In the end they, much to Jane's anger, decided sending Thor and whoever else wanted to go to Knowhere to retrieve the Reality Gem. They decided Rose would stay here, because the less people who knew she was the Bad Wolf the better. Rose had asked and no one bothered to tell her the story, simply going on with their plans. Loki leaned forwards, whispering in her ear that he'd tell it to her later. She smiled at him, at least someone wasn't going to talk about her behind her back.

Tony was on her back as they were once again on this gravel roof, in the daylight Rose noticed that there was a lot of Jane's equipment scattered around, and even some scorch marks on the ground. She figured that was from the Bifrost. Rose wanted to go, if only to experience the Bifrost, but Loki promised that when all was well he would get her a free trip to anywhere as a thank you. He stood next to her, they were leaning against each other as they watched Thor, Jane, Stark (in his Iron Man suit), Quill, Groot and Rocket prepare to leave. Thor looked at the sky, raising his hammer.

"There is no need for him to do that. Heimdall is always aware when one needs to use it," Loki whispered in her ear, causing Rose to smile.

Darcy rushed around, manning the equipment to monitor everything because that's what Jane needed her to do. Meanwhile she was complaining about how Jane and Thor promised her a trip on the Bifrost after she missed all the fun of seeing Asgard the last time. Loki rolled his eyes and sighed deeply. Gamora stared at Quill, she was leaning against their ship. Which was still invisible, so it looked she was balancing on one foot. Natasha and Clint were standing next to each other, and to Rose's surprise, the two spies were holding hands, she would have thought they wouldn't want to reveal that they cared about each in front of Loki. Who they still obviously hated. Steve was standing just outside of the marks, whispering something to Stark. They leaned forwards, each on their side of the scorch marks, and kissed. Rose looked away, smiling slightly at how cute they were. Quill then seemed to notice the shield Steve had on his back and realized that he was Captain America. He covered his mouth excitedly with his hands as he mouthed that it was Captain America to Gamora. Light burst out of the sky and Steve stepped back, breaking his kiss with Stark, he had a goofy grin on his face which quickly changed to worried. It was beautiful, Rose thought. The colors were rainbow and it seemed to lift them off the ground and then in an instant they were gone.

"Damn it!" Darcy shouted as she pressed a button. "I wasn't ready yet!"

Clint coughed loudly, rolling his eyes as he placed a hand on Darcy's back, escorting her away from the equipment that she was about to break by kicking it. Natasha stepped towards Drax, about to ask him something before thinking better of it and turning away. She stared at Rose, Loki and Tony for the longest time. Tony raised his hand and waved at Natasha with a big goofy grin on his face.

"She seems jealous." Tony whispered, he slide off Rose's back and practically skipped over to Natasha and began chatting her ear off.

Gamora was watching everyone silently, her face impassive, Rose wished Tony was still here so she knew what Gamora was feeling. She debated aproaching her, but Gamora moved to the center of the roof, the wind blowing her hair from her face. Steve moved to stand next to her, he jerked his head to signal that Clint and Darcy needed to pay attention. Tony stopped midstence and stared at Natasha before he darted over to where the Bifrost was and began following the scorch marks.

"Rose, we should try and see how much of the Time Stone we can enable you to use." Gamora anounced.

In any movie or tv show this is where there would be a montage with cheesy music in the background. Tony holding up cards excitedly to see if his big sister could shoot lazers out of her eyes. Rose couldn't do that. To Gamora asking Rose to see if she could look into her timestream and see what Rose saw of Gamora's past. And then they tried it with Steve after she successfully managed it with Gamora (after like ten tries and forty minutes of awkward staring). With Steve it went faster, Rose could see his Sarah Rogers staring down at Steve, saying something that Rose couldn't hear. This was a different Steve than the one Rose was currently looking at a squawny Steve. He was coughing heavily and looked like he was only four or five. There was another boy with brown hair patting Steve's back, he looked like he was around seven. James Barnes, something told her, was arguing with Sarah about something, and Steve seemed really upset about it. There was a picture in the background, pinned up on the wall that was barely considered white. It was a drawing of Sarah. The eyes were uneven and the detail not exact, but it was still amazing.

