Disclaimer: I do not own KnB

Kuroko check around the corner for his special someone, but he wasn't able to find him, so he looks around the house, yet he still cannot see him. Kuroko was about to give up, but then small little arms circle around his waist.

"Aomine-kun, Where have you been? I have been looking for you all day long. First you're by my side, then you just went away that's not very nice Aomine-kun." Kuroko just turned around so he wasn't looking at his big brother.

"If your going to be mad at me, then I guess you don't want my gift I got for you,"

"Wait you have a gift for me? Can I have it now? Please Aomine I want it."

"Well since you asked so nicely, I'll give it to you come with me to the kitchen." Kuroko and Aomine walked down stairs and Aomine opened the freezer and gave Kuroko his gift.

"Y-you got me vanilla ice cream? Thank you Aomine you so much can we eat it together?"

"Sure, and we'll watch some TV too. I think our favorite cartoon is on." Aomine took a big bowl and scoop some of the vanila ice cream inside the bowl and then place peanuts on one side while he left one side plain. Once happy with himself he walks over to the black couch and sits next to Kuroko and eats some ice cream. After a while the others came down too.

"Kuro-chin, can I have some too?" Murasakibara just ran out of snacks and no he needs some more to eat.

"Back off, you're not going to eat this Murasakibara, I brought this ice cream for him and he's going to eat it, without, you asking for some," Aomine isn't going to give up the ice cream he got for his little brother, "So, go buy your own Murasakibara, Kuroko has been waiting for vanilla ice cream for a long time and you're going to respect that."

"Hey Kurokocchi, can we have some too oh and we wanna watch cartoons too~" Kise sang happily as he approached both Aomine and Kuroko, but AOmine wasn't going to allow him to get near him and Kuroko.

"No, Kise go find you own damn food."

"Now Daiki, this will be my finally time telling you not to use such language in this house. If I have to tell you again then I will punish you."

"Akashi, who said that yo-.."

"Aomine, it's ok they can join us come on you guys sit with me." Once Kuroko invite them on the couch Aomine was glaring at them. But, with Kuroko smiling a little, he couldn't help but smile along with them and he started to have fun with them and forgot about the entire argument. Once the show was over they all fall asleep next to each all snuggle up.