Lone Gunmen Part 1

Liz's P.O.V

Tonight Oliver and I were going after a man named James Holder his company palaces smoke detectors in low-income homes in the Glades however the smoke detector are defective and because of that a lot of lives have been lost and Oliver and I are putting a stop to that. So now Oliver and I are going to ambush Holder on his roof and we're waiting for the right moment to do so.

'Heh. Other than the bill I got handed this morning by my legal team, I'm feeling pretty good. Plus, now that this lawsuit's been settled, we can focus our attention on Unidac Industries. Ok. I'll see you in the office first thing.' I heard Holder talk in to his phone. When he finally finished Oliver Shot a arrow at Holder and hit the glass he was holding shattered and Holder jumped in surprise. It was then when Oliver chose to show himself.

'I have armed security inside. All I have to do is call out.' Holder threatened Oliver, after he said that I decided to show myself at Holder's left.

'Go ahead. They can't hear you.' I tell Holder throwing his men's guns on to the floor by Holder's feet.

Holder looks between us and asks 'What the hell do you want?'

Oliver answers 'How many people died in those fires? How many?! The courts say you don't owe your victims anything.' Near the end he starts yelling.

'And we disagree.' I say

'James Holder...' Oliver began but was stop Holder was shot at his chest right where his heart is. I dropped to the ground for cover and made it look like I was shot and Oliver hid for cover. When I was on the ground I kept eyes on the tall building next to this one where the shots where coming from and saw that there was three shots, one for the each of us.

When the shots stopped I got up and looked at the pool and saw Holder floating there with his blood. I turned to Oliver and saw that he was holding his shoulder, he was shot.


When got to our base I was patching up Oliver's wound. I felt Oliver flinch a little as I'm sewing up his wound 'sorry, I'm nearly done' I apologise

'It's ok' Oliver answers shortly. I frown at his answer lately Oliver has been distant to me, ever since that night when me and Laurel were attacked, Oliver never start conversations with me anymore, when ever we're in a convocation his replies have been short and he keeps a distance from me.

When I finished Oliver put on (sadly) a shirt and when to cross Holder's name off from his book.

Hoping to start a conversation with him I said 'It's no surprise a man as corrupt as James Holder has more than one enemy.'

Before Oliver answers he collapsed and before he hit the floor he grabbed on to the table and held on to the table to keep himself up. 'The bullet' he whispered and he sounded like he was in pain. I realised what was happening and jumped up and yelled 'you were poisoned!'

I ran to my wooden trunk opened it and took out the herbs I got from the island shoved then down Oliver's throat and gave him some water so he could swallow the herbs more easy and with that Oliver fell asleep.

I knew that Oliver would be asleep for a while so I called Diggle came up with a cover story to why Oliver and I won't coming home tonight.

After a few rings he finally answered 'Hey Diggle it's me Liz...listen Oliver and I went drinking tonight and well... Oliver drank a bit too much and passed out and I'm a bit too drunk to drive so were staying in a hotel room not far where we were drinking'

'I could always pick you and Oliver up tell me where you are' Diggle said

'No there is no need to we're fine I just need you to tell Moira where we you see I don't have her number, alright buy Diggle' I quickly end the convocation before he could ask me questions I couldn't really answer.

I look down at Oliver who was still asleep and his head was on my lap, I take a deep breath and let it out its going to be a long night.


The next morning when Oliver woke when Oliver finally woke up he was angry at the time, but when I told him that I called Diggle and made up a cover story for why we weren't there, it made him less angry but he still wasn't happy because he knew that him not being home will properly start another fight between him and his family.

When we got home, we heard noise coming from the living room. When we got there we saw that two police officers were talking to Moira and Walter and Thea was sitting on the couch looking bored.

'What happened? Thea ok?' Oliver asks quietly so that he doesn't disturb the others in the room.

'The cops brought her home. Her and some of her friends broke into a store, tried on some dresses last night. Lit up the breathalyzer like a Christmas tree.
So how was your evening, sir? Ma'am?' Diggle tells us. And I answer his question

'You mean after Oliver said that he had to go to the bathroom at dinner and I spilled my drink on my dress and we ever came back? Later I called you telling you that me and Oliver were so drunk be had rent a hotel room?

