Author's note: I have been writing fanfiction for a while now, and felt it was time to write one taking place in the wonderful universe of Supernatural. This story is already mostly complete, so I will post new chapters at least once a week.
Hope you like it! Reviews make my day!
Disclaimer: I own nothing :)
Chapter 1 - One King of Hell, Please
Jenny and Nikki had been friends since..well, forever. More or less. Jenny had a lot of friends, but none of them could even compare with Nikki. Nikki was family. And Jenny was grateful, because she didn't have much family. None of them did.
The two friends spent a lot of time together, and Friday night was, as always, TV-night. This was a certain thing. Every Friday night, they spent the whole evening watching their favourite shows.
At the moment, Supernatural was on the agenda, and the two girls were more or less drooling from the handsome men on the screen.
Jenny had to point out, for the umpteenth time, how she appreciated the pleasing appearance of Castiel, before grinning at her brown-haired, brown-eyed friend. They both had brown hair and eyes.
Nikki snorted a laugh, almost spilling her energy drink. "I know, right? His lips are so friggin kissable!"
Jenny threw her head back and laughed. "Christ on a crutch, who would have thought we would be sitting like this in our mid-twenties, our minds completely in the gutter over fictional characters." She smiled ruefully at Nikki. "That being said, I would not mind spending a weekend with Dean. Or Sam. Or Castiel. Or Crowley. I have a thing for him at the moment, it seems. Never mind a weekend, give me a day. Or just an hour!" Looking at the TV where Crowley was in the process of pouring a drink, she continued. "I'm such a sucker for British accents. Sucker being the understatement of the century. Ooh, and I have always wanted to be referred to as love." Jenny smiled wickedly and pointed her index finger in the air, looking like she was about to order a beer. "I would like to order one weekend alone with The King of Hell, please."
Nikki laughed and pointed to the screen, where Crowley was now sipping his drink, before looking at her friend. "Would you make a deal with the King of Hell for it? Going to join Crowley, Castiel, and the Winchesters, I mean?"
Jenny grinned. "Definitely."
The room went dark, and it was like the King of Hell was looking straight at them. He smirked. "Very well, love. Your wish is my command."
The world spun out of control before everything went black.
"Where the hell are we?"
Jenny heard Nikki's voice had a slight panic to it. She decided to open her eyes, just to see a pair of boots. She started to look up, but was interrupted by water being thrown in her face. "Hey! What the hell!" Meeting the eyes of the person responsible, she gasped. "What the actual fuck?"
She was staring into the, quite mesmerising, eyes of Dean Winchester.
Dean looked down on the floor where the two brunettes had appeared out of thin air. Holy water had no effect at least. He assumed that was a good thing. "Who are you?"
He looked at the girl closest to him. She was small and curvy, had brown, long hair, brown eyes, wore jeans and a t-shirt with the print 'Zombies want me for my brain'. If the situation had been different, he would probably find that funny. Right now, though? Not so much.
She blinked at him. "Uh.. I'm Jenny. Hi." She looked curiously at him. "Dean? Or Jensen?"
Dean frowned. She knew his name? And who the hell was Jensen? "I have no idea who this Jensen is. My name is Dean, and this is my brother Sam."
The girl named Jenny turned to the other girl with eyes wide with shock. "This isn't possible!"
Dean looked at the other girl. She had brown, long hair and brown eyes as well, but was taller, and had legs that would be well suited on the catwalk, in Dean's opinion.
Shaking off his thoughts, he gave her a stern look. "And who are you?"
She looked at him with disbelieving eyes. "Nikki. Are you seriously Dean Winchester?"
The girls started to get up from the floor and Dean quickly drew his gun. "Not so fast." To his huge surprise, Jenny let out a giggle. She had stopped moving faced with a gun, though. "What's so funny?"
Jenny turned to Nikki. "Dean Winchester is pointing a gun at us. Dean Winchester is pointing a gun at us."
Dean had no idea what was going on when the two girls burst out in a fit of almost hysterical laughter. As the laughter faded, Jenny looked at him. "We can explain. And we are not demons, vampires, witches, or anything of the kind. Can we stand up?"
A while later they were all sitting at the one table in the small, shabby motel room, and Dean looked at the two girls. "Now, spill."
Nikki was just about to open her mouth when a voice interrupted her.
"Hello, boys."
Crowley looked at the four people sitting at the table. "Oh, and hello, girls." He looked at the girl closest to him. "You wanted to make a deal?" When he saw the girl's eyes widen in shock he chuckled. "No worries, love. Sometimes I do things for my own amusement. Not that I would mind a kiss, deal or no-"
He was interrupted by Dean. "Crowley. What are you doing here, you smug bastard? What have you gone and fucked up this time?"
Crowley put up a face of mock-innocence as he looked at Dean. "Whatever do you mean? I have done nothing wrong. I was minding my own business when suddenly my view from the window showed these two ladies. She-" He met the eyes of the other girl. "What is your name, darling?"
