(A/N- Alright so this is the beginning of another one of my stories. I thought about writing this when I finished watching all of the Star Wars movies and figured why not right? So anyways here you go I guess! Also know that if you like this story then not only should you keep reading this story but you know follow it and stuff!)

Disclaimer: I do not own Naruto or Star Wars

Naruto of the Jedi Order CH 1

Setting Naruto Universe Valley of the End

It was the Valley of the End a place where two godlike ninjas had once fought Hashirama Senju and Madara Uchiha. Now standing on either statue of the two legendary ninjas were two genin powering up their most powerful attacks.

Standing on the statue of Madara Uchiha was Sasuke Uchiha who was in the level two curse mode and was currently charging up his Chidori.

Opposite to Sasuke was our blond hero Naruto who was in his one tail mode due to the nine tailed Fox sealed inside of him when he was a baby. Naruto stared at his rival with determination in his eyes as he charged up a Rasengan in his right hand.

Once both were done charging their respective techniques they lunged at each other saying the name of their attacks.



As their attacks clashed a dark circle began to envelope them. Both of them not caring about what occurring around them just struggled to beat the other in this final move. It was only when they became encircled by the strange energy did one of the techniques win out.

"Ah!" yelled Sasuke out in pain as he was sent hurling away from the strange energy that was now glowing and destroying the landscape around it before it finally stopped and in a bright light vanished with our hero still inside of It.

Setting Naruto's Mindscape

Naruto suddenly found himself in front of the cage that contained the Kyuubi but for some reason there was a man standing in front of it as well. Curious as to who he was and how he got in here Naruto made his way over "Hey who are you and how are you in here with me?" Naruto asked when he was close enough to the man. When the man turns around to face Naruto he noticed that the man looked like an older version of himself just without the whisker marks on his cheeks. Naruto was even more surprised when he remembered the man's face on the Hokage Mountain as the Fourth Hokage.

"Son I am sorry for all the pain that I put you through by making you the jinchuriki of the Nine Tails." The Fourth said as he looked at his son with the most sincere look on his face showing that he was truly sorry for what he had done.

Naruto was about to pass out as he just mumbled out why the fourth Hokage was calling him son. To which the Hokage just smiled "I'm calling you my son because you are my son. The son of the Fourth Hokage Minato Namikaze and I couldn't be prouder to say that as I have been watching your life and I've watched you endure much more than anyone should have to endure but yet you were able to become the fine young man before me." Minato said as he put a hand on Naruto's shoulder.

After Naruto shed a few tears he finally decided that it was time to stop and find out what was going on as the fox should have said something by now "dad while it's great to see you why are you here now and where is the fox?" Naruto asked his father as he was clearly confused as to what was going on.

Hearing Naruto's question he got a sad look in his eyes as he looked at his son straight in the eyes "I'm sorry son but you're going to die soon. That's why Kyuubi isn't here because he escaped when the seal got weak and I'm here because I put a part of my chakra inside the seal so I could save you if the Kyuubi ever tried to take over your body by rebuilding the seal."

"So what happens to me now?" Naruto asked in a voice that showed he was desperately trying to keep calm about this whole matter.

"I'm not sure son I have to go back with the death God now but whatever happens know that your mother and I love you." Minato said as a tear fell down his cheek and he began to fade away.

Once Minato was gone Naruto stood in the middle of the room with a smile on his face when suddenly he began to scream in pain and everything went black.

Setting Star Wars Universe in Naboo's Palace

The newly elected Queen Padme Amidala was taking a walk through a hallway wearing what looked like very elegant blue dress. It was when she was walking through the hall that she saw a ball of light energy appear and destroy some of the area around it. Yelling for help Padme took a step back as she heard the noise of her bodyguards getting closer. Before the body guards arrived Padme watched as she made out a figure inside the ball of light that looked like a boy. She then became even more surprised as it looked like the light energy was entering into the boy. When it was all inside the boy he fell to the ground in a crater that the energy had created.

Seeing that he was hurt Padme rushed over to boy who she could now see had blond hair. Once she had reached him she rested his head in her lap as he began to slowly regain consciousness.

