Disclaimer: I do not own Twilight or The Vampire Diaries, or any content/characters associated with these franchises. This story is for entertainment purposes only.

Chapter 1 - Osiris

His eyes burned into mine with an unmistakable intensity. He took a steadying breath and spoke, "Bella, I lied. I lied about everything. I left to protect you. "

He gently took my hand and kneeled down next to my bed. "Can you still love me after all that I have done? I promise, Bella. I will never leave your side again. I'll be here until you order me away."

His words shook my resolve. Of all the things I'd expected him to say tonight, this was certainly not it.

He still loves me? He left to protect me?

I felt my eyes prick, and I realized traitor tears had begun to fall … only they were not tears of joy or relief. No. They were tears of pure, unadulterated anger. I quickly stood up, pulling my hand from Edward's grasp, causing a flash of pain to appear on his angelic face.

"You left to protect me?" I asked through clenched teeth, my hands balled into fists at my sides.

Edward nodded, refusing to look up and meet my eyes. "Bella, love, please—"

"Do not call me that!" I snapped, causing Edward to flinch. "You don't get to call me that anymore," I added softly.

"You told me I was nothing but a distraction. You said I wasn't good for you, Edward. And now you tell me that you said all of that to protect me?"

"Bella, you have to understand, I didn't want this life for you," Edward said as he took a tentative step in my direction, causing me to take a step backward.

"It wasn't your choice to make, Edward. Do you have any idea how much your words affected me? Do you know how much it hurt that you and your entire family left without so much as a 'kiss my ass'? I was a zombie for nearly six months. Charlie damn near had me committed."

"Bella, I'm so sorry," Edward choked out, looking agonized over my words. But I wasn't finished yet.

"You say you wanted to protect me, but where were you when Laurent came after me? Hmm? Where were you the last six months while Victoria has been hell bent on torturing me to death?"

"Victoria?" Edward questioned, his jaw clenched.

I nodded. "Laurent said she wanted revenge for James death. 'A mate for a mate' he said. He was going to drain me himself, but the wolves saved me."

"The wolves?" he questioned, but then understanding seemed to dawn on him. Jacob?" he asked as he pulled his own hair in agony. "Bella, I had no idea. If I knew—"

"If you knew … then what?" I asked. "Just … just leave Edward. There is nothing left for you here."

"Bella, no. Please don't say that. I love you. I will prove my love to you," he pleaded franticly.

"I … I'm sorry, Edward. I don't want you to prove anything to me. I cannot be with you. Not when I now understand what your idea of love is. I will not tie myself to someone who refuses to fight for the person they love. You ran, Edward. I loved you with all my heart … and you ran."

"Bella?" he choked out, refusing to believe what I was telling him.

"Please … go."

He held me gaze for another moment before he turned and disappeared out my window—the gently swaying curtain was the only reminder that he had been there.

I exhaled, releasing my breath that I'd apparently been holding in. I took another deep breath and closed my eyes. And then, in a move that surprised even me, I smiled for the first time in months. I was proud of myself for standing up to Edward. I was proud of myself for realizing that I didn't need him. I didn't want him anymore.

As I looked around my small, cluttered bedroom I realized that sleep was a long way off, so I decided to take a quick walk to clear my head. Charlie was already asleep for the night, so I quietly slipped out the back door and headed for the path behind my house that led into the woods.

Maybe it was because Edward had told me to never go in the woods alone. Or perhaps I just wasn't thinking clearly after the stress of my rendezvous with the Volturi, and barely escaping Italy with life.

Whatever the reason, I found myself walking down the very same path Edward broke my heart on all those months ago.

As I strolled through the dark forest, I felt my anger rise as the faces of the Cullens and the Volturi flashed through my mind. I was surprised at the depth of my anger toward these vampires.

I had reached the same fallen tree that I sat on during one of my walks months ago, so I took a seat and continued to pour through my thoughts.

After several minutes I could not escape the feeling that I was being watched. The hair on the back of my arms and neck was standing on end.

"Edward?" I called out, uncertainty coloring my voice.

Suddenly my eyes were stabbed by the flash of a blinding white light. As the light dimmed, there standing before me was a seven foot tall, luminescent being. He stood tall and proud … no doubt he was royalty wherever he was from. He was pale … very pale and his eyes were reminiscent of gathering storm clouds. Upon his head sat a crown. It was not unlike those worn by the pharos of Egypt. His beauty far surpassed that of the Cullens.

I was rooted to the ground. Every instinct in me told me to run … run and never look back. But I couldn't. There was something … familiar about this being. Our eyes connected and a warm smile graced his face.

"Isabella …" he said with a fondness that seemed out of place, considering we'd never met before. Or at least, that's what I thought.

"Do … do I know you?" I squeaked.

His smile grew wider at the sound of my voice. "I am Osiris."

No freaking way.

I sucked in a sharp breath. "You mean ... from like Egypt?"

"Yes, Isabella. I am Osiris—God of Life, Death, and Resurrection … and your father."

I find that I'm already shaking my head. "No, you are mistaken. I know my father. I've known him my entire life," I answer, trying to convince him just as much as I seem to be trying to convince myself.

"It was almost nineteen years ago … the last time I physically came to Earth in human form. I met a beautiful, young woman. Her name was Renee."

I gasped uncontrollably, bringing my hand up to cover my mouth. The traitor tears were flowing freely now, as I tried to gather my bearings.

"How? Why?" I sputtered, grasping for answers.