'I guess from now on I'll be watching you pee' Diggle says to Oliver and to me 'and make sure that you have spare dresses'

'Thank you, officers. My wife and I appreciate it. I'll see you out.' Walter leads the Police officers out

'Last time it was public intoxication. This time breaking and entering.
My, how we are moving up in the criminal world.' Tells Thea once the police are out of sight.

'You know, when you pay off the store owner, you should check out the merchandise. They got some pretty killer outfits.' Thea tells her mother ignoring what her mother just said

'Thea, go get ready for school.' Moira orders her daughter also ignoring what Thea just said.

What a great relationship.

'Uh, you know, I was thinking of taking a sick day.' Trying to look tired

'Fine, then get some sleep.' Moira replies. I turn to Oliver and see that he looks annoyed by what his mother said.

Thea leaves with a smug look on her face when she passes Oliver and I she says to Oliver 'You look like crap.' When she leaves I sigh 'I'll go after her' I whisper to Oliver.

When I catch up to Thea she says 'Are you gonna tell me how I'm messed up. Well sorry we all can't be goody to shoes like you when you were my age'

When Thea says that I actually laughed out loud 'When did I ever say that I was like that. I was properly worse than you because i broke in to shops sober'

'ooo really you have to tell me more about'

'One day I will, when you get you get a new hobby that doesn't involve acohol and drugs. Now go to sleep after all you're too sick to go to school' i say the last part sarcastically. And left to find Oliver.


When I found Oliver we decided to head to our base and find out what poison was used. Using an old trick my father taught me we used Oliver's used bandages to see what the poison was used. When the blood turns blue I realise the poison is Curare

'The bullets were laced with curare, a rare and deadly poison' I tell Oliver

'The killer's unique M.O. He's killed all over the world Chicago, Markovia, Corto Maltese. Interpol even has a codename for him Deadshot. I was prepared to give James Holder a chance to right his wrongs, but this Deadshot has no morality, no honor, no code. He doesn't kill for justice, which makes him as dangerous as anyone on my list.' Oliver says as finds the information on the computer

'I think it puts him right at the top.' I tell Oliver


Later Oliver is showing Tommy the factory for his idea to use the old factory for a night club. When I asked him why build a club above our base he said 'The nightclub will conceal the base underneath and provide an alibi for where Oliver Queen spends his night after all someone would properly notice that Oliver and I keep going there and ask questions that we don't want.

He also asked me if I wanted a job club as a manager so it gives me an alibi as well and I of course accepted the job.

'So what do you think? Great spot for a nightclub or what?' Oliver asks Tommy as we walk in.

'Sweet. Though I got to tell you, man, if you're thinking about calling it Queens, I don't think you're gonna get the clientele that you were hoping for.' Tommy jokes and we laugh a little.

'Private office.' Oliver points to where the private office would be.

'For the private one-on-one meetings, I would imagine.' Tommy jokes again

'Hopefully the occasional two-on-one meeting.' Oliver jokes back

'Men' I muttered and only Diggle heard me because I can hear him laugh quietly.

'Man, are you sure you want to do this? It's not like you really have any experience in running a well, running anything. How about tomorrow night the three of us, we go and scope out the competition. There's a new club opening downtown. It's called Poison. Max Fuller owns it.' Tommy says to Oliver. I wonder who Max Fuller he's decently not on Oliver's list.

'Max Fuller? I slept with his fiancée.' Oliver reminds Tommy

'Yeah, before the wedding.' Tommy reminds him

'It was at the rehearsal dinner.'

'yeah...' I say awkwardly 'The rehearsal dinner is technically before the wedding.' Tommy laughs puts is arm over my shoulders and said 'See even Liz gets it. And besides, who stays mad at a castaway? Ah, dammit, I got to roll.
Anyway, I'll see you later, man Liz. Good place.' And Tommy leaves

After Tommy Leaves, I turn to Diggle 'So what do you think Diggle?'

