Hello everybody, welcome to my very first Five Nights at Freddy's fic. I've been a huge fan of both games since they came out and have been able to finish both of them. I never expected the fanbase for this to grow so much as the months progressed and I'm glad to be apart of it. There are a few things I want to point out before you begin reading this story:

*All characters are NOT animatronics, instead they are anthropomorphic animals, except Balloon Boy who will be a real boy and the Marrionette who will be a sentient puppet.

*Foxy/Chica pairing

*Mike, Jeremy and Fritz may cameo

*Humans, anthropomorphic animals...and apparently puppets live together in peace

*Toy Bonnie is a girl and will be called "Bon Bon"

*Toy Freddy and Toy Chica will not appear

*Foxy was born missing his right eye and a stubby right hand which is why he has the eye patch and hook

Besides all that, hope you enjoy this!

Struggles On A Hook

Chapter 1: Escaping Custody

1:00 AM...High above the city...

A military chopper is flying over a city with a fugitive captured, the pilot talks with the manager of the local jail.

"We have captured the suspect and are in route to your location."

"Copy that, is the fugitive secured?"

"Affirmative, he is...wait a minute what?"

"Didn't copy that, what's happening?"


"The fugitive is escaping, he's taking out everyone on board!"

"End communications and grab him!"


Suddenly the fugitive smashed out a door of the chopper and jumped onto a wing trying to rip a big piece off of it. The fugitive was a red fox, he was wearing an eye patch over his right eye and his right hand was replaced by a hook giving him the appearance of a pirate. He also wore brown cut-up shorts and had a few cuts and bruises all over his body but didn't seemed concerned about it. He spoke just like a pirate.

"Yar har, time for me to escape this poor capture. No iron bars can stop me! SEE YE LATER YA LANDLUBBERS!" He yelled dropping down towards town.

He held onto the piece of the wing he ripped and as he landed onto the streets, he used it as a board and raced down some steep streets through the night. He could hear police sirens everywhere and had to dodge several of them.


But the fox was having none of it, he did what he usually did, escape the cops, get home safe and sound. He skated down several hills and jumped a few. But eventually he flew off one hill and the wing flies away from him, no matter, he was known to be extremely quick on his feet. He ran through his neighborhood dodging more cops and grabbing stuff he could use for defense, like a brick, a rock, or anything he could get his good clawed hand on.

As he rounded a corner and was a few feet from his house, a cop jumped from behind a fence and pointed a gun to his head.

"HAH! Thought you could get away now fox? Nice try, now I suggest you turn yourself in." The cop demanded.

"Yeah uh...I don't think that's a good idea lassy." He only smirked.


The cop is suddenly karate-chopped from behind and he falls to the ground. The fugitive gave a toothy grin at his saver.

"Thanks Mangle, just in time too!"

"Ugh, always getting in trouble aren't ya Foxy?"

"Can't help it sis."

Mangle was Foxy's older sister, but honestly a bit smarter and tougher than him. She was a white and pink fox who usually wore a red bow tie, spiked bracelets on her wrists and white gloves over her sharp claws. Though like Foxy she also sported a few cuts mainly one on her forehead and several down on her chest.

The 16 year old siblings didn't always get along and they fought frequently both verbally and physically. If it got physical, the two often settle their feuds down in their basement where a large boxing ring was placed. Despite their differences, they made a perfect team and knew that family came first no matter what. They loved each other and weren't afraid to say it to each other. They had to stay together especially after their parents were killed in an accident long ago, so they only had each other for support...plus a few friends.

"Come on let's get inside before they send more people. I'm surprised they haven't figured out where we live." Mangle said.

"I know right?" Foxy chuckled.

Inside, a bright blue bunny with rosy cheeks and a bow tie jumped from a table in the kitchen and ran over to Foxy.


"Whoa there lassy, I'm okay. Don't need to worry about me." Foxy patted her on the shoulder.

