Her hands are covered in blood. The heart monitor beeps with the steady rhythm of her patients heartbeat. She'd successfully managed to remove a tumor from a shinobi she'd worked with a few months ago. Sakura smiles knowing that he'll be fine and she calls over one her of assistants to clean him up. She rinses off her hands and forearms in the nearby sink and proceeds to head back to her office.

The hospital is quiet as she walks down the hall, her ninja heels being the only noise that follows behind her as her lab coat floats gently with her movements. Grabbing the door knob, she twists it and walks into her office, failing to notice the two men already inside.

Her eyes all but bulge out of their sockets. Naruto is laying comfortably on her couch, a medical magazine in his hand, and there, leaning against her desk is Sasuke. The boisterous blonde sits up swiftly when he hears the door open and close with a click. His excitement all too evident on his face at her surprised expression. Sakura hadn't known that Sasuke was coming back to village today so he thought it would be a great idea to surprise her with his arrival.

"Hi, Sakura! Look who's here!" Naruto all but gushes out.

Green eyes shift to her friend in quick acknowledgment then to Sasuke. He's leaning against her desk with his arms crossed against his chest with one knee bent. His posture is relaxed she notices. He's still wearing his traveling cloak - the one from when he left a year ago - and purple bindings are wrapped around his forehead. His hair, she notices, is longer and in need of a cut. He looks robust and there is a certain calmness to his chakra as opposed to his once chaotic one. 'He looks a lot better.'

"Hi," she says almost quietly.

"...Sakura." Her name falls so easily off his lips. It's so familiar that it constricts her heart, reminding her of just how much she has missed him.

They stand before one another, slowly drinking in each others presence. Sasuke notices that her hair has gotten longer, but not the length he remembers from their genin days. Mid length looks better on her he thinks. He sees the light bruising under her eyes; can recognize the sleepless nights she's probably had. Naruto watches them carefully, and thoroughly confused at their actions. He isn't entirely sure why she doesn't seem more excited to see their old teammate, but guesses that she is just in shock.

The medic nin walks over to Sasuke and rests her hand against his bicep. She can feel the warmth radiating off his body, can feel the way his muscle tenses up under her gentle touch, but he doesn't recoil away from her. All too suddenly she is overwhelmed with happiness that she thinks her heart might just burst out of her chest. Glassy, emerald eyes look up into onyx - he's gotten a lot taller - as she smiles up at him. "Welcome back."

"I won't be staying long," he responds.

Sakura's heart constricts and all at once her happy feelings are gone and replaced by irritation. Her hand falls limply against her side as she struggles to not let out a frustrated sigh. "Oh." She makes her way around the desk and sits on her too big chair. She rests her forearms against the table neatly folding her hands. "May I ask why?"

"There are still other villages that I must visit." He's facing her now because his family taught him to never give your back to anyone. He stuffs his hands into his pockets, his posture is so like the Sasuke that Sakura remembers in their youth that it already makes her miss him.

Naruto stands up from the couch and makes his way towards them. He claps Sasuke on the back, squeezes his shoulder, and proceeds to inform her that although their dark haired friend is leaving again, he wasn't going to let him go so soon. " Hey! Let's get some ramen to celebrate!"

"Tch. Don't you ever get tired of eating that?" Sasuke retorts.

"Nope! Sakura, are you done for the day?"

The pinkette thinks for a moment, mentally going through her calendar for that day. She had an appointment in one hour and she still needed to update her recent patient's medical chart for the employees, but after that she was free for the rest of the day.

"How about a late lunch? I still have some things to do here. I'll meet you guys at four o'clock?"

Huffing out a breath of disappointment Naruto nods. "Fine, i'll take the bastard to see everyone else!"

"I'd rather not," Sasuke says.

"Why not? Everyone will be surprised to see you!"

"Naruto, I'm sure Sasuke is tired and wants to freshen up. Plus, i'm pretty sure everyone already knows he's back." Sakura swivels her chair around to look out her window. "There's a commotion outside and I can only guess why."

"Is there a back exit?" The Uchiha asks.

"Yeah, Naruto show him where it is. I'll see you two later."

After a few more protests from her blonde teammate they finally make their way out her office, but Sasuke is mid way out her door when he stops and looks at her over his shoulder. Their gazes connect and Sakura's breath hitches, heart pounding at the familiarity she sees in his eyes. "It's good to see you," he says and walks out after Naruto.

The door closes behind him with a gentle click. Sakura slumps against her chair, buries her face into her palms and screams.


A/N Still can't get over that our OTP is canon. I can't deal! Though this is a short chapter, I will be posting lengthier ones after this so don't worry. Please review as i'd love to hear your feedback!