'Well, I'm here to provide security, ma'am, not a commentary.'

'Oh, come on, dig, do us a favour. Speak freely, please.' Oliver says acting like his old self I'm guessing.

'Well, this is The Glades, right? Your rich white friends wouldn't come to this neighbourhood on a bet.'

'Well he is Oliver Queen, right? People properly would stand in line for 3 hours if he opened a club.' I tell Diggle after there are people out there would nearly anything just to see a celebrity.

'And no one who actually lives in The Glades would see a penny of those cover charges.'

'So we make it a successful business, we gentrify the neighbourhood.' I defend Oliver

'I was wondering when we would get to that. The white knight swooping in to save the disenfranchised. And all by his lonesome with no help from anybody.'

'Wow. You don't think very much of me, do you?' Oliver accuses Diggle

'No, sir, actually, I have a very high regard for how perceptive you are. Sir.' Diggel says sarcastically with a smile. I cover my mouth so I don't laugh.

When Diggle Leaves I turn Oliver. 'So what are we going to do about Deadshot?' I ask

'We need to find him, but we need something of his, which we don't have' Oliver answers

I think for a moment and remember what happened the other night on the roof 'or do we ... follow me I'll explain on the way' I say as I start to leave the factory with Oliver right behind me


We got to the alleyway next Holder's building as we were walking though it i was explaining to Oliver why we were here.

'Ok... the other night on the roof three shots. Two for you and me and the third...'

Oliver finishes for me 'for James Holder'

'Yes and we know that the first shot hit James Holder right in the heart, the second shot grazed your shoulder and hit Holder again but what about the third shot it didn't hit me so...'

Before I finished is stopped walking look up a wall and start climbing it using the pipes and windows. When I got high enough I took Oliver's swis army knife (that I 'borrowed' without him knowing) and took to bullet out of the wall.

'... It hit the wall my back was facing' I called down to Oliver.


Oliver and I were back at our base finding everything we can about the bullet I found.

'So what is it?' Oliver shortly asks as I examine the bullet. Honestly the only time Oliver even starts a conversation with me lately is about work. The only time I remember our relationship being like this was when we first met and that was when I was the one who did the ignoring.

'It's a 7.62mm round' I told Oliver and he started to research where the bullet possibly came from.

After Oliver finished his research he told me what he found out 'The money trail leads back to the Bratva the Russian mob' now we have a lead.

'Finally some good luck' I say with a sigh.


Oliver and I were on our way to meet member of the Bratva to find more information about Deadshot. When we entered the garage Oliver called out to the workers in Russian 'We're looking for Alexi Leonov'.

When he said the the works stopped working and looked at us and said still in Russian 'There's no on here by that name'

'Not in your garage' I say in Russian and Oliver and I start walking forward closer to the workers. 'In the basement underneath' I continue. The second I said that some of the workers stepped forward and pointed a gun at me, but i quickly disarmed him by grabbing his arm and twisting it.

'We are Bratva' Oliver says and we show them our tattoos. Oliver's tattoo is on the left of his chest while mine is on my left hip.

'We want to see Alexi Leonov' Oliver repeats.

'Pleased to meet you.' One of the works say, who look like they're in charge and bows. Then he leads us to the basement.

'I apologize. We meant no disrespect to a captain. Particularly an American and an Australian one. So How can I be of assistance?' as we reached the basement.

'I'm in the market for a hired gun. Someone the organization's used before.' Oliver Explains and I continue. 'His calling card is a 7.62 millimeter gun laced with curare.'

'I know no man who uses such tools.' The Bratva member tells us

'But you can find out who does.' I say

'First, we will drink to each other's health, then I will look into the identity of this man you seek.' And we take a shot. 'I will also confirm that you are really Bratva captains. Should this not be the case, I will send my mechanic here to find you and kill you and your family.' The Bratva member says with a smile

'That sounds reasonable. But do make sure that you have all of the information before you make the decision to help us or not' I say with confidents. While I said that Oliver eyed the two members.