"You looked like you were zoning out there Bon Bon." Mangle said.

"Yeah it happens a lot, I was just so worried." Bon Bon sighed.

14 yeard old Bon Bon was Mangle's best friend and considered a younger sister she never had. She was a sweet bunny who would rather find safer routes in a dangerous situation. She'd get surprised over almost anything a had a rather creepy excited face. Though she despised violence, she had to admit it was pretty funny when Foxy and Mangle got into fights...she often videotaped. She was also their roommate because of a house fire years ago that killed her parents and Foxy and Mangle took her in.

"Yar, nobody can stop this ol' pirate!" Foxy said full lf pride.

"So what exactly did you do?" Bon Bon asked as they all sat in the living room.

Foxy's face changed quickly to a look of sadness making Bon Bon feel she shouldn't have asked that.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to-"

"No it's alright lass, earlier I ran into some dumbass criminal. Normally I would avoid confrontation with people like that and be off on me way. But instead, he tried to steal from me, cops were surrounding us, be he didn't care. I told him to leave me be, but he shoved me, and then he punched me in the nose. And ye know I don't take shit from people who hit me there..."

Foxy paused to glare at Mangle who turned away chuckling.

"Go on, go on!" Bon Bon hurried him.

"Anyways, he started to tick me off so badly...that I finally snapped. I could've punched him, clawed him, even jab him a bit with me hook, but no...I did worse...I BIT HIM, right on the forehead, blood dripping from me fangs. The guy dropped dead, and the police turned on me. They lunged and I tried to fight them off, but I was beaten and captured." Foxy said, some anger clear in his voice.

"Oh dear." Bon Bon gasped.

"I'm actually surprised you killed somebody." Mangle said.

"Yeah, and I ain't too proud of it. But, I sure as hell not going to jail."

"We just need to be more careful. Mabye we should get out of this city." Mangle suggested.

"Are you sure they won't follow us?" Bon Bon asked.

"As long as we don't escape here too exposed."

"You know Bon Bon, ye don't have to tag along, ye not on any watch list, but you will be if they find you with us." Foxy said.

Bon Bon gave Foxy a serious look, her paws on her hips.

"I'm going, you're the only family I got left...until I find my brother." Bon Bon whispered that last part.

"Okay then, we need to move, but what exactly could we use as our getaway? We don't own cars." Mangle said.

"Hmm, mabye I can call up my old friend, you know, the one who lives in that weird creepy town." Foxy bounced his eyebrows.

"Oh you mean that disturbing puppet guy that you liked to call Marion?" Bon Bon giggled.

"Yeah, I do that all the time just to piss him off. He likes to be called just 'Nette, but Marion is better." Foxy said.

Foxy picked up a phone, dialed the number and impatiently waited for 'Nette to pick up...after a few more seconds he did. A high, almost demonic-like voice came over the phone.

"Oh...Foxy...I thought you were dead. But you're alive." The puppet said sounding a bit bored from where he sat in a chair next to his music box.

"Yeah nice to hear from you ye too...Marion." Foxy laughed.

"DAMN IT FOXY, DON'T CALL ME THAT!" 'Nette growled.

"Ooh I'm so scared, what are ye gonna do, throw ye music box at me?"

'Nette clenched a tight fist getting tired of Foxy's teasing, but he was used to it. 'Nette was an old friend of Foxy's who often gave the fox advice whenever he was in a dangerous situation. Though he refused to be involved in Foxy's biting incident, thinking the police would be after him too...even if he lived in another town. 'Nette was very sensitive and easily angered. He lived by himself in a little house and loved to entertain himself mainly with music from a box he sleeps in, some say that box is magical. Foxy used to always tease him about having permanent make-up on his face which 'Nette himself wondered why the hell he did since he was a guy.

"Foxy, I'll choke you out if you don't stop messing with me. What do you want?" 'Nette growled.

