Here I go again getting way over my head *knocks head against keyboard*

I seriously have issues, I'm so ADD that if I don't write a story once it's in my head I will forget it then I'm doomed.

So here is my 9th story *grumbles* 'Childhood memories'!

As I always say



Chapter 1: It Started With a "Hello"

Sakura's Age: 6 Deidara's Age: 9

The Haruno family was moving into Konoha from the country side in the Fire Country so that they could enroll their daughter in the shinobi academy. Within that family was a shy beautiful six year old little girl with long striking pink hair and mesmerizing sparkling emerald eyes. Mebuki and Kizashi Haruno were pulling into their new home, Sakura sat in the backseat of the car fidgeting nervously whenever Mebuki chimed, "Sakura honey we are finally here!" Sakura unbuckled her seatbelt and hopped out of the car, her long hair flowing behind her angelically.

A nine year old boy with long blonde hair ran down to his parents, "Mom, dad, the new neighbors are here, yeah!" The Iwa family had originated from Iwagakure, their family went far back to when Iwagakure originated and was named after their ancestors. The mother Kusha and the father Dura smiled at their son, "Well then we'd better go and say hello, yeah?" Deidara was out the door before Kusha could even finish her sentence and both parents chuckled, following after their son.

Sakura's back was turned whenever Deidara ran up to the miniature goddess, effectively making her jump whenever he shouted, "Welcome to the neighborhood, yeah!" Emerald met Crystal whenever Sakura turned around to see Deidara standing there with a huge grin on his face. Sakura immediately ran behind her mother shyly and looked around her legs to see Deidara's face fall. Kusha and Dura walked out and Mebuki and Kizashi both went to greet their new neighbors. Kusha smiled at Mebuki, "My name is Kusha, hm. And this is my husband Dura and my son Deidara, yeah." Mebuki returned the smile, "Iwagakure descendants, how neat!" Kusha scratched the back of her head, "We are that obvious, yeah?"

Mebuki grinned, "The accents gave you away. Sorry, I am Mebuki and this is my husband Kizashi; and the shy little girl behind me is our daughter, Sakura." Kusha and Dura both smiled, "It's nice to meet you both, yeah. Deidara, why don't you take Sakura to the playground so that she can meet some new people, hm." Deidara nodded at his mother as Mebuki pushed Sakura forward, "Go on sweetie, I'm sure Deidara is very nice and only wants to be your friend darling."

Deidara stepped forward and held his hand out for Sakura to take. Sakura blushed and placed her tiny hand in Deidara's bigger one, making Deidara grin like a fool, "Common Sakura, yeah!" Mebuki and Kusha both waved the children off and both at the same time said, "Be back by dinner!" Sakura giggled a little, tightening her grip on Deidara's hand and running with him towards the playground.

Whenever the playground came into sight so did a lot of other children. Deidara stopped in front of all of the kids and Sakura hid shyly behind him, "Hey Deidara!" All of the kids ran towards him and stopped short seeing a small girl and pink hair behind him. One of the girls got jealous, "Deidara who's the FREAK behind you?!" This comment made Sakura tear up and clutch onto the back of Deidara's shirt tightly. Deidara scowled, "Hey, she's not a freak, yeah! She's new in town and her name is Sakura, hm!"

It was no secret that Deidara had a fan club of girls who all got mad that this runt was so close to "their" Deidara, "Oh, she's new?" One of the fan girls fake smiled and walked up to her, "Hey want to play with us Sakura?" Sakura looked at the girl and nodded and followed the girl, waving at Deidara with a cute smile adorning her angelic face. Deidara waved back, "I'll come get you before it's time for dinner okay Sakura, hm?" Sakura nodded and followed the girls.

Once the girls were out of Deidara's sight they immediately turned hateful. One of the girls with short black hair pushed Sakura roughly to the ground, "Don't EVER touch OUR Deidara! GET HER!" Sakura's eyes grew wide and instantly sheltered her face as the girls began kicking and punching the younger girl. Satisfied that Sakura had gotten the message they left her behind crying with black and blue bruises scattered all over her porcelain skin.

The sun had started setting and Deidara was looking everywhere for Sakura, "Sakura, where are you, yeah!?" He suddenly heard the faint sound of whimpering and ran towards it to find Sakura on the ground crying; bruises showering her whole body. Deidara picked Sakura up and she panicked, "L…Let me go!" Deidara was confused, "Sakura… What happened, yeah…?" Sakura looked into his soft eyes and buried her face into his chest, "They were so mean Deidara! They were mad because I touched you so they hurt me!" Deidara sat down by a tree and held Sakura close, "From now on, I promise to protect you for forever, yeah…" Sakura looked up at Deidara's face with tears in her eyes, "Forever and ever…?" Deidara nodded, "Forever and ever, yeah!"

The next day Sakura had no bruises from her body's ability to heal quickly, she had just told her parents she fell off of the swing set which wasn't hard for them to believe considering Sakura was only six. Deidara and Sakura walked hand in hand back to the playground only to find those same girls there. Sakura instantly gripped Deidara's hand tighter. Deidara scowled at the girls, "If you ever touch Sakura again I won't think twice to hurt you back, yeah!" The girls immediately backed off.

Deidara smiled at Sakura, "You can play with me and my friends, yeah." She nodded and the two walked towards a group of different children. A young boy with golden hair bounded up to the two, "Hey Deidara! Who's the cute little girl?" Sakura blushed and looked down. Deidara grinned, "This is Sakura everyone, she's new to the village." Sakura noticed a girl that looked similar to Deidara, "Deidara… Who's that…?" Deidara looked that the young girl, "Oh her? That's a distant cousin of mine, Ino." Sakura nodded. Deidara then began to point and list everyone's name, "That's Naruto, Sasuke, Kiba, Shikamaru, Shino, Choji, Hinata, TenTen, Neji and Lee." All of the children came up and said hi to Sakura.

Deidara and Sakura spent most of their time together lying in a field of flowers talking. Since Sakura was only six she constantly played with Deidara's hair, which he didn't mind because Sakura was his best friend and it felt good. Deidara's parents were now used to him coming home with flowers in his hair or his hair in some cute hair style, they knew Sakura had done it which they thought was adorable.

Sakura also spent the night with Deidara a lot. Deidara's parents would come into their room at night to see Sakura snuggled up on Deidara's chest; they didn't mind it either considering Sakura was only six. And as the years went by the sleep overs never stopped and Kusha and Dura never minded one bit even though the two were getting a bit old for a boy and girl to be sleeping together.

The two were inseparable until Deidara entered the academy; she then would come over only to be told by Deidara that he was too busy practicing to hang out. Sakura had no one else except Deidara, so she spent most of her time in her room reading ninja books.

Once Deidara graduated from the academy and got onto a team he was being sent on missions left and right. Sakura was at the playground holding a flower as she sat on a swing lightly drifting back and forth not even noticing the Deidara fan girls surrounding her, "Where's your precious Deidara to protect you now, Sakura!?" Sakura looked up and shrugged, "Don't ask me he's not my property…" One of the girls stepped forward and grabbed Sakura's long pink hair, yanking her off of the swing and onto the ground, "Maybe if you spent less time conditioning and more time practicing becoming a ninja then maybe Deidara wouldn't have ditched your lame self!"

Tears filled in Sakura's eyes, "You're right, Deidara isn't here to protect me anymore, congratulations, you win…"