
So first of all thank you guys for all the kind reviews and PMs you've sent me. My heart is pratically melted into a whatsit!

I've been wondering if I should really write a whole story... What d'ya think?

First question:Would you want to read a pre-Thomas one (how Minho and the OC get together and stuff) or one following the events of the Trilogy?

Personally, I'm voting for the last one at the moment. I have a lot of ideas (though maybe one day I'll just have enough like I do sometimes, and leave the story unfinished... That's the main reason I'm not sure about writing, I don't want to leave all you guys disappointed) for both. I feel like I should do the second version and I could always just write one-shots regarding the sudden ideas and moments they had shared which I think important.

Second question:Obviously, I'll have to name her if I'll do a story. I'm open to any ideas since I haven't figured out a name yet. Plase, if you have some names which are not too 'exotic' (I don't want to name her something like Acacia or stuff) but not too common, either (by common I mean typical OC names like Alex, Raven, etc)

You can write the answers in review or send me PMs, I'll be more than overjoyed! Don't be afraid of me, I won't bite. Hard. ;)

Thanks in advance and I promise I'll quit posting these stupid author's notes!

(Short announcement: yet another one-shot part 1 is up! You can find it under my user profile, named "This is war-" :))