Chapter 1-

Welcome to 1.1, please enjoy your stay~


Slowly, I came to, my eyes blurring from the disorientation that the game crash brought onto me. I looked around the room I was in, and the first thought of mine was how mellow it was. The entire building seemed to be abandoned, with nature taking what it once owned. The hallway that I was looking at had once beautiful walls caked with dirt, and the entire floor was now a lush green carpet made from grass. A rusty wheelchair sat in a corner with vines growing over it, with a dented birdcage sitting on it, somehow not having any vines covering it. The entire floor had at least two feet of water covering it, yet the grass did not look disturbed and the water seemed as smooth as glass. There was a hole in the wall that was letting sparkling sun in, having It reflect off the water to make it sparkle and glimmer, like a small ocean catching a nice summer's rays.

Deciding it would be in my best interest to explore this strange place, I spread my wings and take off, flying through the decrepit hallway and through many more, looking for some clue as to where I am.

Flying into what seemed like a waiting room, the first thing I noticed was how it looked different. The entire front of the room was being taken up by a giant oak tree, which seemed to have originated from the receptions desk. The oak tree was casting shadows across the room, which when combined with the light streaming in from the broken roof, and the glittering water that seemed to cover this entire building, it made quite a sight.

Deciding that this must have been the waiting room, I cast my gaze over it, taking in the sights. The grass covering the floor seemed shorter here, and the water seemed to only be a foot deep, instead of two. There were many chairs neatly lined up around some tables, although most of them were now seating many types of moss and fungi, they still looked strangely beautiful. The tables the chairs were facing were covered in vines and leaves, and even had some slightly destroyed magazines on them. Turning to the magazines, I notice they seemed to be still readable, despite the fact they seemed soaked and somehow slightly burt. I would have to read them another time.

Looking at the tree again, I noticed that it seemed to be giving off a slight hum, that seemed to resonate with all the other plants. Looking to the main doors to the building to see if I could leave through them, I found them to be blocked by a giant root from the tree. Deciding that whatever put me here did not want to leave, I turned around to leave back through the hallway, but as I was flying towards it something caught my eye. There was a door behind the oak tree.

Flying to the oak tree, I noticed that I could go through it, although I would have to squeeze through. After quickly wiggling my way through, I quickly looked around at the new hallway I was in. It seemed like it would've looked the same as the rest of the decrepit hallways, that is if, it would've if there weren't giant tree roots scattered throughout it. Quickly flying through the rest of the building, I quickly came to a broken door that seemed to open out to a empty chamber. Of course, it wasn't empty.

"Oh, so there you are. I was wondering whether or not this was Heaven or Hell, but seeing you here, it must be the latter." The vine covered chassis said, trying to move around a little for emphasis, but stopping once it realized it couldn't move because of the vines covering it.

"Where are we?" I asked, looking around the room a little more. The room was mostly barren, with dity walls and vines covering it. Although the room of the room was a different story, seeing as it was nothing but a giant mass of wires and cables, all of them covered in a plant of some type, with a bunch of vines hanging down from them. The floor seemed to decline with stairs the closer it got to the hanging chassis, with the result being a makeshift pond, complete with lily pads and all.

"Strange, I thought your first question was going to be asking what I am" The metal chassis said, once again trying to move it's moss and dirt caked body around, before deciding to quit doing it once again.

"I already know what you are." I state, feeling quite bemused to be in this situation.

"Oh, you do? And what am I?" The chassis asked me, it's voice caked in sarcasm.

"You're a metal chassis, duh." I said, feeling quite sorry for the chassis.

"You're an idiot. But what do you expect from a birdbrain." The chassis flatly states, staring at me as though I may start hitting my head off the wall to see what kind of sound it would make.

Before I could give off a retort, the chassis continues to talk. "And as for where we are, take a wild guess. You already know the answer". The chassis states, staring at me intensely.

Looking around the broken down room, and then at the chassis, which seems to have been the voice in my head, then remembering how the last thing I was doing before I wound up here was trying to escape the corruption, the answer just came to me before I even knew I was saying it.

"We're in my mind, aren't we?" I mumble out, the words just coming forth, as though I knew this the whole time.

"Close, but no cigar. We are in your Hub. This is where everything game related is stored, including you, if there is another crash" The chassis says, trying to move once again from the vines.

"What if the game crashes here as well?" I ask, feeling a slight feeling of dread over that thought.

"Hope the backup Hub works, and if that doesn't work, then it must be time for the next great adventure." The chassis says, giving off a almost nostalgic feeling.

"What is the next great adventure?"

"You'll know it when it happens to you." The chassis says absently.

"What is your name?" I ask, deciding to switch the topic.

"GLaDOS. Or at least, that's the name that the scientist gave me." The newly dubbed GLaDOS states, giving off yet another nostalgic feeling.

'Sounds a lot like Gladys.' I thought, looking at Glados absently. Looking around the room, I couldn't help but wonder what happens now. The world was corrupted, the game is over, and I failed. I couldn't even save Harry...

"You haven't failed-" I looked up, starting to feel a bit of hope bloom. "-You merely were the victim of a bad beta game. But be pleased to know we have fixed all problems and have made a whole new game from the ashes of the old one. Of course, all the data was wiped, including all your stats and items, which means you must start from scratch. Glados finished stating, giving me a sidelong look, gauging my reaction.

"So I need to go back and do it all over again?" I ask, feeling all of the hope that was building up start to die off.

"No, the object of this game is different. It won't be about dungeons or EXP. It will simply be you deciding where to bring the story."

"What do you mean by that?" I asked Glados, confusion painting my voice.

"For far too long we have had games that claim to have a open world, or games with a diverse story, but those games are nothing but liars. Can you really claim a game has a open world when you will run into a invisible barrier when you try to cross a mountain? Can you really claim your game has a diverse storyline when it only has one ending? No. You can't. This game on the other hand is different. Everything is at the tip of your wings, from the deepest depths to the literal stars, you can do everything, achieve anything, and get any ending you can imagine.

"What about permadeath, or difficulty, or visuals?" I ask, feeling a sense of hope and adventure from Glados' passionate speech.

"You decide what the controls are! You decide what you want the world to look like! You can decide if you have one life or a million! The choice is yours, the adventure is there! Just step down the path, and if life looks you in the face and says you can't do something, jam a combustable lemon down his throat! Glados yelled out, her metallic voice fizzing out by the end of it.

I felt excited. I felt elated. I felt pumped. I wanted to go out in this big wide world, and accept it with all I had to offer.

"Do you want to start a new game?" Glados asked me, practically vibrating in place.

"Yes!" I hoot out as loud as I can, almost shaking the foundations of the building itself.

"Good. Then let the testing begin!" And with that one sentence, began part two of my game. Only this time, it was going to be a lot more interesting.

AN: I am still trying to get back in the groove of things, so excuse these short chapters.