Title: Doggy Style

Author: Rasei

Disclaimer: I don't own either Fruits Basket or Harry Potter.

Summary: While on the run, Sirius bonks into a man that can tell he isn't a dog.

Prompt: A Wild Pairing Appeared Daily Speed Drabble Competition [Crossover HP Character of your choice/ Shigure Shoma from Fruits Basket]

Sirius was walking as a dog, sniffing the air as he went. It smelled of food, perfume, the ocean, and other dirtier city smells. He than bumped into someone. Slowly looking up, he could tell the younger, good-looking man was Asian. The man raised an eyebrow at Sirius as if saying something, then frowned.

"You are not a dog," he said, as if checking. Sirius froze, then gave a small growled. The man looked around, then motioned for Sirius to follow him. Sirius did, just to make sure the guy didn't make a scene. They arrived at a hotel, then went up to the guy's room. It was messy, almost like a sea of decay went through it.

"I wasn't expecting company. I do miss Tohru-chan. She would have this nice and clean in ten minutes," said the guy, smiling at Sirius. Sirius changed back, and crossed his arms.

"How did you know I wasn't a dog?" he growled. The man just laughed, making Sirius growled even deeper. The man finally stopped laughing, and smirked at Sirius.

"Because you didn't feel like a dog, through it seems like you can change at will unlike myself."

"You can change into a dog?"

"Why yes. I'm under a family curse, that a random family member turns into a dog. Through it's boring to talk about."

"What do you mean?" asked Sirius, suddenly feeling like he missed something as the guy leered.

"There is something I always wanted to try, but haven't ever meet someone like me. You are good-looking guy. Are you already in a relationship?" He said, stepping closer as his hands touched the bottom of his shirt. Sirius paused, his eyes widen. Was the guy trying to pick him up? Sirius tried to think the last time that happen, but drew a blank. Before prison for sure.

"I don't know your name."

"Shigure. What is your name?"


"We are both on vacation, correct? Should we experiment with our other forms?"

Sirius thought a second. He wasn't in England now, and the crimes he were charged with weren't that big as some others. What are the chances that Shigure would know that Sirius was a criminal? Shigure was younger, but was really sexy. Sirius finally said as he started undressing,

"What kind of experiments do you mean?"

After all, he hasn't had sex in almost thirteen years.


Shigure was sitting at his office, when the doorbell went off. The teenagers were at school, so he slowly stretched his way up. When he finally got to the door, it went off two more times. He open the door to a dark skinned man and a girl with bubblegum pink hair.

"Excuse me, are you Shigure?" said the man. Shigure raised an eyebrow at his badly accented voice.

"Yes, I am."

"My name is Shacklebot Kingsley, this is my partner Tonks. When you went to France last year, you met someone named Sirius Black, is that correct?"

Shigure shrugged, though a mild blush splash on his face as he remember the three days he and Sirius "experimented" with each other.

"So what if I did?"

"Were you aware that Sirius Black was a mass murderer?" asked Kingsley. Shigure froze, then faceplamed.

"I should have stuck with the high school girls."