Christmas With My Snowflake

It was Christmas. The time for giving and the time to be with loved ones, which is what I was currently doing with my new girlfriend in my dorm room.

Weiss was currently in front of me with a present in hand. It was wrapped with simple red wrapping paper.

"You shouldn't have." I said taking the gift.

"I can take it back."

"No no no I was only kidding." I said protecting my gift.

"In that case open it." She said with a smile.

I comply and open tear through the paper like a madman. I heard Weiss whisper something about my ungraceful behavior but I didn't really care at the moment. When I opened it what I saw made fresh tears shed.

"YOU GOT ME THE LIMITED EDITION X-RAY AND VAV COMIC ISSUE 42!" When I screamed this Weiss had her ears covered with a blank stare. "How did you get this?!"

"Jaune, I'm a Schnee remember?"

I blink.

"Oh yeah, I forgot about that." She smiles at how clueless I am which hurts somewhat but I can live with that. She got me an incredible gift so it's all good. I open the first page.

"YOU GOT THE SIGNATURE OF JORDAN CWIERZ!" In small wording at the bottom of the first page was Jordan Cwierz written in cursive.

Once again Weiss covered her ears so she wouldn't suffer any damage. "You really are easy to please you know that."

"So I've been told." I said while placing the comic book away to read for another time.

"Hang on let me get us some hot chocolate." When Weiss gets up a necklace with the pendant of a snowflake hangs from her neck. I smile at the memory. It was only a week ago when we began our relationship. To say I was happy would be an understatement.

We've been at each other's side every day. Except for when we go to bed. It's only been a week so we haven't gotten that far.

When Weiss came back with the hot chocolate and took a seat next to me. I brought a gift out which was in an envelope.

"This is for you."

She takes it having a smile of gratitude. "Thanks, but I thought the necklace would be my birthday and Christmas present."

"Weiss, I may not be rich like you but I've saved up on lien for this occasion."

"I'll take your word for it." She said as she opens her present. Her face was as red as Pyrrha's hair when she saw what it was. "A free trip to the Vale Hotsprings for partners!"

"Yeah I thought you'd like to go with Ruby some time."

Weiss looked at me funny. "Jaune, why would I go with Ruby if it's for partners…"

Oh Weiss you're so silly. "Weiss, the coupon says that only partners are allowed to go for free. So I thought you and Ruby could relax since you guys are partners." Weiss face palmed for some reason. Oh well. "It also killed two birds with one stone. I don't need to find another gift for Ruby."

"Um… Jaune."

"Yes Snow Angel."

"You're a complete dunce."

Okay I do not understand what I've done wrong. Could she just explain it to me?

"Let me explain it to you."

Thank you!

"When it says partners only, it means… well. It means a couple."

"Like a couple of friends?"


"Oh that makes sense…" Wait a minute. Oh crap. "Oh man I screwed up big time!"

"I wouldn't say that. I mean we could always go together." She said with a blush.

"I guess we could do that. But I'm panicking because now I don't have a present for Ruby!" Wait a minute. Did Weiss just say what I think she just said? "Beg your pardon?"

Weiss sighs aggravated about something. "Never mind, I don't know what I'm saying. We haven't even been a couple for that long."

"That is true. But maybe in the future we can do something like that."

"A rain check then?"


We sat in complete silence enjoying each other's company. Weiss placed her head on my shoulder which greatly surprised me. "Weiss?"

"Can we stay like this for a while?"

I smile at such a simple request. "Of course Snow Angel."

I rest my head on hers'. We were in complete silence enjoying each other's presence. This was a wonderful Christmas indeed.


I only reply with a hum as my hand wraps around her waist for an embrace.

"Love you."

I smile yet again. This was the happiness I've always wanted. This was the breeze of winter that I love to feel. This was the snowflake I marveled at above all others.

"I love you too. You're my cherished snowflake after all."

And like that I held a snowflake that would never melt at my touch. This unique beauty is everlasting. Just like my love for her.

"Merry Christmas…" We said these words in perfect harmony.


Merry Christmas to you all! This is the last chapter… probably… most likely. To be honest I might have one last chapter for new years but I'm not so sure. January 1st is actually birthday so I might not do it. But you never know what the future might bring.