Author's Note: Sorry for the ending on the last chapter. I didn't mean to do that but after lengthy discussions with a few people I ended putting way way more into this then I intended on doing but here it is, the final chapter. I found that listening to Wonderland by Taylor Swift helped me get into the mind space to write about the Capitol and for creating a special space for Katniss and Peeta.

Is everyone as excited as I am? It is Christmas in a mere few hours! Santa is going to have been and gone. Presents will be exchanged. And I am going to get to spend time with my extended family whom I love and cherish dearly. I think spending time with family that you love is a gift that Christmas extends to all individuals throughout this holiday season. People come together to celebrate, spending time with each other whom they might not see every day/week/month of the year so this is a special time for creating memories with loved ones.

Hope you enjoy it and don't forget to REVIEW REVIEW REVIEW! :)


When we get into the bedroom he lays me down gently on the bed. He takes of his pants quickly and then crawls up the bed to be resting next to me. He starts to run his hand up and down my legs.

"Gosh" he breathes as he notices my black, lacy panties that match the corset.

"You didn't see them earlier?" I giggle.

"I was too caught up with this magnificent corset" he says running his fingers across the corsets edge and along my skin. I shiver at the contact.

I reach up and grab him by the chin, pulling his face towards mine and fusing my lips onto his lips. For the first time ever I run my hands through his hair, my fingers grasping at the short strands and pull him against my body. He moans into my mouth and his hands find my waist, pulling me harder against him leaving no room between us. Skin to skin, we just completely melt together. His hands slide around my back and down to my ass. He grabs it aggressively and starts to knead it. I moan as his actions cause more wetness to pool between my legs. He quickly bites down on my bottom lip before running his tongue along it. In response I open my mouth and let his tongue in to explore my mouth. We take a breath when air becomes necessary.

"Wow!" I breathe, my chest rising and falling quickly.

"WOW … is this really happening?" he asks quietly.

"You better believe it, Sexy." I reply as I roam my hands over his chest and down his toned abdomen.

Peeta's eyes glaze over with lust and he doesn't waste any more time. Right as his breathing starts to return to normal he presses his lips back onto mine. I was so hungry for another taste of his mouth that I welcomed him. Our kiss became heated, very quickly. Peeta's hands went behind my back and roughly undid my corset. I pick it up and throw it across the room as Peeta breaks the kiss and watches my breasts bounce, free of the corset.

"Oh shit!" he mutters before crashing his mouth back onto mine. Our bodies sliding against each other.

One of Peeta's hands manages to find space between us to get to my breasts. He strokes them gently as his hands massage them. He then rubs his whole hands over them and when his palms glide over my nipples all I can do is moan, loudly. Encouraged by this Peeta works my nipples between his thumb and his forefinger, working each nipple expertly. The more he played with each breast, the more aroused I became until I let out a purr from the back of my throat.

Did that sound just come from me? Me? Katniss Everdeen? Apparently it did, and surprisingly I didn't mind.

Pinching them harder and harder simultaneously, Peeta ran the pad of his thumb over them to soothe the pain. The feeling of him touching me so intimately caused another rush of wetness to flood to my centre and a strangled moan to escape my mouth. I momentarily question where he had learnt this but that thought is banished from my mind when he continues his actions. Closing my eyes and moaning I just lose myself in his touches.

Then he just stops. There's no more hands. His body isn't against mine either.

I opened my eyes to see that Peeta had pulled himself into a kneeling position. He hooks his fingers underneath my panties and slides them down my legs. After they are off my legs I open my legs slightly, providing him with access to my centre. Using one hand he brings his finger up to my clit and starts to rub me. I groan before I grab his hand, stopping his stimulation.

"Make love to me." I say looking directly into his eyes.

"Are you sure?" he asks. His eyes show me he is nervous.

"I want this." I nod, I haven't been as sure about anything then I am right now. I want this. I want him. I want us to do this together.

This time he doesn't hesitate. He hovers himself over me and lines himself up with my entrance. Slowly he pushes himself into me, letting me adjust to his size and length. I groan approvingly and nod when he is fully inside me and he starts to rock back and forth. I start to match his movements, thrusting against him and moaning loudly. I want to add something to encourage him so I reach around him and rake my nails up his back. His face contorts into a look of pain but he groans loudly and then smirks. When he starts to pick the pace, seemingly turned on and encouraged by the noises I continue to make.

"Gaaahhhhh … Close" is all I can manage between moans and groans. I look into his eyes which are full of lust and passion.

"Come with me gorgeous." He says resting his forehead against mine. He slides a hand between our bodies and rubs my clit with the pad of his thumb.

I moan and I feel myself tighten around him. One more rub and I am screaming, coming. My orgasm rips through my body right as Peeta thrusts into me one last time. I feel him coat my insides with his goodness as he moans louder than I have heard him be ever.

Peeta slowly eased himself out of me and lay down beside me. Panting heavily we both pull the covers off the bed and climb under the sheets.

"You are amazing!" I say rolling over to face him.

"I love you Princess" he says brushing a stray piece of hair out of my face.

I cuddle myself up against his chest and smile to myself. He wraps his arms around me and kisses the top of my head. We both begin to drift off to sleep almost instantly. I always fall asleep instantly in Peeta's arms.

