Lab rats - a lost brother
Chapter 1
This is a new version of lab rats where Mr. Davenport dosen't manage to save Chase from Douglas but only Adam and Bree. What will happen? And what does Douglas do to Chase now as he have him? Read and you'll find out.
Mr. Davenports POV
It had gone around 15 years since I rescued Adam and Bree, but Chase was left behind. I tried to get him too but Douglas was running like crazy after me when I tried to rescue Adam and Bree. If I had stopped to get Chase too, Douglas would have got all of them instead of just one. But I managed to get in the car and drive away with Adam and Bree. I decided that I was gonna look for Chase when they got a little older. I knew that Douglas had Chase and could give him all the bionics that existed. But that would take some time. Cause he had to get a new lab since I kicked him out of Davenport industries. So I thought I would easily find him and bring him home so he could grow up with Adam and Bree. That was the plan.
"Mr. Davenport I have a question." Adam said scaring me while I was lost in my thoughts. "What is it Adam?" I answered. "Why does cheesdoodles smell like feet that haven't showered for weeks?" Adam replied. I sighed. "Adam, I don't know why they smell like that, ok?" I said a little bit annoyed. "And you call yourself a genius." Adam said laughing while leaving the room, he was also eating cheesdoodles. I looked around the lab, it was a mess. Leo had just crushed my new invention. It was gonna be sold for 1 million, and now it was gone. I saw the capsules. Chase capsule was hidden under the floor. I never told them about Chase. I never found him. I was planning on let the capsule get up from the floor when I got Chase, but, that did not happen. I'm still looking for him to this day. Adam, Bree, Leo and even Tasha thinks I'm at work every day I go out. But I'm looking for Chase. Douglas have hid him so well it's almost hopeless to find him. I keep trying to track them down but somehow they always get away. I failed to find him. My plan didn't work.
Brees POV
I woke up early this morning because Adam said he was gonna make a pumpkin-tower when he woke up. Don't ask me how or why he would make that but I know that when he does it, I am far, far away from him. School was nearly empty and peaceful. But since Perry was snoring in the other room, it wasn't so quiet as it could. Leo was with me. He said that we should probably go before the bear wakes up. I laughed a little bit. We went to the cafeteria to sit down and get away from principal Perry's snoring. It was just two nerds who sat on a table in the corner of the room when Leo and I sat down to another table to have breakfast. We went so early we didn't have time to eat. I looked at the clock. Still 2 hours until schools starts. "So, do you think Adams pumpkin-tower will taste good when it explodes?" I asked Leo just to get a conversation started. When Adam builds something out of food or anything really, it often explodes. And then he usually eats it. Sometimes before it explodes too. "I dunno, never been a fan of pumpkins. They are really scary when it's halloween." Leo said to answer my question. "I'm bored, wanna superspeed to New York and get some real breakfast?" I said after one bite of my disgusting sandwich. It was probably days old. "well now we're talking." Leo said with a smile and we headed out of school to superspeed to NY. It was fun. A New York sandwich was what I needed. I got us back to school before anyone noticed that we were half an hour late for class. When I saw Adam I knew what had happen. He was covered in pumpkin. He was orange from top to toe. I just smiled because I knew that his tower would somehow explode. Well school was started, so I had to concentrate about getting a boyfriend. First I just had to fell in love with someone.
So what do you think? I hope it will be a lot of chapters. I will try to get some more Chase in the next chapter. 3