Naruto thought that the world was spiraling around him and that he was experiencing the worst pain in his life but one thing he knew for certain was when he opened his eyes he saw the most beautiful woman in the world. As he continued to look at her in wonder he noticed that she was currently yelling at someone but he couldn't hear her 'Probably because I'm in so much pain ah damn it hurts to even try to move!'Naruto thought as he was now struggling to keep conscious.

Feeling the boy in her lap start to move she turned away from her body guard who she yelled at to get help immediate to see his blue eyes staring up at her. Seeing how intently he was looking at her she had to fight down a blush that was appearing on her face.

"I'm Padme Amidala... who are you?" she asked him.

Naruto came out of his trance of staring at her just in time to hear her say what her name was and was able to say one thing before passing out.


Later at Med bay

"Is he going to be alright?" Padme asked with a surprising amount of worry in her voice ' why am I so worried about him? I just met him. Ok relax Padme just relax before anything else we need to find out how he got there and why.' Thought the queen as she looked over to the doctor "how is he will he be alright?" Padme asked him to which the doctor just smiles

"Yes he will be quite alright in fact his injuries are healing faster than I've ever seen before on anyone my queen" replied the doctor as he looked back at Naruto who appeared to recovering from severe exhaustion now" in fact he should be able to leave by tomorrow at the earliest." He said later doctor as he looked back Padme who seemed relieved that the boy she had just met was going to live.

"Very well when he is better please send him to my throne room I would like to speak with him." She said and then left the room.

Next day noon

Naruto had just opened his eyes when he was blinded by the white light' 'maybe I'm in heaven and that girl I saw earlier was an angel' Naruto thought to himself as his eyes adjusted to the light. As he looked around he saw what at first thought looked like some type of doctor.

"Hello there sir I have been your doctor for the time you were hospitalized and I was told that when you woke that you must meet the queen in her throne room." the doctor said in happy voice that another one of his patients had recovered wonderfully.

"I see but um where are my clothes if you don't mind me asking?" Naruto said as he stretched out his muscles.

"Ah…about your clothes. You see the thing is they were pretty destroyed so we threw them away." the doctor replied in a casual tone.

"What! So what am I supposed to wear then!?" Naruto yelled in shock.

"Don't worry sir while you were asleep I picked out some clothes that would fit you" said the doctor as he pointed to a set of clothes on a chair and chuckled finding the boys reaction quite funny to him.

Few Minutes Later

After a few minutes Naruto came out of the bathroom wearing the new clothes and all in all he was happy with them even if they had no orange but what really made him smile was that when he put his hand in his pocket he felt his headband that he had gotten from Iruka. Thanking the doctor for not throwing it away the doctor simply replied that it was the one thing that was not destroyed and that it seemed special to the boy.

Not knowing where he was Naruto decided to tie it around his right bicep since he figured that he was going to be starting a new life but still wanted something to remind him of his old life. Turning toward to the doctor he asked where and who the queen was. To which the man simply answered that the queen's throne room was on the highest floor and that the queen was the one to find and save him.

As Naruto made his way up to the top floor he was very nervous since the person who he had just though was an angel was actually a queen and that meant that she had to be very important and that he would have to repay her for saving him. When he entered the throne room there were several guards in the room holding strange weapons that Naruto had no idea what they did. He made his way up to the woman in the chair who he presumed was the queen but something felt strange to him.

"Hello I am queen Amidala and I would like to know who you are since you did come out of nowhere" she started but that was as far as she got as Naruto felt that he needed to intervene.

"I'm sorry to cut in and I don't mean to sound threatening it's just that I was told that I was saved by the queen herself and I can tell you're not the queen" Naruto stated and as he looked around he saw everyone in the room visibly tensed until one of the hand maidens stood up to speak.

"I am Queen Padme Amidala. I apologize for the deception but I hope that you will be honest with us since we are as well" she said as she stood in front of him without any fear that he would threaten her.

Naruto smiled at her and thanked her for being honest with him when he started his life story and how he got here except of course he left out the part of what he thought when he first saw her.

When he was done Padme was the first to ask him for a demonstration of his skills to which Naruto agreed to but as he did what he always did when he used chakra something felt different to him as if it was something else completely...

(A/N- Ok so that's the end of my first chapter tell me how I did and if you liked it then please favorite, follow, and review if you have any comments or questions. I will try to get Chapter 2 up as soon as I can!)