"I cared for your Mother very much. When I learned she was with child I did everything I could to try and find a way to extend my stay on earth. But my … responsibilities did not allow such a thing to come to pass. So, I watched you from afar. I've watched you grow into a beautiful, young woman. I'm so proud of you, Isabella," he said as he leaned down and placed a soft, loving kiss upon my forehead.

"There is something you're not telling me," I said, knowing that reunion aside, there was more to this visit.

He let out a long suffering sigh. "You are far too observant for your own good, Isabella."

"So I've been told," I added with a nervous chuckle.

Osiris smiled fondly at me and continued, "You need to understand something. Since you are my daughter, this means that you are not completely human."

I choked on the water bottle I'd been sipping on. "I'm not … human? Yes I am. Trust me, I'm nothing but human. They would have told me if I—" I stopped, having caught myself, but It seems Osiris already knew what I was going to say.

"You think that if you were more than human the Cullens would have informed you?"

I nodded, but the confusion on my face must have been evident.

"I've been watching over you, Isabella. I know all about the Cullens and what they are. In fact, that is why I am here … now.'

I searched his face, trying to understand the meaning behind his words. Sensing my confusion, he continued, "It was over three and a half thousand years ago—my greatest mistake. You see, Isabella, I created the race of vampire that the Cullens belong to. At the time I was trying to create a new ruling class here on earth. But the Cold Ones turned out to be a viscous sort. Animalistic and extremely strong—the humans didn't stand a chance."

Osiris looked down at me with a grave expression. "For over three thousand years, I've watch them multiply like rodents, bringing suffering to man-kind wherever they go."

His sullen expression suddenly changed to a victorious smile. "But no more! This is where you come in, my daughter."

"Me? What do you want from me?"

"You, my dear, are going to correct the mistake I made so very long ago. You are going to rid the word of cold ones."

I instantly scoffed at his statement. But when I looked at his face, I could tell by his expression that he was completely serious.

"How am I supposed to do such a thing. Vampires are invincible. I couldn't take out one of them, never mind all of them."

"Sweet, Isabella. I never said you will have to do this alone." Osiris then went on to explain to me the different types of supernatural species: Cold Ones, traditional vampires, Originals, witches, werewolves, and shifters. There was a whole world that the humans had no idea existed.

"Now," he said with appraising eyes, "are you ready to become who you were born to be? Will you willingly accept the destiny that has been laid out at your feet?"

"What … what if they are good people? You said all cold ones must be eliminated. What if they're good?"

"My sweet, caring Isabella, you've always had such a big heart. In fact, this is why I know you are the one who is meant for this task. You will judge fairly. As God of Life, Death, and Resurrection, I will be imparting you with the ability to offer deserving Cold Ones a second chance at humanity. If they so desire, you will have the power to revert them back to their human form."

I was slack-jawed. "H-how?" I stuttered.

"You shall see for yourself. That is … if you accept."

At that moment, I felt a wave of determination course through my body. I wanted this. I wanted to have purpose … for my life to have meaning again.

"I accept."

As soon as my words reached Osiris's ears, he smiled and looked upon me with such pride, I felt as though I would burst from the emotions. I looked on as he brought his wrist to his mouth. His fangs extended, and he bit down. The blood quickly welled up and ran down his hand and into a golden chalice. I could only watch Osiris in rapt wonder.

Once the chalice was half full he looked to me and said, "Drink, my child. Once you finish, you will fall asleep. However, when you awake, you will no longer be human."

I looked at Osiris, and then shifted my suspicious gaze to the chalice that he was offering to me, and then back to Osiris again.

"What exactly will I become when I awake?"

"You will become exactly like me, Isabella. You will be a class of vampire unto yourself. Your speed and strength will be unmatched. You will be truly immortal. Nothing of this Earth shall ever have the power to destroy you. Even The Originals themselves shall consider you their superior. For all intents and purposes, my dear daughter, you shall become an original Vampire Goddess."

He went on to explain what I should expect upon waking. For example, he explained the art of compelling, and how it could aid when I needed to feed. "Compelling allows you to feed without taking lives or exposing yourself, dear." I nodded, understanding that if used properly, compelling allows us to feed in a safe, humane way. Osiris went on to explain to me that sunlight and stakes would have no effect on me. I wouldn't need to be invited into a home, and I would have the ability to compel any and all vampires that I might encounter. "Trust your instincts upon your awakening, Isabella. You will know what to do when the time comes," Osiris reassured me.

I reached for the cup in Osiris's hands. Taking hold of the chalice with my shaking hands, I took an experimental sniff. I was half-expecting to faint once I got a whiff of the all too familiar rust and salt smell, but to my surprise, the blood smelled of dark chocolate.

I put my lips to the cold chalice and drank deeply. As I handed the chalice back to Osiris, I felt a strange warmth spreading out from the center of my body, radiating out to my finger tips. Soon, my eyelids began to flutter as they kept getting heavier and heavier.

"Goodbye, Isabella, my daughter. Please know that I would stay with you if it were at all possible. But I must return to where I come from. However, I am never far away. If you concentrate hard enough, we will always be able to communicate no matter how far apart we are physically. "

Osiris bent down and placed a loving kiss upon my forehead and said, "Mystic Falls, Virginia. The answers you seek are in Mystic Falls."

That was the last thing I remembered before the darkness took me.

A/N – So, what do you think? I'd love to hear your thoughts/opinions.