Umm… So, this is my first fanfic… Please go easy on me.

Sasaki had been spacing out for days. He was sitting outside the Quinx house, on the porch, holding a small handkerchief in his hand.

He recalled the cute waitress and the scary, mysterious man from that café. He asked himself questions regarding the café. He didn't know why he cried, why he had felt so familiar with the place, why the waitress gave such a sad smile. He had –many times- thought of going back to the café to return the small little handkerchief. Though, he didn't know why he lost his confidence of returning. He sighed.

He stood up and opened the door. Greeting him at the entrance was a worried Mutsuki, a curious Shirazu and a sleepy Saiko. He widened his eyes slightly in surprise. Had they been watching me this whole time? Sasaki thought.

Slowly, Shirazu stepped down and put his hand on Sasaki's shoulder.

"Sassan," he began. "If you wanna go back there, nobody's stoppin' you."

Sasaki stood, stunned and speechless. There was a pause before he started chuckling lightly.

"It's not that Shirazu… it's just… I lost my confidence is all."

The Quinx –excluding Urie- watched their mentor with confusion. Sasaki just waved them off saying there was nothing to worry about. Then, he had the sudden urge to drink the coffee from that place. Smiling inwardly, he looked at the Quinx and gave a small 'thanks' before going to his bedroom to change.

He changed into a black dress shirt and a white sweater, grey trousers and a pair of black shoes. Sasaki bid a quick farewell towards the Quix, promising he'd make curry for dinner that night –of which Shirazu and Saiko whooped at. He chuckled again and ran off with an open umbrella as a drizzle fell upon the city.

After what seemed like forever, he had finally reached the café. He took a deep breathe. Steeling his nerves, he twisted the bronze knob and pushed the door. He looked around, still finding the place nostalgic; The yellow dim lights, the –now, slightly moody- natural light, the wooden planked-floor, the decorations and especially, the counter.

"Excuse me, sir."

He turned around only to face the cute indigo-haired waitress. He stared at her soft locks, the fringe that covered her right eye, the glossy lips before shaking himself out of it.

"U-Um… I… I don't know if you remember me or not-"

"I remember you, sir."

"W-Well… I just wanted to return this to you…" Sasaki said as he handed her the handkerchief. "And… maybe a coffee."

She laughed. She told him to sit by the counter and just wait there. Sasaki fidgeted in his seat. He looked down at his hands. Horrified, an image of black nails seemed to overlap his own.

"Here. Also, thanks."

Surprised, he looked up. He faced the smiling waitress. He smiled back. He took a sip.

"Is… is it alright if you come back…?"

Sasaki tilted his head.

"Honestly, I was planning to be a regular customer here."

The waitress laughed.

"By the way, my name's Haise Sasaki."

"Mine's Kirishima Touka."

They looked at each other before laughing. Slowly, calming down, they looked at each other and smiled.

So, how was it? Was it alright? Please give a review. Maybe… if you'd like me to continue it instead of leaving it a one-shot, please do tell.