ruined my dramatic formatting on this ch. *sob* Short prologue but hope you still enjoy it yey? Let's get this thing started.

He stared at his reflection in the blade. His glowing eyes seemed even emptier than before, lost. He didn't want to do this, and Xibalba knew that. That's why it was chosen as his greatest fear.

"Time to finish it." Carmelo's voice rung out from the stands.

Manolo reached out to the sword but hesitated. Those beasts had all suffered so much by his family's hand. Was it really right to make them suffer more?

But he had to do this.

Everyone in the crowd was screaming encouragement. He could feel Xibalba eyeing him, watching his every move. He had to prove to this god that his greatest fear was nothing.

For María. He told himself. For Joaquín. For my family. For San Angel.

He took a deep breath as his fingers gripped the hilt of the sword.


The roar the beat emitted tore into his core. It was so sad, so desperate, how could he have done this? It's body crumbled and faded into dust that blew through the stadium.

"He did it." His father shouted. "That's my son."

"Way to go little Sanchez."

He watched his family and the entire crowd cheer his name. Their words were so strong but he didn't feel anything. Somehow he felt even emptier than before.

"Manolo Sanchez." Xibalba's voice ran through the arena. "You have...



"What do you mean he failed? He did as you asked."

"You're a liar and a cheat. How dare you do this to my son a second time."

"Killing a bull wasn't his greatest fear, did I say that?"

"You did you filthy no good son of a-"


The voices of his family erupted into chaos.


"I'm sorry, but the wager was set. He failed. There's nothing I can do."

"You... you useless mound of wax. You're just going to let him get away with it? My son does not deserve this."

"I'm sorry."


The voices screaming his name faded into nothing as he fell. It seemed to go on forever.


María? Joaquín? It's cold. I can't breathe.






Heavy, fast breaths were all Flavio could manage at the moment. He prayed over and over again that he was hidden behind the crates he had managed to find.

How had it turned out like this? They had won damn it. That wretched city was nothing but ash now. But of course Chakal wasn't satisfied with that. He wouldn't be until that damn medal was in his possession yet again.

This was too much, he had never asked for this. And yet here he was cowering like a fool. The others had abandoned them in their own pursuit for safety. Plenty had probably left town by now he was sure.

If he was caught that was the end.

The sound of boots against the stone streets made his heart stop. They were slow, deliberate, and the sound echoed around the buildings. The citizens had hidden inside when their raid was interrupted. He wanted to scoff at them but he was doing the same thing now.

The steps stopped. Silence followed apart from the light breeze every now and then.

Flavio's heart couldn't possible pound any louder.

The crates exploded and he was sent flying with the splintered wood. He screamed and tried to run but all to soon a weight crashed on top of him. The air left his lungs and he gasped as his attacker forced him onto his back.

"I knew one of you was still lurking around."

His voice returned to desperate screams as he looked at the man hovering over him. The fury in his eyes sent chills to his bones. And one of them, what was that? The entire thing glowed a sickly green with a red skull as the pupil.

"W-wait!" Flavio's struggling was useless. "P-please don't kill me. I'll quit thieving I swear."

"I'm not here for your promises." The man drew his sword and pointed it directly at him. "I'm here for answers."

"Please, anything. I'll do anything you want just spare me mister."

"The name," he forced the tip of the blade up Flavio's nose. "Is Captain Mondragon."

"What? But I thought you were just his so-" The bandit screamed as the blade moved further into his nose. "Y-yes Captain Mondragon sir!"

"Now, I'm only going to ask this once." The captain leaned over. The skull in his eye was glaring just as fiercely as he was.

"Where is Chakal?"