"I love you Peeta" I whisper hoping he has fallen asleep. Saying the words aloud to him immediately settles my soul and I fall asleep straight away.


As if this day hasn't been busy enough, after a multitude of interviews with so many different people we now have to attend some fancy ball. I am consistently astounded that the people in the Capitol haven't gotten bored with Peeta and me yet. Don't get me wrong, I could never get bored of the incredible Boy Who Saved Me but surely we can only answer the same questions so many times.

The people here in the Capitol sure know how to waste excessively. And they mot certainly know how to do whole lot of nothing. I am sick of having to smile, laugh, giggle, talk and relive the horrifying things that happened this past year.

After the interviews our respective prep teams came in to our apartment and separate us to get ready for the ball. And while I am stressing and practically having an anxiety panic attack just being separated from Peeta, I am excited to see him all done up. These days he usually takes my breath away by how handsome he is but when he is all dressed up in a nice tuxedo and his hair has been tamed I just lose all possible function. He is always handsome but it is on another level.

I am right. When I emerge from my room and go to find Effie, Haymitch and Peeta I am absolutely floored by how Portia has styled him flawlessly. My jaw hits the floor, my legs turn into jelly and there are no longer butterflies in my stomach, they have been replaced by dinosaurs stomping around. His tuxedo is perfectly tailored and crisp. He doesn't have a hair out of place. And the smile on his lips makes him positively glow.

"You are breath-taking" I whisper as he pulls me into his arms in a heart-warming hug.

"You are stunning" he replies placing a kiss on my forehead, delicately.

"Ewww, save that mushy stuff for the cameras." Haymitch remarks behind us.

"Come on everybody, let's get going." Effie buzzes as she walks towards the elevator.


At the President's Ball Peeta and I stand around, talk, take photos and smile when told to. We have been doing this for hours and I think I am about to break my face with this much fake smiling. I am stuffed after eating as much as I can fit. My legs feel like they are about to snap off after dancing with so many Capitol big shots.

Towards the end of the night Peeta takes my hand and whispers in my ear "Follow me."

The first genuine smile of the night graces my lips as he pulls me into the crowd. People watch us and talk. If they are talking to us I am not listening, all I am focused on is Peeta guiding me expertly through the party. We pass Haymitch and Effie on our way.

"Where do you think they are going?" Effie wonders aloud.

"I don't want to know, I only care if they are fighting which they aren't" Haymitch says grabbing a pastry off an Avox passing around finger food.

"But they are going to miss the grand finale of the party which is in their honour." Effie grumbles, getting frustrated with Haymitch and his dismissal.

"I am sure their grand finale is going to be much more in their honour then I want to witness" he said, winking at Effie before walking off into the crowd.

The more people we pass, the thinner the crowd gets. I am glad that he is leading me somewhere we can have a little private time. Not that we always have a lot of time together alone but I am enjoying Peeta's company more and more in recent days. I am excited.

He stops in front of a table filled with presents on them. Then he gets to his knees and crawls under the table, disappearing. I giggle and then copy his actions, following him.

He has ventured beyond the other side of the table, through some bushes and into a small courtyard. He helps me off the ground and leads me into the middle of the courtyard. There are beautiful flowers along the surrounding edges of the garden, a small bench in the far corner and there is a string of lanterns hanging above our heads. We cannot hear the loud music and talking from the party, it is just us.

"What are we doing here?" I query, smiling as Peeta slides a hand around my waist and holds one of my hands gently. He then starts to dance slowly guiding me around and I let him take control. I slide my hand up his chest to rest on his shoulder following his lead.

"I just wanted to be alone with you." He says matter-of-fact-ly. I lean my head on his shoulder and close my eyes. Even though there is no music we have our own rhythm, we are dancing to music that only we can hear. Together.

With my eyes closed I picture how my life will be with Peeta. Waking up to his handsome face. Cooking meals together. Having fresh bread made daily. Relaxing together out in the town. Kissing him whenever I want to.

After a few minutes Peeta nudges my waist and I look up at him.

"Look up" he says pointing to the sky above him.

I look up. There are now hundreds of flying, glowing bugs surrounding us. It is like snow except they are lighting up the whole courtyard. It is magical. I am speechless. Peeta removes hands from me and steps back. Looking at me he has the biggest smile I have seen him wear all day. I blush violently and knot my hands behind my back.

"I just cannot escape your beauty." He declares, falling to his knees. He lowers his head so he is looking at the ground and no longer at me. Peeta is so kind. He always has been and now it is directed at me know how I feel about him. He didn't just save me then, he save me every single day.

I walk over to him and kneel in front of him. I stroke my hand through his hair and down the back of his neck. Watching him shudder I cup his chin and lift his head so he is looking at me.

"I know how you feel, being with you these past few weeks my feelings have grown from uncertainty to security. When you first threw me that bread you saved my life and that is something I will never forget, and I am constantly surprised at how you continue to save me every day since that moment." I say confidently. Taking a deep breath, my heart skips a beat and I gather all my courage.

"I love you Peeta."

His eyes light up "I love you more Katniss."


Hope you all enjoyed, that this little story bought a little bit of sunshine into your life as mine had been filled with joy writing this :) xx