This is just a short story to explain how things went for the Finster family when Chas and Kira decide to have a child together.


"Will you shut up!" exclaimed 9-year-old Chuckie Finster, Kimi's Adoptive-Step brother.

As far as the two could remember, they'd been siblings ever since Kimi's mother married Chuckie's father when Chuckie was 2 and Kimi was 1. All their lives as siblings, they'd thought that their parents wanted to settle for just a family of four, but that all changed.

"Kimi-Chan! Calm down, your're gonna bust a window!" Kira, their mother, exclaimed, as she calmed her daughter down.

"Are you sure you're pregnant?! You're not pulling some cruel trick" Chuckie asked

"It's for real! I'm three months into the pregnancy! I just couldn't tell until I started having more and more stomach problems." she replied

"This is great, a new sibling!" the kids exclaimed

"How did Dad react?" asked Kimi

"Don't tell him I'm telling you two, but he got so excited, he smiled widely, then he started hyperventilating and fainted. He's fine now though."

Almost on cue, Chas entered the house, both his kids quickly wiping the smirks off their face from hearing Chas' reaction.

"I'm assuming you told them about the pregnancy." Chas guessed as he brought bags of groceries and baby supplies into the house. "I heard Kimi's screams from down the street, half the neighbours heard her."

Kimi shrugged in defense, then got up to help her father while Chuckie and Kira went back to cooking dinner. No matter what activity they tried to do, they couldn't get their minds off the new baby.

"So your parents are expecting? Congrats!" said Tommy as he drank his smoothie at Chas' cyber cafe, the Java Lava.

Kimi was telling him and their friends, Phil, Lil, Dil, Angelica, Susie, Harold, and Bassem, all about the pregnancy as she worked behind the counter.

"So, do you guys have any name ideas?" asked Lil

"Chuckie's named after your father, if it's a girl, you could do that." Phil suggested

Everyone looked at Phil in confusion.

"Naming a girl Charlotte?" Kimi asked

"No, I mean, Chasity? That name doesn't sound so bad."

Everyone shrugged, it sounded like an odd name, but a unique and interesting sounding one.

"Wait! Didn't Sonny and Cher have a daughter named Chasity who grew up to get a gender change operation?" asked Harold

"Uhhh.." Phil was cut off by Chuckie barging into the cafe with a small, blurry black photo in his hand.

"Check it out!" he exclaimed

He showed them all the ultrasound of the baby. A gender couldn't be determined, but it was a baby at least, and they could tell it was healthy.

"I can't tell it's gender." said Dil "does it have a penis or something?" he asked as he turned it around trying to see something.

"Dude!" Tommy said as he took the picture "What kind of question is that?"

"Besides, you usually can't tell the gender of a baby until 4-6 months into the pregnancy." explained Bassem as he looked at it himself.

Chas came out, wiping his eyes. "Kimi, can you please go chop the pineapples in the kitchen, I can't do it any longer."

"Oh Dad, you know that if they make you cry like onions do then you should just tell me to cut them." Kimi stated, as she went to the back.

"Hey Chuck. Where's your Mom? You're supposed to look after her during the pregnancy in case she needs anything or if something goes wrong."

"I know, but grandma and grandpa came to visit for the weekend. Grandma is pretty much taking care of everything."

"Well that's good to know. And thanks for agreeing to take care of your Mom for the rest of the pregnancy, it's a really mature thing of you to make the sacrifice you're making for the family."

Chuckie smiled at what his father said. It was a tiny bit difficult having to look over Kira, and he was aware that it would eventually get more difficult, especially when he would have to concern over her when doing day-to-day activities, but he was happy to do it for them.

That night, the parents decided to go out for dinner, and when they did, it was Chuckie and Kimi alone in the house.

"What's for dinner tonight?" asked Kimi

"Dad had no time to go grocery shopping, but we've got some sausages, beans and pasta sauce. I can cook something good out of this if we have some garlic powder and cheese?" Chuckie replied

"Garlic is on the top shelf by the wall, cheese is in the back of the refrigerator."

As they ate the amazing meal Chuckie prepared, Kimi could only think two things: Where did Chuckie get the idea to make this, it's awesome!; and I wonder what gender the baby will be?

Kimi would love the baby either way, but was worried about the pros and cons.

If it were a boy, Chuckie would have to share his room, so she'd still have a room to herself... but Chuckie might have a closer relationship with the new child because of their brotherhood. This problem wouldn't happen if the baby were a girl, but she'd be constantly annoyed by the crying when she would be in her room, and she would wake her up with nightmares instead of the parents because Kimi would always be right next to her.

Kimi decided the slight sister problems would be worth it, but her parents had said they were insisting of the gender of the baby to be a surprise. This was going to be very difficult, but Kimi was gonna get to the bottom of this no matter what.

So, we already have Kimi going nuts about the baby's gender and Chuckie as the person in charge of tending to Kira, are things gonna go down hill from here? What kind of challenges and wacky experiences await the Finsters? Find out in the next chapter, until then, STAY TUNED & PLEASE REVIEW!