Author owns nothing. Gets nothing for this, except some praise :D

Be advised, I claim no right to ideas/characters/ ect contained herein. I do not claim responsibility for Hetalia, or any affiliated licensed ideas.

Characterization helped along by Hetalia (Obviously), Hellsing Abridged, and House of Cards.

I own nothing. Rated M. Thank you for reviewing.

Please note, this is only a STORY, and should not be intended to cause offense in anyway.


When the time comes for someone to be ruthless, the faint of heart often change their minds.

Prussia was anything but faint of heat. In fact, it would have been apt to describe him as nearly blood-thirsty. He had waited so very long for this chance, this golden opportunity, handed to him by the guileless woman at his right.

He had spent days, nearly weeks, pouring over how he would make Spain suffer. For failing to come support an old ally. Or how he would watch the Netherlands and Belgium burn into ash. It was all too delicious, the anticipation that had him on a razor thin edge of sanity versus delirious pleasure.

They'd left millions of his people without a country to call their own and nearly stripped of their heritage. The Allies had possessed a choice. Prussia had not. No matter how he howled at them over the unfairness, or pointed out that he was by far not the only nation with blood on his hands. It had fallen upon deaf ears.

Prussia had borne it, when he had been left with no other options.

Now... they would do the same.

He smiled benignly, a charming and winning smile that had a few nations responding in kind. How could it fail? He had played this game before many of them had ever been the first inklings in someone's mind.

Prussia devoted some resources to 'Research and development' of green energy sources. Well, on paper at least. They went to ghost companies and he spent a good deal of time forging logs, activity reports, and keeping the stock alive on the open market.

Behind closed doors, the purpose was much more nefarious, far more gruesome. Prussia worked tirelessly, stopping only to spend time with his little bird of 'Freedom' now and again. He siphoned some money, through back door channels, and supposed 'Breeches' in credit card companies.

However, in honor of his little treasure, he left the American citizens alone, mostly. If they were overseas when he took the funds, well... it would be far too suspicious not to touch theirs. Prussia could not afford to have a slip up now.

Canada had been slowly thawing, like a stubborn spring, toward Prussia. America, darling woman of his, had been not-so-subtly pushing the quieter but slightly harder to read nation toward him. She wanted them to get along.

She had made a joke, one evening -as she ran her fingers through his hair as he laid his head on her lap to read- that they were the two most important men in her life.

Prussia had understood the sentiment, but a cold sort of jealousy had burned at his chest with her words. He would be the only important man to her, soon enough. He had still set events into motion that would help him coax America against the Northern nation when the time came.

And, it would come.

For now, he contented himself with their romantic game of cat and mouse. Prussia loved giving chase, and watching the embarrassed flush on America's face when he captured her to steal kisses. Sometimes she would laugh, often she would moan, but on rare occasions, she would give as good as she got.

Those were his favorite. America did not hold back, just because politically and financially he 'depended' on her. Prussia was the dominant one in their relationship, though he treated her as if he wasn't. He found her infinitely precious, and he would keep her that way.

Even as he dispersed money to accounts that were deeply hidden and never reported to America. It violated his terms of 'transparency', but he kept up the appearance of it extremely well.

All told, he ended up with millions on his hands and off the books to start amassing his weapons of choice. Yet, he was cautious. The attacks on databases never happened in the same month, and he made certain it was not with countries he had recently established trade with.

Yet, like the serpents they were, the other countries began calling more frequently. They tried to lure him away with honeyed words and dream-filled promises. Prussia refused to be swayed, but that did not mean he neglected to do some tempting of his own.

If England suddenly got the impression that Prussia was vastly interested in his exploits, it simply couldn't be helped.


At first, Northern Italy must have believed Prussia was joking. When the Albino nation under America's protection told him to go along with whatever he wanted, or be destroyed.

Dark humor, but humor all the same.

However, now the evidence of his crimes were staring at him unassumingly from various reports and cyber trails collected. At what should have been, a simple trade meeting.

Cold dread pooled in his veins, and the normally cheerful nation froze in place. Scarcely daring to breathe as his usually smiling eyes, hardened to near stone. A bit of loathing edged at the surface of the moss-green gaze.