The girl looked at him. "Nikki. And this is Jenny."
He nodded at her. "Pleased to meet you, Nikki. And you, Jenny. Anyway, like I said, my window showed these two lovely ladies, and Nikki said something like; would you make a deal with The King of Hell to join the Winchesters, Castiel, and that handsome demon, Crowley? And, if I may be so bold, Jenny here looked pleased as punch when she confirmed that she most definitely would. So who would I be if I did not help out two beautiful women by making their wish come true? I am a gentleman, after all."
"Yes, Moose?"
"Where did you take them from?"
"I have no idea. Where did I take you from, ladies?"
Jenny was the one to speak. She glanced at Nikki before looking back at Crowley. "Well.." She hesitated, looking like she was trying to figure out what to say. "Uh, a parallel universe, maybe?"
Even Crowley couldn't hide his surprised expression at this. But then he sent Jenny a smug smile. "Well, I am The King of Hell, love. What makes you believe this to be a parallel universe, though?"
Jenny hesitated again. "I don't know how to explain this, and it will probably sound farfetched, even on the Winchester crazy-scale, but in our universe you are a television show. We know what and who you are, seeing how we have watched somewhere around two hundred episodes of it. We know you."
Dean snorted a laugh. "Really? Come on, you have to do better than that."
Jenny rolled her eyes. "Like I said, it sounds crazy. But.." She turned to Nikki. "If this is actually happening, where in the timeline are we?"
Nikki looked thoughtful for a moment. "Well, Crowley is King of Hell, so at least somewhere in season six." She looked at Sam before looking back at Jenny. "He seems..uh, different, if you understand what I mean?"
Jenny nodded. "Yes. Educated guess says season six. Maybe. When, though?"
Nikki turned to Dean. "Uh, met any Goddesses of Truth lately?"
When Dean's eyes went wide with shock, Nikki continued. "It seems you have. And have you figured out why Sam doesn't care about anything anymore?"
Dean looked gravely at her before speaking in an almost threatening voice. "How do you know all of this? Tell us, or so help me God."
To Crowley's amusement, Jenny almost rolled her eyes before speaking in a very matter-of-fact tone of voice. "We are telling the truth. You are Sam and Dean Winchester, you hunt the supernatural. You know, saving people, hunting things. Family business. Both of you have been in Hell, you hang with socially awkward angels of The Lord and, somewhat reluctantly, The Cocky King of Hell. Your mom was killed by the yellow-eyed demon, as well as Sam's girlfriend. When Sam returned from Hell out of nowhere, Dean was living with Lisa and Ben. And now you are trying to figure out what to do with the fact that Sam forgot his soul in Lucifer's cage."
The room went silent for a moment before Nikki spoke. "Maybe we can prove it in a different way. What case are you working on?"
Sam answered in a bored tone of voice. "UFO's."
Nikki lit up. "Ah." She turned to Jenny. "Since this is not so much of a bigger-picture thing, maybe we can save them some trouble? And prove that we are telling the truth at the same time?" Jenny looked thoughtful for a moment before nodding with an amused smile. Nikki turned back to Dean. "Listen to the crazy fairy-lady. Really."
It was Dean who broke the silence a long moment later. "I need a beer."
As it turned out, everyone needed a beer except for Crowley whom was quite satisfied with his very expensive whiskey, thank you very much.
Dean looked at Crowley with an annoyed expression. "Don't you have somewhere to be?"
Crowley chuckled. "And miss out on learning the fascinating tale of these lovely ladies? Not a chance."
He turned to look at the curvy brunette. "Yes, love?"
"Could you send us back?"
"Could or would?"
He was amused to see Jenny roll her eyes at his reply. She raised an eyebrow at him. "Let's start with could."
He thought about it for a moment. "No. Not as far as I am aware. I have never had a parallel universe appear outside my window before, and I have no idea how, or if I can make it happen again. Sorry, love."
Crowley swore that he did not, in any way, feel a twinge of regret when Jenny gave a sad sigh. Nope. Not at all. The King of Hell did not feel regret. Nope.
Jenny was somewhere between laughing hysterically and sobbing uncontrollably. Which, as it turned out, was to her advantage because it left her in the middle of the emotional scale, feeling somewhat numb. She was in an emotional limbo. More like Emotional Purgatory, her head told her, and she almost tipped over to the hysterical-laughter end of the scale from the thought. Glancing at her friend, it looked like Nikki was in a similar state of mind.
Jenny snapped out of her thoughts when she realised Crowley was talking to her. She blinked in confusion at him, and he rolled his eyes at her. "I said; where do you come from, love?"
"Norway. We are from Norway. Where we live in a world blissfully free of supernatural creatures."
Nikki snorted a laugh. "As far as we know."
Jenny giggled. "As far as we know, indeed. Ignorance is bliss."
Sam let out a bored sigh. "Well, this is extremely interesting and all that, but I think we have a crazy fairy-lady to talk to."