Rose blinked, coming back to the present. Loki had his hand on Rose's back, staring at her worriedly. She wondered how long she had been out.

"There wasn't any sound." Rose said into the camera. Darcy had decided she wanted to video tape all of this, it could be really important for the future. Rose had a feeling it wasn't. "It was Steve who looked like he was five-ish with his Mother and a James? There wasn't any sound though it seemed like James and Sarah were arguing."

Steve smiled, running a hand through his hair. "I was seven. That was the only time I ever heard Ma raise her voice. It was because I had gotten into my first fight and Bucky was stupid enough to take the blame."

Natasha smiled at Steve, a real one not a smirk, and so did Clint, which was a little creepy. Steve must have thought so too because he shifted, trying to give a weak smile back. He also gave a thumbs up. Darcy burst out laughing as she nearly droped the camera, missing both Natasha and Clint's reactions to what Steve did.

"Try again," Gamora urged. She was awfully concerned about what Rose could or couldn't do with the stone. Rose wondered if she could weseal the Bad Wolf story out of her. "This time see if you can hear what they're saying.

So that's what Rose did.

Soon she could see someone's past just by glancing at someone. The one sign that indcated that's what she was doing, was her eyes turning gold. So when they tried it with her on the streets of London on random tourists or the like, she would wear sunglasses. It got to the point, where she could pick and choose what events she saw, instead of seeing everything condensed down into a minute. It was almost like the chapter titles of a book, listing out the events that would effect them. And then one time Rose ran through all that with a blue haired girl and it kept going, Rose could see through the girl's eyes that she would walk across the street, hugging her boyfriend and squealing. In a few weeks he would propose to her and she would say yes. A month after that they'd break up from the fight and the girl would move to New York City. Rose blinked, shaking her head. Trying to get out of what she saw. Loki placed a hand on her shoulder and Rose knew she was back to the present. There was the girl, darting across the street into her boyfriend's arms, he swung her around and she squealed. The couple walked towards Rose and she ducked her head.

"I saw that. He's gonna propose in a couple weeks." Rose whispered. Darcy was still filming her. Tony was clinging on to Rose's leg, giggling as he drew with chalk on the ground, always keeping one hand on Rose, scared she would simply disappear.

Gamora seemed impressed. It had been her, Rose, Loki, Tony and Darcy to come down to the street corner. Natasha, Clint and Drax stayed up stairs. Gamora had asked them to try and explain metaphors to him, saying that would make her life so much easier to not have to hear the bickering when Rocket or Peter made one she didn't understand. Rose doubted it would work, certain species stuck to their ways.

"Good. Perhaps try controlling the Blue-haired girl. Get her to come back, saying she dropped something." Gamora said. "That would help in the fight against Thanos."

Rose frowned, trying to get a connection with that girl again. She could still see her future, going to New York, and then it stopped suddenly. Rose couldn't figure out why. But she tried, reaching out and imagining the girl walking back, checking the sidewalk for the remains of something, before turning back and laughing with her boyfriend about her mistake. And then it happened, the blue-haired girl darted back, her converses pounding against the sidewalk as she looked around frantically. Her boyfriend followed, his hands in his pockets as he smiled gently at her and helped her look. Finally they gave up, going back the way they came from. The blue-haired girl smiled and waved at Tony as they walked by.

"They both seemed really, really confused about what was happening." Tony said to Rose, setting his chalk on the ground and standing up, clearly bored and ready to go back inside.

Gamora stared at Tony and Darcy had the camera pointed at him. "You both seem so too." He then gave them an angelic grin, grabbed Loki and Rose's hands and let them upstairs.

Okay so this is really short and i've taken forever to update. I'm SO sorry about that. I've had some trouble with this story. I don't think at this point I'll be doing the crossovers with other fandoms since they'd be fillers and I haven't been in the mood to write them. I think the next chapter is insanely long so it may be broken apart.