"Will never know of this," the melodious voice offered temptingly. "Her wrath will look like a scrape of the knees, compared to mine."

Slowly, he looked up at Prussia's wicked and gleaming crimson orbs.

"Do we understand each other now?" Prussia asked with a slow drawl to his words. It highlighted his slightly changed accent.

Northern Italy's face furrowed into fury, even as it paled. The happy-go-lucky demeanor was gone in an instant. In its place was a much older, and far more blood-stained -proverbially- Italy. One that Prussia had seen before. One that Prussia knew very, very well.

"It would seem," Northern Italy said calmly, but failing to hide the tangible fear that gripped the corners of his mouth as he frowned. "That the legends of demons are correct."

Prussia arched a brow, an amused grin on his face as he leered down at the smaller nation. He began to chuckle, low in his throat, causing Italy to shiver at the deep sound.

"Demons?" He shook his head, but his amusement never waned. "It's not demons you should fear."

Northern Italy glanced down and then back up, pulling away sharply as the stared at the barrel of a gun. One that had not been in Prussia's hand just a heart beat ago.

"It's the ghosts."

The red-haired nation began to quake like a small child in the dead of winter without a fire to warm him.

"What you are asking," Northern Italy began, licking his lips nervously as a cold sweat broke over his forehead. "It will kill-"

Prussia pressed the cool metal to Italy's forehead, a smile so sinful and awful that it hurt to gaze upon was painted on his face.

"It's your life or his," the newer nation replied with utmost sincerity.

Northern Italy looked slightly rueful at the words. The remorse at the edge of the words, spiked Prussia's ire. False sympathy for the one he would betray? Disgusting.

"You know me too well, Prussia."

The Albino tilted his head, smile still present as the strong, driving, need for violence danced in his eyes.

"Indeed I do. So, you will do as you are instructed, won't you. Dear Italy?"

Green eyes, scarred by decades of treachery and fighting, closed briefly in defeat.

"I will."

The feral savagery on Prussia's face was nearly awe inspiring in ferocity.

"Good boy." Red eyes appraised him from head to toe. "But, just so you don't get any foolish notions about telling tales, remember that dead men cannot speak."

Northern Italy nodded numbly.


He scattered the evidence about. Nearly haphazardly, as it likely would be. Prussia deleted some records and planted a fake virus, to appear that someone had been trying to access the home's personal server.

Northern Italy was doing his part, cowed into submission. However, an unfortunate 'mishap' was about to befall the red-haired nation. Though he would not know about it until it was far too late. Prussia did not fear Italy's betrayal, for the nation was too hard-wired for survival to try and save anyone else.

Even someone close to him. Despicable really. Prussia would have done anything to keep America safe. Yet, he needed to look like the victim in all this. The wounded party, and there was only one way to do that.

Sacrifices had to be made. And, when there were sacrifices, someone usually had to die to get the ball rolling.

Silence and shadow, they seemed to exist for Prussia alone. His deepest fantasies were coming to life before him and he had to forced down his feelings of giddiness and euphoria. Even his veiled taunting of Russia had not come close to these feelings.

Russia. Not the largest thorn in his side, but the one that posed a different problem. Prussia had not missed the Slavic nation's response to his alliance with America. There was unmistakable lover's rage in Russia's violet eyes. Prussia felt his skin prickle and his blood boil at the thought that Russia would believe he could have America.

America was Prussia's. She belonged to him. He would watch over her until the mountains crumbled into dust.

Prussia, shook his thoughts away, and focused on the task at hand. He pulled the gun from its holster and stalked toward the door without a sound. He did not bother to hide his face. He wanted the other to see him. To know it was him.

Perhaps he had twisted a bit, so many decades in the background. Unwanted and forgotten. His teeth grit as a wave of loathing crashed over him. Red eyes glittered fiendishly. His footfalls were soundless as he made his way toward the nation sleeping peacefully.

There was almost a bit of remorse surfacing in the back of his mind.

Without a pause, he brought the butt of the gun down hard on the back of the skull. If the person even felt the pain, it was gone as they slipped deeper into unconsciousness.

