Qui-Gon looked down at his fallen apprentice. Obi-Wan had lost consciousness because of the pain that Xanatos had inflicted on him. He looked up at his former student. Xanatos had fulfilled the destiny that he had brought upon himself. He was an agent of evil. He was smiling a terrible smile that sent chills to the very core of Qui-Gon's being.

"I told you your death would be more painful than my fathers'," Xanatos said, glaring at Qui-Gon. "Your apprentice will bleed to death and you will die without the person you care about most in this galaxy by your side!" His eyebrows raised practically over his hairline. He was obviously pleased with himself.

Qui-Gon couldn't believe it. How did Xanatos know how much he cared for Obi-Wan? He did not think too much on it. Right now, he concentrated on getting rid of Xanatos and saving Obi-Wan.

"He will not die," Qui-Gon snarled, staring at Xanatos. "Because I will not allow it." That didn't phase Xanatos a bit. He felt he already had a victory and he wasn't as old as his new opponent, but neither was he as experienced as Qui-Gon.

Qui-Gon lunged for Xanatos's heart. Xanatos's lightsaber was upon his in an instant. They pared back and forth. Xanatos got in many painful blows, including one to Qui-Gon's leg. At one point, Qui-Gon was forced to his knees to keep his cut leg from hurting him so much.

The battle they fought was long and hard. Sweat began to collect on Qui-Gon's brow and run into his eyes, stinging them. He kept on fighting. Obi-Wan's life depended on it. He would not lose him!

Xanatos knocked Qui-Gon to his knees and deactivated his lightsaber, smiling broadly in triumph. Does he think this is funny? thought Qui-Gon. Why does he keep smiling?

The mistake that Qui-Gon was waiting for had opened a window of opportunity. Before Xanatos could even put his hand on the button to activate his lightsaber, Qui-Gon's lightsaber was unsheathed and bearing down on him.

Qui-Gon lunged for Xanatos's stomach. His lightsaber ran right through Xanatos's robes and body.

Qui-Gon removed his lightsaber from Xanatos's body and deactivated it. Xanatos went down on his knees, clutching his stomach. He doubled over and fell on his back on the floor, dying. His breathing was slow and haggard.

Qui-Gon did not waste a moment. He ran to Obi-Wan and picked up the fallen boy. He cradled Obi-Wan's head against his chest, being careful not to even touch his leg for fear of future infections. He supported the boy as best he could as he limped across the large room to the lift tube.

He pressed his body against the transparent steel. He looked back as the wall turned transparent and the lift tube appeared.

Xanatos had rolled onto his stomach and was reaching out for his former master. "You have not seen the last of us!" he manage to say in a weak voice. His eyes still shone in triumph. Why did he look so happy to die? Then he collapsed on the floor completely, taking his last breath.

Qui-Gon did not dwell on his last words. He had no time. He pressed a button on the inner wall that sent the lift tube shooting up toward the surface.
"Master…" Qui-Gon heard Obi-Wan mumble as they sped toward the Temple in the shuttle.

"No Ben, don't move," Qui-Gon said gently. "Just rest."

Obi-Wan was overcome by pain and his eyes closed as he drifted into unconsciousness.

Qui-Gon was busy thinking about what Xanatos had said as his last words. You have not seen the last of us! What did he mean? Qui-Gon wanted to just dismiss it as a delirious attempt to agitate him, but he couldn't. If Xanatos was attempting to it frighten him, he was succeeding. But Qui-Gon masked his feelings as best he could.
Maybe Xanatos was referring to… Qui-Gon dismissed the thought. No, they've been extinct for a millennia.

Little did Qui-Gon know that in the shadow's of the chamber they had fought, there was another figure watching, someone unseen and evil. A darker evil, waiting for release. He was waiting for the right time to emerge, and the right student to show the face of pure evil by his side.


Obi-Wan opened his eyes and looked around the room. A soft glow came from lights set around the walls. The walls were beige in color. The floor was a soft, blue carpet. He was lying on a sleep couch in the right corner of the room. How did I get here? he thought.

He looked down. A dark, blue blanket covered his body. He tried to sit up, but he couldn't move his left leg. He pulled the blanket off and looked at it. His calf had scars on it the size of a miniature Coruscant! It looked almost mutilated!

Before he could remember why, the door opened and Qui-Gon Jinn walked into the room. "I thought you would be awake by now," he said. Qui-Gon walked to his Padawan's sleep couch and sat beside him. A small smile played at the corners of his mouth. "You've been sleeping for almost half a day."

"Master, what happened?" Obi-Wan said, pointing to his scarred leg.

"Xanatos burned and tore it with his lightsaber," Qui-Gon said.

Obi-Wan winced, remembering the pain that he felt. The memory was so painful that he shivered a little. He shrugged it off for the moment.

"What happened to Xanatos?" Obi-Wan asked, looking back at Qui-Gon. He was not quite able to remember fully what had happened after he was injured.

"He's dead," Qui-Gon said, "I was lucky to get you out of there alive, my Padawan."

As he said that word, an uncomfortable thought entered Obi-Wan's mind. "Will you be able to keep training me, Master?" he asked uncomfortably.

The Jedi Master stared at him, confusion written on his face. "Why would I not be able to? What happened in there, Obi-Wan?"

"Xanatos told me you were dead to get me angry at him. He wanted to teach me the dark side," Obi-Wan said. "But I was able to break free because I remembered what you taught me," he continued hopefully.

Qui-Gon looked at him. "Is that so?" he asked pleased that his Padawan was remembering what he had been taught. He was a fast learner, one of his good qualities.

"I remembered you said that if I let anger or hatred into my life, I would be seduced by the dark side" He paused. "Aren't I a threat to the Jedi since I fought Xanatos?"

Qui-Gon kept looking at his Padawan. "As I said before, why wouldn't I be able to keep training you, Ben?"

Obi-Wan sat up fully and Qui-Gon put a hand on his shoulder.

"I will become a Jedi, Master," Obi-Wan said. He drew Qui-Gon into a hug. The Jedi Master put his arm on his Padawan's back.

"Of course you will, Ben," Qui-Gon replied