'Of course' the Bratva member replies and we leave.


Later that night Tommy, Oliver and I were checking out the club that Tommy had mentioned earlier. 'Oh, my, this is going to be killer.' Tommy says laughing

'If Max never sees me here I agree.' Oliver says

'Wow I can't wait to see this Max if Oliver is so sacred of him' I say laughing and Tommy joins in.

'Ah, if you want to run a business, you've got to take a few risks.'

We continue in to club but Diggle is stopped 'I don't see your name on the list.'

'Mr Queen Miss Wilson' Diggle calls to us. I was about to tell the bouncer that Diggle was with us but Oliver covered my mouth with his hand to stop me from talking.

'Oh! I have never seen this guy before in my life. Ever.' Oliver says using is other hand to point at Diggle and drags me away in to the club.

'Oh look what I found' Tommy says and Oliver and I look at the direction he was looking at and saw Laurel and we started to head towards her.

'Oh, wow! Doesn't you going out and having fun violate some kind of law, you know, like the ones that are carved on a stone tablet?' Tommy jokes

'That's cute, Tommy. I can see you two are up to your old hunting patterns. But this time you've dragged Liz with you' Laurel says and I laugh. Our relationship has been doing better, you never know maybe we could become good friends (A.N: yea right)

'Just seeing what passes for fun in starling city after five years.' Oliver says

'Yep' I agree

'Ah. Well, I'm sure you'll find that it just hasn't been the same without you.' Laurel says sarcastically.

Before anyone could answers her Thea comes running in to Oliver 'Big brother! Oh! I am so wasted right now. There is there is two of you.'

'I thought you were grounded.' Oliver says to Thea, clearly trying not to yell at her.

'I am. And thank you thank you for that, by the way.'

'Thea I think you're done for the night' I tell her gently taking a step towards her.

'Oh, what are you going to do? - Tell my mom?'

'Thea! You are hanging with the wrong people.' Oliver says starting to lose his temper.

'You're one to talk. How much do you know about your own so-called friends over here?' as Thea is talking I can see Laurels eyes widen at the corner of my eye.

Tommy quickly cuts in 'Oh, Thea, maybe you should...' but Thea cuts him off 'Tommy I think your BFF has a right to know.'

'Thea, let's go.' I say. I can tell that Thea is about to say something about Tommy and Laurel and they don't want Oliver to know. But Thea ignores me 'Well, I guess they never told you that they've been screwing while you were gone.' No one says anything for awhile and Thea just looks smug.

'Look, man' Tommy finally says, but Oliver stops him 'Tommy It's ok.' But i can see Tommy really wants to talk about this so I say to Thea 'You and me, we're done for the night.' I take hold of her had to lead her out of the club and take her home but she stops me 'Take your hands off of me.' She yells

'Thea' Oliver says now angry

'You're not my father. And you're barely my brother.' Thea yells at Oliver and runs off 'Thea!' i yell and go after her but I Lose her because of the number of people.

'Liz!' I heard Laurel yell and I turn to her 'what is it?' I ask

'It's Oliver and Tommy'

Oh what now

A.N: And that's for this chapter ;) The next chapter will on by Tuesday

NEWS: If you read note at the top than you will know I have information about the next story that I will write and it will be a ... How I Met Your Mother and yes it will follow the show and it will be a TedxOC story. If you think that might sound interesting than you can go to my profile page to get more information about the story. I post the story the when I finish with season 1 of Arrow but if people want me to I will gladly start the story earlier than that.

In the Next Chapter... Find out why Oliver has been distant.

Answers to Reviews:

Highlander348: I don't know about Felicity joining the team earlier because I think that if she did than she would have told Oliver what Walter asked her to do and also the only reason Felicity even joined the team because Walter was kidnapped and she wanted to help find him. I personally would love for Felicity to join the team earlier but it would change the plot too much in my opinion.

Prettygirl16: This story will follow the show but not every scene. Only the ones that involve Liz and I don't Liz to Follow around Oliver all day I want her to be her own person. I HOPE I'm going that with her.

Plzz fav and Review :)