The Cousins Grimm by RaevynMoon
Disclaimer: This story is based on characters and situations created and owned by JK Rowling, and whoever oversees producing the TV Show Grimm and various publishers including but not limited to Bloomsbury Books, Scholastic Books and Raincoat Books, and Warner Bros., Inc. No money is being made and no copyright or trademark infringement is intended.
Author's Note: I am fixing a few things and addressing a few things to make it seem less choppy. I hadn't noticed that I just jumped into Portland without developing the London side.
AN2: To those who do not like the name "Hadrian" … well tough! Hadrian was named for Hadrian's Wall, which in Roman times separated the "civilized" world from the "barbarian's." In my head Lily named her son "Hadrian" because he was on the border between two worlds, the Wesen and the Magical.
AN3: Re-Write. I've been in the professional world for a few years now, it's crazy sometimes to hear people call me "Ma'am" and sometimes I don't really feel like they are talking to me. I am getting back to my roots when I realized the other day that I wanted to read TCG and I never finished it. Well, I am back and I say that I will finish!
Chapter - Prologue
1979 – Surrey
Ethan Edward Evans stepped out of his car after pulling into the driveway at Number 23 Cherry Tree Lane. He was an average man, with strong features, curly eyes and small, startling green eyes that people would one day associate with his daughter. He worked in a bank as a loan officer and was proud of his job that provided for his family and allowed him time in the evenings to do what he was truly born to do.
He took off his sunglasses, the sun had been especially bright coming home, and reached to put them into the glove box so he would always know where they are. The practiced movement drew his attention downward to the driveway.
His driveway was covered with chalk – again and it looked like Lily and Severus had laid down and drew around each other and then colored their bodies in. Apparently, in chalk land, Severus had green eyes and blue hair while Lily had purple eyes and yellow hair.
He smiled fondly at the artwork, before grabbing his briefcase and going inside.
He found Petunia reading in the sitting room, sitting with both of her legs tucked under her skirt even while she kept on her black and white Mary Janes. He shook his head fondly; his daughter had been unfortunate in the looks department. While Ethan's curly dark hair and small eyes and strong features made for an average looking man, they did not translate as well to a daughter. Still, Petunia had gone to the soda shop – at 14! – with a boy from Sunday School.
Granted, the two mothers of both children were sitting on the other side of the shop and watched the two like hawks, it was beside the point! At 46, Ethan E. Evans was not ready for his first born to have discovered boys.
'Speaking of,' he thought as Severus ran into the room, chased closely by his youngest daughter Lily, who at 9 was already the apple of his eye. She was a somewhat precocious intelligent child who often told her father that she was going to be a fair Grimm. Yes, his daughter was a Grimm even at the age of 9. The first time she saw Severus unconsciously woge in front of her, she said it was "cool" and the two had been friends ever since.
Severus ran into Ethan and woged for a brief moment before stepping back. "Mr. Evans." He said somberly, as though the just turned ten-year-old had not been running and laughing only moments before.
"Severus." He said as he crouched down a bit to look at Severus eye-to-eye. "What did we say about running in the house?"
"Not to unless a Daemonfeuer is behind me." Severus said with the hint of a grin. "Or Mrs. Evans."
Ethan nodded curtly, "And quite right, too. Did you finish your schoolwork?"
Severus nodded, "Yes sir. I put the work in my bag." He said as he motioned to the back porch.
After an "incident" last year when Tobias Snape burned all of Severus's school supplies, Severus had been offered the Evans home to do his schoolwork and to keep his backpack there. Every morning, Severus would walk three blocks to the Evans house where Mrs. Evans would always be there with a muffin and a sack lunch for the boy.
The Snape family was not known for being wealthy, especially not when Tobias drank what little money the family had away. Still, Eileen Prince-Snape kept a roof over their heads by paying the mortgage and bills before giving the rest of whatever was left over to her husband. Tobias Snape was a labourer who strongly believed in being allowed to use his wages on whatever he wanted. The man seemed to take for granted the fact that without his wife paying the mortgage, they would have been out on the streets years ago.
The man even complained about the garden Eileen kept to grow potions ingredients (not that the man was intelligent enough to realize the plants were for healing potions) but the steinadler had had the fear of the creator put in him when he realized his son was friends with a Grimm.
It was also funny to note that the Snapes would not have half of their household items if people didn't insist on paying Eileen Prince-Snape for her potions in other ways than money. Everyone with half a brain realized that Tobias Snape drank away any money he could, so people paid Eileen in other ways. A neighbor who caught Dragon Pox paid Eileen with a quilt that still lay on Severus's bed for the salve she made that helped the man recover quickly and without much scarring. It was a simple block quilt, but Eileen still appreciated it. Tobias had found out a man made it and laughed at the man until the squib decked him.
Ethan and Rose paid for Eileen's help as well. When Petunia and Rose caught an unfortunately nasty cold the year before, and Eileen made tonics that were safe for those without magic, and helped the two recover quickly, Rose and Ethan promised themselves to help the two as best they could. If Ethan and Rose could help by buying extra apples from the market and making an extra PB & J in the morning, they would do so.
More than once, Rose had begged Eileen to leave Tobias but those requests fell on deaf ears. Eileen told Rose that even if the woman was Kehrseite-Schlich-Kennen, that there were some things that people who were not Wesen just could not understand. Not that Eileen had not been wary that her son became friends with a Grimm. She was understandably cautious until she realized just what kind of Grimm Ethan Edward Evans was.
It was through Eileen that they learned about the Wizarding World. A world that hadn't had a Grimm in nearly a hundred years. Not since Ethan Evans' Great-Great-Aunt Alexandria, who'd been born with the magical gift that took another four generations to re-emerge in the Evans Family. Alexandria had married into a family called "Abbott" and none of her children received the Grimm family trait, although the magic in the family continued to flourish.
Ethan had spent multiple weekends investigating and taking care of rampant Wesen. Most of them were too connected to be taken care of by Wizarding government and most of the deaths were blamed on the emerging Dark Lord Voldemort. Ethan had tried to give the Wesen a chance; but at the end of the day, it was kill or be killed.
Two weeks after that, Rose had put her foot down and told him that he wasn't allowed to track blood all over her clean floors. Rose wasn't a fan of killing, or even maiming others, but she also realized that sometimes a Grimm was judge, juror and executioner – even when he (or she) didn't want to be.
Ethan built the small brick and mortar shed next to the house in the back yard the next summer. Only he had a key to the door of the shed that had years and years of Grimm history and weaponry.
Besides, where else was he supposed to keep his Mace and Sword Collection?
"Good." Rose Evans said, returning her husband to the present. "Severus, what time is your Mum getting off work?"
"Six-thirty Ma'am." Severus said. "She swapped shifts with another nurse."
Eileen Snape, while not wanting to leave her husband, worked shifts at the local A&E to get enough money to keep a roof over her and her son's head. And if the woman who should have been a Potions Mistress happened to slip potions to patients to help them heal, then that was her own business.
Ethan smiled warmly, "Well then, I insist the two of you join us for dinner."
Rose smiled approvingly at her husband.
Ethan Edward Evans would serve the London area as its Grimm for the next eleven years. He would go down in a fight against seven Reapers, days after learning his youngest daughter was expecting.
He would have no idea that his legacy would live on, not in his daughters but in his grandsons.