Now, it was a matter of finishing the job.


A head lulled lazily, as if rousing to consciousness. He started to choke, coughing up blood and spittle. Well, it was unavoidable. It did have to look convincing. So he'd been forced to rough the blonde up a little bit.

However, he'd been merciful to this one, and the other nation had never felt a thing.

Prussia stood, clad in all black and disposable clothing.

"Hallo," He said nearly conversationally.

Blue eyes snapped open, disoriented and confused, as they blinked through the torment they had woken up to. The captive licked his cracked lips, wincing and hissing a breath.

"Prussia? Where am I? Why are you doing this? Is America making you-?"

"No. Not at all. I love America," Prussia stated openly, "I do. I also protect what is mine, something I had thought you learned, no matter how naive. You see, the thing is, no one wants to admit one very simple truth."

Horrified eyes stared up at him through the pain and the blood.

"The truth is," Prussia continued with his lips pulling back into a snarl, "that we all have to answer for the things that we do, or have done."

Understanding dawned in the eyes of the bound nation.

"And, while I was silent and in the shadows, watching the world go by, but having nothing. I wasn't forgiving you. No. I was plotting my revenge."

"It's not my fault."

"You didn't stop it either."

"I couldn't."

"Perhaps or perhaps not." He shrugged casually, pulling something from his pocket. "Either way, I knew this day would come."

"B-but you didn't know that-"

Prussia silenced the interruption with a well-placed shot, just where the heart should be. Dispassionately, he watched as the personification began to bleed profusely. A look of dismay and distress on the face of the captive.

A blissful feeling of satisfaction began to burn in Prussia's veins.

"For the record, its rude to interrupt when someone is speaking. Also, perhaps you are right. I didn't know that America would grant me a chance to be a nation again. But I did know that one day, I would be the one to destroy you all. One way, or another. Though, I must admit, I am partial to this one."

Prussia leaned closer, wanting his red eyes to be the last thing the nation saw. They took longer than humans, to cease to exist without a heart. He waited, patiently, as the nation died before his very eyes. Just the personification, and not the nation itself.

But that was coming.

After all, someone still needed to take the fall for this horrible 'tragedy'.

And, wasn't it just fortuitous that he had someone in mind?


America burst through the door, scattering snow all over the floor, and it caused Prussia to look up from his computer with a blank stare. Then his features changed into a gentle, but happy expression. America's was nearly a perfect mask of terror. Then it melted into sheer relief.

"Oh thank God!" His little bird cried loudly as she rushed toward him. America pulled him from his chair and hugged him tightly. "You're alright."

Prussia soaked up the attention, and kissed her forehead sweetly.

"What is the matter?" He asked, feigning complete ignorance.

America squeezed him tighter, and then pulled away. Worry and concern, as well as anger were etched in the soft blue eyes that gazed back at him from behind Texas.

"Prussia," she said in a way that suggested she did not know how to break the 'news' to him.

"What is it?" He asked, forcing alarm into his words. "Are you okay?"

She gave him the barest hints of a smile, and then her blue eyes clouded with tears.

"Oh, I'm fine. But... but I- I think you'd better sit down. It hasn't been told to everyone yet, but...something awful happened today."

Prussia grabbed America's hand and led her to the sofa, where he held her as she confessed to him the newest secret that they had to keep. It appeared that another nation had murdered his dear brother... Germany.

America's blue gazed watched him as he nearly fell apart. Prussia roared curses in hurt and anger, as his little bird let him rage. He destroyed some of his furniture to really add some heat to the ruse. When he had 'settled' she drew him into her arms. America kissed him, whispering apologies and promises to help Prussia avenge his brother's death.

He would take full advantage of her sincere wishes to help him. Prussia returned her kisses, until they were both nearly devouring one another. He grabbed at her desperately, as if she were the only thing he could hold onto.

Prussia did not fail to notice that America let him. Nor did he forget the sheer look of fear on her face, when she'd burst through the door. Terrified, for him. That he might be hurt.

Oh, how Prussia adored her.

And, he needed that reaction. From not only America, but those that allied with Germany. Those that would now help his poor, grieving, elder brother.

Nearly without question.