In the end, it was decided that the girls could be trusted to not go anywhere, and Dean rented another room and made it demon-proof, which resulted in a very displeased Crowley. Jenny had a strong impulse to yell 'Salt and burn it!' when Dean brought out the salt, but managed to suppress the urge as it would probably not help the situation.
After the two Winchesters drove off with the impala, the two girls were sitting in the heavily salted room, both staring into empty air. Nikki broke the silence in the end. "This isn't a dream, is it?"
"I'm pretty sure it's not."
"What do we do?"
"I have no idea."
"Well, fuck."
Nikki turned her head to look at her friend. "Do you feel like you should be panicking way more than you are over this?
Jenny snorted a laugh. She was not at all surprised that her best friend was currently going through the exact same emotional dilemma she was. She rolled her eyes. "Definitely. We just got thrown into a world where every day is a horror movie, and I'm all 'cool story, bro' about it."
Nikki threw her head back and laughed. "I know! It makes no sense! Thank God, though. Let's hope it's not just a shock-reaction that will turn into constant fear later."
Jenny nodded. "Indeed. What do we do now, though? Just wait and see?"
Nikki sighed. "Let's wait and see. Cigarette?"
Jenny nodded with a laugh. "Thank God, or more like thank Dean, for buying us cigarettes. At least we can smoke while we play the waiting game." She got up from the sad-looking motel bed before laughing. "We should probably start saying 'Thank Castiel' instead of thank God."
Nikki had to try a few times before she managed to form a coherent sentence through the laughter. "We need to do that! So help me Castiel, we need to do that! Oh my Castiel!"
They had a severe case of jelly-legs from laughing when they finally managed to get outside to smoke.
The girls decided that while executing the smoke, wait, and see-plan, they would try to keep from revealing too much of the future since that could lead to more harm than good. If they changed too much, who knew what could happen. But then again, maybe they could save Bobby. Or maybe everything would work out somehow, and they would be back home before they knew it. Although that seemed unlikely at this point.
They had called off the waiting game for the day, and Nikki had fallen asleep. Jenny had most definitely not. Knowing she was fighting a losing battle, she got out of bed with a sigh and went outside for a cigarette.
She was completely lost in thought, sitting cross-legged in one of the surprisingly comfortable chairs outside the motel room. The night was quiet, but she didn't notice the sudden presence in the chair next to her. Which resulted in her almost falling out of the chair and having a heart attack when the presence spoke.
"Lovely night, isn't it?"
She gave him a furious look. "Crowley!"
"If you do that again I swear I will hurt you!"
"And how, pray tell, could you possibly harm the King of Hell? Do enlighten me."
She made a frustrated sound. "I'm very solution-oriented. I'll figure something out. Why are you here?"
"Oh, I happened to be in the neighbourhood."
"That's it. I'm going inside."
She was surprised to see some of the smugness fade from his expression as she started to get up from the chair. "Alright, alright. I'll behave. Just don't go into the dreadfully boring demon-proof room."
She had to giggle from the level of annoyance on his face as he said 'demon-proof'. Sitting down again, she gave him a teasing smile. "Well then, Your Smugness, what can I do for you?"
Jenny had no idea when her mind decided giving the King of Hell attitude was a good idea, or why she wasn't more terrified from doing so. When Crowley just stared at her for a long moment, she briefly wondered if this was not one of the worst ideas she had ever had. Let's hope for a quick death if nothing else, she thought, as she stared back at him.
She let out a breath she did not know she was holding when he laughed. "Not everyone would dare speak in such a way to The King of Hell, you know."
"I'm not everyone."
"I do not doubt that for a second, love."
"What are you doing here?"
"Talking to you, obviously."
"Transporting beautiful women between universes is not an everyday occurrence, even for The King of Hell. I am obviously curious."
She sighed. "Curious to what?"
The gaze he gave her almost made her fidget. "You, obviously." His eyes were almost sparkling as he continued with a wicked smile. "I find myself particularly interested in hearing what it is that makes you a 'sucker for British accents'?"
Jenny was suddenly wishing that Crowley had chosen the 'quick-death' option earlier. How much had he heard? If he had heard her go on about the accent, he had also heard her 'order one weekend with The King of Hell'. Well, fuck, she thought as she felt her cheeks turn firetruck-red. She could not make herself look at the man as she spoke. "You heard that, did you?"
She could hear the smugness in his voice as he answered. "That I did. Love."
Yep. She was going to die. Without any assistance from The King of Hell. She was going to die from sheer humiliation right here, sitting outside the motel room with shabby beds and salty floors. Wait. Salty floors! Demon-proof room! She quickly got up from the chair and headed for the door.
Just as she was about to open it, Crowley spoke again. "One more thing, love."
She turned and gave him a furious look. "What?"
He smirked. "What exactly did you have in mind for that 'one weekend with The King of Hell?'"
Her cheeks turned to a new and so far unknown level of red. She opened the door. "Nope. Not doing this. Demon-proof room. Yep. Definitely. Goodbye, Crowley."