Note: Don't own Hasbro's stuff, but I think these two make a cute couple. Enjoy the short story.

Bumblebee x Arcee

Deep within the Autobot base one day…

For weeks Bumblebee had been secretly working on a birthday gift for Acree. Well, he had known Acree for a long time (for about few thousand decades, give or take a few eons) and wanted to give something more than just a simple pat-on-back and say the customary 'Yep, you're a year older' when her special day arrived. Early in the Great War of Cybertron, all gift giving stopped due to the continuous fighting and it became considered as a waste of resources since then. However, gift giving had been an important part of autobot life and Bumblebee was determined to bring this tradition back.

"Actions speak louder than words," whispered the yellow bot to himself as he placed the last touches on his secret project. "When Cliffjumper's spark stopped, it broke Acree's heart. Maybe this small gift will remind her that I still care about her," mused Bumblebee holding the finished gift to the light. It (the gift) was a beautiful reincarnation of Acree's favorite Cybertronian flower called a Silver Cristal Bud. Of course, on Cybertron it was a living plant; not welded copper wire for the stem and colorful glass pieces melted into a heart like shape for the bud. Still, it looked almost real. Besides Raff did a great job helping Bumblebee get the parts needed from the town's junk yard. "I am glad to have Raff as my human buddy," chuckled Bumblebee, pleased that the flower came out so nice. Alas, he was so engrossed in his thoughts that he did not notice someone coming up from behind.

"Hey, Bee! What are you working on there?" asked Acree, as she leaned over Bumblebee's shoulder to get a better look at the object in his hands.

"Buzz, beep, blooop!" replied Bumblebee, his eye brows shooting-up in alarm as he quickly hunched over and held the secret project closer to his chest plate not wanting the pretty little two wheeler to see what it was. Her birthday was still one day away and the flower would not be a surprise if she found out about it right now.

"What? Not even a tiny peak?" laughed Acree, her face sporting a quizzical brow as she sat down next to him.

Being not able to speak with words had annoyed Bumblebee like an unreachable rust patch on his axel for a long time, and this conversation did not help him forget about it. "I finished Acree's gift ten seconds ago," thought Bumblebee, rolling his eyes. "And she just had to sneak-up on me now, why did I not see this coming? If I could just speak like everyone else, this would be no trouble."

Acree rested her elbows on the table and clasped her delicate looking metal hands together. "Can you at least tell me what's going on here?"

"Beep, whirl, whine."

"Oh, a secret gift! Who's it for?" cried Acree, almost jumping from her seat in excitement. She had not seen a real gift in a while, and had not given one to someone since the war. This news totally made her mind go into over drive thinking about all the possible questions that she wanted answered about Bee's gift.

Bumblebee did not say anything hoping Acree would just go away, and not press him about this.

"O.k. if you don't want to show me, then that's fine with me," said Acree, landing a playful punch into his nearest bicep. "But remember, best friends like us should not keep secrets from each other."

He knew what was going to happen, but Bumblebee still looked straight into Arcee's light blue eyes when she said that last sentence. "Whenever she looks at me with those eyes, I can't say no to anything she asks of me," thought Bumblebee feeling a blush coming on. "Acree, I wish we were more than just best friends. I just don't have the guts to say those three important words to you." With a sigh, Bumblebee straitened-up his posture and pushed the now not-so-secret gift towards her. "Is that what I think it is?" whispered Arcee, feeling her heart stop for a moment. The flower was so beautiful and its bud sparkled with such intensity that she could not bring herself to touch it. After seeing her hesitate, Bumblebee gently took Acree's hands and placed the flower in them. But, he was not able to look strait at the fem bot without blushing harder. He smiled and made a few sounds to say "This gift is for you, Happy Early Birthday!" Acree was in shock. "You remembered my birthday? And how did you know this was my favorite flower in the whole universe?" she thought, but could not get the words to come out of her mouth. "What does it matter anyway? Bumblebee is the sweetest friend a girl can have!"

Acree hugged Bee and gave him a light kiss on the mouth. "Thank you so much Bee! I will keep this with me always," she said beaming with delight.

Now it was Bumblebees turn to go into shock. "Did she just kiss me? Yes, she did, get a hold of yourself!" thought Bumblebee, shaking his head. He never thought his first kiss would feel so sweet and natural. Bumblebee was sure now that he was in love with Acree.

"Bee, I better get going. Jack wanted to go for a spin on the dunes before sundown," giggled Acree, detangling from his arms and standing upright. She took the flower and put it into her side compartment located on her thigh. "Again, thank you very much, Bee. I will never forget this gift," said Acree blowing a kiss to him, while patting the compartment once to close it.

This action made Bumblebee's spark melt down to his feet for a moment or two. She turned leave with a beautiful smile on her face and walked away feeling her heart become lighter than air.

He watch her go, wishing the hug would have lasted longer than it did. And another kiss would not have hurt anybody but, Bumblebee was glad that his gift to Acree made her so happy. Maybe tomorrow he will ask her out on a date to watch the earth's sunset together. But, will he ever get the courage to say "I love you" to that pretty two wheeler?