Hello! XD
Disclaimer: All Rights to Respective Owners. This is it guys. The Epilogue has come!
Yay but awwwwww..
Thank You for taking the time to read this Fiction. It has made me happy and I am saddened to finish it. I have more stories to update and Next year I'll write the Sequel/prequel thing.
Enjoy! :D
Epilogue: Union, Ghosts and Family.
Kaze walked there his front door, a disguised Harley close behind.
Seeing that she was still a wanted criminal in New Jersey, she had to cover up while out.
Setting his keys down on the marble counter, he guided her to the living room where Ryou was sound asleep, Bakura out of sight for the time being.
The Night made travel easier for Kaze, mostly sensitive to the sun during the summer.
Sensing Bakura returning from a hunt, he greeted him.
Bakura slid to Ryou, shaking her awake," Gem, your Father is home." He whispered to her.
Yawning, Ryou rubbed her eyes," Hello Father." The moonlight illuminated her pale skin, eyes practically glowing, although dim from her sleepiness, she was wearing her white night dress.
Getting up and trudging to him, she wrapped her arms around his torso," Where is Mother?.. I thought she would be with you?"
The cloaked figure grinned, stepping into the moonlit room," Hello Princess." She spoke in her Brooklyn accent.
"Mother!" She gasped, letting go of her father and hugged her mother dearly, having only seeing her twice for only 10 minutes at a time.
"I see who the favorite is." Her Father commented with mock hurt, playfully grasping his unbeating heart in despair.
Ryou blushed," Father... it is not to say .that she is my favorite.. She is not.. Not to say I don't love her… But," she struggled with her words.
Kaze grinned at her, fangs glittering," It is alright child. I was merely teasing."
Harley giggled behind her hand," Yeah. Your Father knew you'd be havin trouble. It was a joke. However, Ry-Ry. I believe it is best if we go to bed. Tomorrow is a special day, yes?"
Beaming Ryou asked the elf," You approve of 'Kura?!"
Humming thoughtfully," Well." She paused dramatically.
Looking around the room," Does he live with you?"
"Does he cherish you?"
"Does he….hmm...call you a name only he knows?"
"Has he ever hurt you?"
Ryou hesitated, "Yes?"
Narrowed blue eyes in Bakura," Has he apologized."
A complete one-eighty, "Fantastic! Yes I approve."
Smiling, Ryou turned to her now fiancé, he nodded and disappeared into the ring.
"Excellent!" Boomed Kaze.
"Now off to bed, Child."
"Yes Father."
Morning came by rather quickly, the draped in the house kept the rooms dark.
Although Ryou was only half Vampire, she was still sensitive and had to wear her enchanted necklace.
She wasn't much of a "sun" person, Unlike Yugi, who loved the sun or Yami and the Ishtars who lived in the sun. Jounouchi and Seto were usually off on the roof in the sun while Ryou usually, was always hiding in the building itself.
She was more often the one to be running to school before sunrise.
Her father too was apparently in the same situation as Yami, but in his hurry to find Harley and Ryou, forgot to wear his enchanted family rings and was forced to venture at night.
However, Harley was an elf and when the sun broke out, she was out in the yard by a tree, basking in the morning sun, and she stayed out until the resident vampires dragged themselves out of bed around 10 A.M.
Skipping into the dark house, she stopped abruptly and huffed, putting her hands on her hips, she pivoted on her toes and grabbed the burgundy drapes and pulled them apart.
There was slight hissing behind her, "Will you guys stop hissing like a bunch of stray cats!"
Walking past the two huddled family members, as Bakura had disintegrated the second the light entered the window, Harley served herself some cereal and sat down waiting for her overdramatic family to get up.
Grumbling Ryou glided in first, fixing her necklace, grabbed a bowl and ate her favorite cereal," Ohayo."
Kaze walked in regally as his protective fire element finally kicked in,"Buongiorno, Amore. Bambino."
"Good Morning!" She beamed at her undead husband and half living daughter," Anyways. Ry-Ry, I've been meaning to ask ya! When is tha wedding? I know that in Jersey, you gotta be at least 18."
"Oh, that's rather simple mother. Bakura and I will wait until I am 16. I will have my first hunt and then on my 18th birthday we will wed." Ryou happily informed her mother.
"Right! The first hunt is a sign of adulthood in the eyes of elder vampires." Harley exclaimed after remembering what Kaze had told her years ago.
Ryou nodded and the small family continued eating in the half lit room.
-Ryou's 16 Birthday-
Breathing heavily, the young vampire slid down to the ground, watching her prey.
Months of training with her Father and Fiancé, the youth was finally 16 and being tested.
The First Hunt was important in a young Vampires life, it would determine their place in the vampire community.
Although it was only her and her friends who were the known vampires in Domino City, Japan.
