly. Peeta and I can never happen if I start to show my feelings for him whatever feelings they are, I know somehow I will manage to lose him and I could never bare that.

'' Yeah, me too'' Peeta says sadly.

'' I've got the wedding dresses photo shoot today, are you going to be there?''. Ever since Peeta proposed on tour the capital has gone into full planning mode and today they are making me try on all the dresses the stylists in the capitol have made so they can take photos for the capitol citizens to view and vote for which dress they like.

'' I wouldn't miss it for the world, you being girly and wearing lots of long frilly dresses is something I must see'' He says with a smile that goes from ear to ear.

I give him a death glare and head up stairs to have a shower, as I climb the stairs Peeta's deep chuckle fills the room.

As soon as the clock hits 1:00pm the Capitol crew barge through the doors and starts setting up lighting equipment and cameras. Venia, Octavia and Flavius come storming through the door and envelope me in a quick hug before they drag me to the bathroom but before they close the door I hear Peeta chuckle and I know I will have to get him back later for this.

After they strip me of my hair and put a huge amount of product in my hair I'm finally ready to get in the dresses.

I stop paying attention to what they're doing to me after the first dress and now all I can notice is the way Peeta is looking at me. His eyes are sparkling and he's looking at me like I'm the best thing he has ever seen, his smile is so wide and I can't help but smile. Five minutes of me staring at him and he finally notices and I quickly divert my eyes like I was caught and my cheeks start to feel hot.

3 hours and 15 dresses later, Peeta has fallen asleep and I had finally had enough and I stormed out. I am now on my way back home from one of the other spare victor village's houses which I hid in while the Capitol people left.

As soon as I enter my house Prim wraps her little arms around me.

'' You're just in time to see your dresses on TV'' she says excitedly

'' it can't be yet they were only here a couple hours ago'' I say

''you know how the capitol works, they will do whatever they can to get some entertainment'' Haymitch says who I only just realised is here.

I go take the only spare seat there is, which is next to Peeta but I don't mind. Surely enough within the next 20 minutes we see all my dresses with Caesars commentary. He announces everyone must cast their votes by noon.

'' Let's get Katniss Everdeen to her wedding in style!'' Caesar says with the upmost enthusiasm. '' Stay tuned for the big announcement of this year's Quarter Quell'' and then the TV goes back to its daily footage.

'' What do you think they will do?'' Prim asks.

'' I don't know'' Haymitch replies.

'' Are you okay?'' Peeta whispers to me. I didn't realise but sometime in the last five minutes I must have grabbed Peeta's hand, his knuckles are white because I was squeezing it so hard.

'' Yeah, sorry'' I whisper back as I release his hand. He flexes it but then the program comes back on and he grabs my hand again. President Snow is standing behind a podium and a little boy stands next to him holding a box. President Snow walks over to the boy and picks a very yellowed envelope out of the box and he opens it.

'' On the seventy-fifth anniversary, as a reminder to the rebels that even the strongest among them cannot overcome the power of the capitol, the male and female tributes will be reaped from the existing pool of victors.'' President Snow says, and then the TV shuts off.

It takes a minute for it to sink in, existing pool of victors, one female and one male, I am the only female victor from district 12. I am going back in the arena.