"Me, Mangle and Bon Bon are planning to move. I just escaped police custody and I'm back at me house. We need to get out of this city without getting caught." Foxy said.

"Well, look I'll try to send something over in the morning, just try to lay low until then."

"Thank ye lass. You're a big help, it's good to hear from you again."

"Yeah, I guess I feel the same way. Goodnight."


When Foxy hung up, Bon Bon shuttered.

"That guys always gave me the creeps."

"Heh, the guys tries to act all tough, not much of a threat." Mangle scoffed adjusting her gloves.

"Are ye kidding me, that guy will kill you in a snap." Foxy argued shuttering at the thought.

"That's only because you would get scared and cower in fear." Mangle teased.

"What did ye say?" Foxy growled.

Foxy stormed up to Mangle's face and the two bared their fangs. Bon Bon backed away from them.

"Uh, I think I'll head on to bed. You two have at it...like usual." Bon Bon said finding out she had left her video camera in her room.

Bon Bon headed to the spare room in the house just in time when Mangle tackled Foxy. At first Bon Bon just chuckled as she heard the two punching, kicking and grunting loudly from the living room. But after a few minutes, Bon Bon began to get rather annoyed as she tried to get some sleep. Then she reached a breaking point when she is startled awake by Foxy and Mangle breaking into her room fighting in a giant dust-cloud.


The two immediately stop fighting rather shocked by her language, Bon Bon had never cursed before.

"Bon Bon, did you actually swear?" Mangle asked.

"Yeah, and I'm not sorry about it. You know, I honestly used to think you two fighting all the time was funny and entertaining. But seriously, while I'm trying to sleep? I just want you two to get along better. Family first right?" Bon Bon said giving them stern looks.

"Family will always be first Bon Bon." Foxy nodded.

"That's right, we just have our differences." Mangle said.

"So you resolve that with fighting?" Bon Bon face-palmed.

Realizing how embarrassed the situation was, Foxy broke the awkward silence with a yawn.

"Well, time for me to be heading back to me bed. We got to be up early tomorrow." Foxy said.

They separated and went to bed. Bon Bon pulled out a picture from her drawer that had her and her older brother Bonnie. She began to tear up, it's been so long since he went missing and Bon Bon vowed to find him one day...alive.

"I'll find you Bonnie, if it's the last thing I do." Bon Bon whispered to herself.

During the night, Foxy couldn't help but think about killing that criminal. One part of him felt he did the right thing, the other part of him felt he should've just ran for it. But it was too late, the guy was dead...there was nothing he could do. He ran his claws over his hook and just stared at it. He remembered getting it when he was little after he was tired of living with just a stub for a hand...he was born that way...and he even had the eye patch for a good reason...he was born without a right eye. None of this bothered him after he got used to it.

"I'm a monster...a fugitive...a...murderer." Foxy clenched his fist tightly.

A tear slid down his eye and he let out a small whimper. Unknown to him, Mangle awoke hearing her brother's whimpers. Worried, she went into his room and tapped him on the head.

"You okay Foxy?" Mangled asked.

"I just want to take it all back." Foxy sat up still crying.

Mangle sat next to him and sighed.

"We all make mistakes, I know we both made a lot. We're wanted, and we cause so much trouble. Foxy, we have to stay strong, it's only us, Bon Bon...mabye 'Nette. We're gonna be okay." Mnagle said in a calm town.

Mangle allowed Foxy to rest his head on her shoulder and let him cry while she patted his back. They both knew going away will bring a brand new adventure...but also more troubles. And there would be 3 new certain troubles coming for Foxy...in the form of a bear...another bunny...and a chicken.

To be continued...

And so I think chapter 1 will stop here. This story may start out pretty slow, but hopefully it will eventually pick up. I really hope you guys liked this chapter and please remember this is my first FNAF fic ever. I'm really excited to finally write one and who knows, mabye there will be more stories to come in the future.