Ryou still had to bring in the biggest beast she could.
Hence why they were out in hunting grounds, waiting for her to bring back dinner.
They had backup food if she were to fail but she was not going back empty handed.
Changing at the beast, she snarled.
-Camp Ground-
Malik was attempting to scare Ryou's mother when a yelp cut through the night air.
Yugi and Malik screamed while Mariku, Yami and Bakura looked to the side, noses in the air.
Bakura closed his eyes and smirked after smelling the blood from his gem's attack.
"I almost taste it."
Kaze's eyes glistened over the fire, pride circulated with the green-red orbs.
Harley smiled gently at Yugi when the young girl attached herself to her arm in fright.
The bushes ruffled as a large body was thrown and a slim figure walked out, grinning from ear to ear, blood dripping from her extended fangs, there was also blood covering the top of her shirt.
They cheered and later that night, Bakura and Ryou became one.
Kisara was smug.
She was and she loved the satisfaction, the sadistic delight she got from the idiot finally get a clue.
After months of believing Ryou was forced into dating Bakura, Honda finally backed off and all it took was a glimpse of the video Harley had recorded. The sight of Ryou with a blood covered mouth and crazed red eyes standing over a forest creature, made him suddenly repulsed whether it was at her or himself.
His was so utterly defeated and on more than one occasion, he would try to talk to Ryouji, only to be rejected every time.
Kisara was really hoping that Ryouji didn't give in to his pleas too soon because he was a buffoon for not getting over someone when he was already in a relationship with another girl.
She knew that the poor DDM creator loved that spiky haired boy, but he was too blind to see her worth. Therefore he should suffer a little before she could take him back.
He was still hung up on Ryou, after only dating her for what? Three months?
Anyway, Kisara was currently in the shadow realm. And why you may ask?
She was looking Ryou's twin, she had seen her use the card before but not the spirit since at times the spirit and duel monster where slightly different.
Mana and Dark Magician Girl for example.
She was to help the young angel-demon hybrid create a body from the shadows.
/Where would she be?/ Pondered the BEWD.
Flapping her wings, she soared through the purple sky and found an area inhabited by Ryou's Monsters.
There she was!
She stared up into the darkness, waiting patiently for her sister's friend to show up.
A Blue Eyes White Dragon.
/Oh. There she is. Wow, she's so pretty!/ gushed the twin, looking at the massive creature with gleaming scales.
A white light surrounded her and a girl was in her place.
She had long white hair with slight blue tone, she was wearing an off white peasant dress.
"Hello. My name is Kisara. Are you Amane?" She asked her.
Amane nodded," Yep! How do you know my sister?"
Kisara smiled," Ryou is going to marry my younger twin, Bakura. She had sent me here to train you so that you can stay with us in the land on the living."
"Oh... That's wonderful." The blonde girl gushed," That sound just like Ryou! She must have been worried."
"Haha yes but she understands the dangers of spirits traveling to earth if they have no preparation."
"Are you ready to begin your training?" Kisara asked Anane.
Nodding, Amane answered," I'll do anything to see her again."
-Two years later-
Ryou was eighteen now and as wearing a simple lace wedding gown, standing the altar with Bakura in his black suit.
"Si, Bakura, prendi Ryou come si sono legittimamente sposati moglie?" Kaze said in Italian.
"أفعل." Bakura replied in Arabic.
"Si, Ryou, prendere Bakura come si sono legittimamente sposati marito?
"私がやります." Ryou answered in Japanese.
Kaze grinned," Then with the power vested in me. You May now kiss the bride."
Bakura drew his wife close to him and captured her velvet lips.
Ryouji clapped as cheers erupted from the guests, Malik and Mariku being the loudest, Yugi being a close second and Jou was loudest clapper.
Grandpa Moto was next to the screaming Yugi, Yami, the ever quiet man sat on the other side of Solomon. He may not like Bakura but a union between lovers were always a time for celebration.
Mokuba and Shizuka were recording and snapping pictures along with Kisara. The white haired spirit was accompanied by a blonde spirit.
Amane whooped, jumping up and down in her flower dress," BANZAI!"
Her blonde hair was in an elegant bun, now falling apart from her energy, tapping her green heels on the floor, she couldn't wait to hug her sister. She will never get over the fact that they were together again. For much more time than before.
Looking at her mother, the two blondes shared a smile, "He has made her so happy." Spoke her the older woman.
"He has."
Ryou wrapped her arms around his neck, feeling his semi-messy hair as his own limbs tightened their hold on her waist.
'Finally.' The snowy haired duo thought, smiling into each other lips, drowning out the crowd.
(Aishitemasu) She whispered through their link.
He answered her by deepening the kiss.
(احبك ايضا)
احبك ايض=I love you too. I used Google Translate.